• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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He never saw it coming. The glaring high beams and blaring honking wasn’t enough, and it never would be.

Marcus thought this would be the end, that he would finally have a place. But fate…well, it’s pretty finicky, especially when it comes to death.

Speaking of Death, there she is.

She wants what?!?! Infinity stones?! In exchange for what?!

Well now she’s got Marcus’ attention.

Inspired by Harmony Charmer's The Cake Batter Incident
Special Thanks to Wolven5 & Unamusedwaffle for Editing.
Cover Art made by MCShelster

Featured: 12/18/22 O_o
Featured: 12/20/22 - 12-22-22 O_o AGAIN!!!
Featured: 1/06/23 AGAIN!?!?!
Featured: 9/18/23 again!!!! WAHOO!!!!
Featured: 11/26/23 - 11/27/23 Again!? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!

Chapters (15)

Be warned. This is your story.

It doesn't have a happy Beginning, and it'll take nothing short of a journey to Change that. But this is how life in an early Kingdom of the Formless started for you, and how it will eventually End.

The conceit and ire of a time. The origin of madness. The fires of yesteryear. And sacrifice.

This is your tale. Brought about by one tragedy. You are Fated to fight against it. To do what you must. To love, and be loved. To see what we can't with Blind eyes.

I'm truly sorry, for this is the very start of your bout.

All in order to live free and to save all of your kind.

This is a prequel to A Kindled Change. It details the events that happened before the original 2012 version of that story. Chronologically, this is the first story in the three-part saga.

The absolutely stunning artwork was commissioned and created for this story, made by the artist Skyeypony on DeviantArt. If you're so inclined, feel free to give her some support on there too. Her gallery is full of amazing work!

Chapters (4)

Just as his life finally began to bloom, death was far too eager to snuff Psalms to an early grave.

But, it was not meant to last, for Higher Powers called forth all who were worthy to aid in the coming Holy War.

Psalms has been deemed one of the worthy, and was bestowed the gift of new life to serve as the Guardian Crusader for a world he is all too familier with.

Co-Author: dannny43
Cover made by:Little Tigress
This is a Twilight X OC, and it will feature Christian themes, self harm, and profanity.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess

With the Summer Sun Solstice around the corner, it means the time as come to cover one of the most renowned, and culturally important works of the last two decades- 'How to Pony.' By Idol Hooves.

Join us as we follow a class's journey into these renowned books that have helped many creatures around the planet become the best they can be, and how the author's own experiences helped create this wonderous book series.

Note: While this story is listed as sequel to my Idol Hooves Spin off, it will borrow from all the side stories created by Vdrake and fans alike. Think of it as a Breath of the Wild situation were everything is basically canon, but not canon.

Cover art belongs to Vavacung's comic: Changeling-Scout comic.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Stars Revolt!

A continuation of the universe established in "The Stars Revolt", and a reboot of "Hands", Andrew Shepherd is trying to live a normal life as the local Ponyville alien.

Unfortunately, he's in Equestria.

Cover art by Sipioc.

Featured?! Thank you so much!

Chapters (52)

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain—but not just any villain; no, he wanted to be a Necromancer.

He had always been obsessed with reading fiction stories about the forbidden practice of Necromancy, and much to his delight, his cutie mark spelled his unavoidable destiny as a member of his oh-so revered profession!

But Necromancy is extremely taboo, and very illegal. Equestria hadn't even seen a genuine Necromancer since the times of the fabled Nightmare Moon.

Substituting joy for dread, Light Flow knew that he would have to hide his especially special talent at any cost. Whether in his daily, mundane life as a bookish nerd, or in the heat of extreme danger.

Good thing he doesn't have any friends, right?



I have deleted the old AN in favor of a new one.

Hello all! If you don't know me, then good! I'm a stranger, and it'd be weird if you knew who I am!

This is my first story, and basically my first experience writing something long-term. To that end, the beginning of the story is a bit rough, but I grew as a writer somewhat significantly as time went on, so it doesn't stay quite as bad!

The story itself has somewhat wavered from goal to goal as I argued with myself about what I wanted from it, though I eventually managed to settle. In its current state, it's mostly managed to stick to a strange blend of comedic tragedy interspersed sporadically with magical jargon and slice of life.

An added warning due to justified complaining: this experience can be very subdued. Not for the easily bored or angered. Personally, I tend to use Background Pony as a benchmark for a person's capability to withstand words.

Prepare yourself for lots of rants and barely coherent plot-threads! :pinkiecrazy:

Also i'm an idiot who probably tagged wrong.

Also i'm a bad person who stole a Jargon Scott image for the cover. (And then a wonderful person named Adin Terim edited it <3)

Chapters (72)

This story is a sequel to Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

Apple Bloom is an undead ghoul, but that's OK. She's finally come to terms with her condition, and is determined to rise above her curse.

Sweetie Belle is a robot, but that's OK. With manual in hoof, she's prepared to learn everything she can about herself, and whatever the future holds.

Scootaloo is a changeling, but that's OK. Changelings are citizens now, and she's ready to do her part to show the world changelings can be friendly too.

Together, the three of them are getting by, one day at a time. They may never get their cutie marks, but that's not going to stop them from having fun, finding their talents, and maybe even going a week without causing massive amounts of property damage. Maybe.

Meanwhile, Babs Seed is still blissfully unaware of the unusual destiny that awaits her, Diamond Tiara is slowly finding her place in the world, and Ponyville is still the weirdest town in Equestria. But then again, what else is new?

Edited by Bahamuttone

Cover Art by someone close to me IRL who probably doesn't want anyone to know she made pony art.

Chapters (26)

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M in the castle of the two sisters heck even I've read a bunch of them. They were always my favorite with a normal guy trying not to get blasted by rainbows for having the same body as some villain.

But never thought that could happen to me!

Now my hair is on fire, I'm most likely 6 years old and this castle I woke up in looks an awful lot like a certain one that located in the magical land of Equestria.

But that's only fiction right?

Well if there is one positive thing about this...I got to keep my hands.

(level 4 anthro)
Previous Cover art from my friend Sonata Dusk951 Send him some Love :heart:

Now with Editors HeBogin and The-Hidden-Fox :heart:

:yay:(IT HAPPENED AGAIN SQUEEEEEE 21/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(AGAIN WOOOO 23/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(10k VIEWS 25/01/2021):yay:

Chapters (24)

Seven years before the events of the fateful Summer Sun Celebration, Anon asked simply for sugar. Said sugar unintentionally and accidentally turned into a marriage proposal. Intertwining him and the Sun horse as husband and wife. Should he correct this misunderstanding or just roll with it?

Cover Art by - JetXPegasus

Will contain bits of gore/violence

Featured: 11/20/2022

Featured: 11/24/2022

Featured: 12/1/2022 Third featured?! Wow! Thank you! 🙏 :raritystarry: :twilightsmile:

Featured: 12/15/2022 Fourth featured?! Thank you so much! 🙏 :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy:

Featured: 12/22/2022

Featured: 3/22/2023

Chapters (7)

Disturbances in the magic of Equestria causes rifts between worlds. One unlucky hiker stumbles into one such rift and finds themself in a new body and in a new world.

Chapters (25)