• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Total Words: 47,695,807
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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After finding an alicorn filly in the Uppercastes and having everypony she knew turn against her, Lucky Favor makes it her mission to take the filly across the lands of a pre-unified Equus to reach a safe haven in Equestria. But first, she has to hire a housecarla for the job. Who better than this "hyoo-men" she's heard so much about, and who just might be the first one she's met who does not want to kill her and the alicorn?

This story takes place in the RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) universe and has been converted to prose from its original greentext state.

On hiatus for extensive rewrites.

Chapters (9)

Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (63)

A shipgirl in MLP

What we have here is a very annoying Plot bunny which never went away. All because the main character of Worm and a destroyer from WW2 share a name, then for some absurd reason my head says yeah! That’ll definitely work in my little pony. I can’t just let it be a standard destroyer though Worm has tinkers which could do cool things to the warship right? So what if there is little to no fighting in my little pony. I want a flying super destroyer which could probably blow up Malaysia.

“Sorry Taylor, the truth is. The game was rigged from the start. Gate!” Contessa shouts as a Gate open up just in front of Kelphri.

Taylor Hebert post GM

Chapters (50)

A draconic creature is brought back to the land of Equestria with a bad case of amnesia. But when he comes home, the unfortunate history between ponies and dragons is revealed. The girls are met with their most difficult, dangerous, and emotional challenge yet.

The story takes place after the events of 'The Ending of the End' from season 9.
This is my ending to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapters (4)

I don't know what I am, but I know where I am. Equestria, magical cartoon utopia. A place that's basically a dream come true.

So why is the only thing I care about finding another drink?

Art by ExoticEon

Featured June 4, 2021. Thanks y'all!
Again on June 17!
Also August 17
And August 26
And October 17
And so on and so forth.

Chapters (23)

I woke up as Princess Celestia and I have no clue what to do. Somepony get Twilight!

Goodness, I'm already a pretty decent Celestia, aren't I?

That'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Rated Teen for mild language and some pervy humour


O-O I actually made it onto the featured list. 8/30/2021

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling

It hardly feels like any time has passed at all since the Changeling Kingdom was merged with Equestria. Tirek has been defeated, Twilight has become the official Princess of Friendship, and Starlight is now on the run, yet the Changelings are still the hot topic on everypony's minds.

You'd think that, with this show's track record, the transition would go over smoothly, right?


Join Mandy, Chrysalis, Mothra, Thorax, Pharynx, Coxa, Hyaline, Deagus, Frons, Imago, and Ozadene as they learn the in's and out's of friendship.

Chapters (11)

The Pyramids assault has left the whole of Humanity in a state of panic and dread. There are not enough NLS Drives that can get all the Guardians everywhere fast enough to stem their unrelenting assault. That's where the Drifter came in, with his newest cobbled together death trap: the Paracausal Engine. It's a simple idea, utilize the paracausal energies of Light and Dark to make ships go faster, what could possibly go wrong? And best of all he knows just who to test it.

This is my first attempt at writing a proper story in years, and the first that uses either of these franchise. I hope I do them both justice, and I hope you enjoy reading this silly idea of mine.

Chapters (19)

Dou·ble (/ˈdəb(ə)l/)
adjective: Consisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things.

noun: A person who looks exactly like another.

Chapters (12)

~~~ FEATURED ON 3/14/22 ~~~

A year ago, you got up from your couch to grab a drink, and vanished. At least, that's what you assume people back home think. As it turns out, a one in a trillion cosmic mishap landed you face-down in a land full of magical talking horses and friendship.

You've settled in to this new world as best you can, but what are you supposed to do when familiar feelings begin bubbling toward your best friend, who happens to be one of said talking horses? Join her on a road trip, of course!

Oh, and maybe share your feelings along the way.

CONTENTS: Anon, Romance, Feels, Kissing, General Sappiness, and An Adorkable Alicorn.

Chapters (6)