• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Set ten years after the events of Fallout: Equestria, a near-adult colt is forced to help save his home when the quickly-changing wasteland comes to the Palomino in force. Be it warlords, crazed motor-junkie raiders, or an unstoppable tide of mummified ghouls, the odds are ultimately against him.

This is my first-ever long term project! I've been a fan of Fallout: Equestria for a while now, but I never had the time to write something lengthy for it. That changes today.

Fallout: Equestria is written by Kkat. Go read it!

Chapters (3)

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and possibly find some answers for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. How will they deal with this? And what will Sweetie Belle do now?

Sex tag is there for innuendos and references to the act in later chapters. There will be no clop.

This is a crossover with the show Danny Phantom, and a side story of Guilt of a Phantom. I would suggest reading that story first, as this story will interact with the main story from time to time. Especially in the beginning of this fic, as it will start after certain events at the hooves of our three fillies.

And click: The Baltimare Incident for the story that happened before Goap and SS, GoE.

Read them in this order.
1. Guilt of a Phantom.
2. The Baltimare Incident after the chapter: Hunting the Hunter's Hunter. Earth.
3. Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria after the chapter: The Day the World Looked Pink-ie Pie.

Chapters (33)

Starlight Glimmer finally graduates from Twilight's Friendship Studies program, and is told to find a student of her own! Twilight recommends going to a new planet, inhabited by "He-you-mains". She tries to make a friend, but finds something more! Will the "He-you-main" accept the Magic of Friendship? Will Starlight succeed in finding a student, or will she find a special somepony instead?! Learn about Starlight's adventures with the "He-you-main", and see how Neurodiversity is Magic!

Sebastian99 is my awesome proofreader!


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Chapters (32)

Accessing Files... Accessing...
File Found.

Name: Anton Ilario
Troop Number: #35863756-878
Location of Birth: Elysia Secundus, Elysia Prime
Date of Birth: 2.456.922.M41
Unit: 158th Elysian Drop Troopers
Rank: Trooper (Field Chirurgeon)
Previous Campaign: N/A
Current Campaign: Second Offensive against House Lysimicus forces on Veyland Sinestre.
Status: MIA (Believed KIA)

Leaving File...
Imperial Thought of the Day: Suffer Not the Alien to Live.

Chapters (43)

Cover art credit to Erie!

Waking up in unfamiliar places is nothing new to Logan Carabel. However, getting arrested by multicolored ponies in another world is a little new to him. Being far from home without another human in sight, Logan is forced to make connections with those around him to find a way home. But when he finds out he's not the first human to enter Equestria, he has hope. If there's a will, there's a way, and he's willing to do anything to get home.

Princess Luna, on the other hoof, has just returned to her role as Princess of Equestria upon her freedom from the Nightmare. But with her weakened state, she's unable to do much. Lost in the memories of the past, she may just be the key Logan needs to get home.

Chapters (1)

The following story takes place in the Equestria at War universe. It contains no real spoilers for any nation, and does not require any prior knowledge of EaW to understand. Enjoy!

Though Queen Chrysalis knew that changelings could live almost anywhere, she was still surprised to hear about an isolated island nation of changelings on the other side of the world. This was quite the interesting development, as she was currently waging war with Equestria.

She had wondered if these foreign changelings might be interested in helping with her subjugation of ponykind. Though she had long since dissolved her diplomatic channels due to perceived incompetence, Chrysalis wanted to send some form of emissary to ask them to aid her cause.

And thus she sent one of her spies to visit Greneclyf, the island of harmonious changelings.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Second Princess of the Night

With Twilight and Ruby Sparkle settling into their new positions as rulers, they oversee the transition of the bat ponies to their new home. But now that two of the Four Shepherds have appeared, Equestria must prepare itself for the rest. The next Shepherd will be unlike Sombra or Night Walker, as he threatens not only Equestria, but the kingdoms of the other races as well. Awakening from his mysterious slumber, he will carve his way across the land, intent on regathering his unwilling army. But before he manages to travel to the edges of the world, he will leave a parting gift in his wake to Rainbow Dash and four other ponies he chanced upon. With her life forever changed, Rainbow Dash prepares herself for her new fate, as well as finding her place among the ponies that share her future.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Guardian


This story is a sequel to Guardian and the novella Doom Slayer


Oh holy Seraphim, firstborns of the Light, keepers of heaven, earth, and the souls of men. . .
hear thee now, the words of our final oath. . .

On the day when evil should darken the skies of paradise.
On the day when all hope has fled.
On the day when wisdom, love, and friendship are not enough.
On that day when you are most alone.
Call to us.
On that day, when the shadows lengthen, and when despair eclipses all light, WE shall hear you. . .

Where wisdom falters, we shall bring destruction.
Where compassion fails, we shall bring ruin.
Where hope dwindles, we shall bring wrath.
And where evil treads. . . we shall bring death.

This we vow oh Seraphim. . .

For our number is Legion, and our name. . . is DOOM.

Chapters (13)

Thousands of years ago, there was a war for Hell, not a civil war, but an invasion from another realm, this realm was only know as The Warp. From it, 4 self proclaimed gods sent waves of millions of chaotic beings called Daemons, creatures born from the most pure form of Chaos, hellbent on destroying everything their masters ordered them to.

Arachne, together with many realms that were connected with Hell, tried to defend against this onslaught, but they failed and Arachne herself was captured, tortured, corrupted and twisted to serve her new lords. However, before she fell, she used her life-force to activate 6 powerful, ancient amulets, forever locking her destiny, she proclaimed that when the Night King freed her from her doomed destiny, 3 would rise against the Dark Lords, freed from their corruption.

That happened a thousand years ago.

Hello there everyone, first time writing here on Fimfiction, so there may have a few spelling errors, which can be slightly aggravated as English isn’t my first language

Here I will be putting extra characters that will appear on the history:

1-Nighmare Moon

Chapters (3)

Rick, a very enthusiastic human, meets Twilight, a curious pony who wants to know his name.

Rick isn't having any of it.

A shitpost written in a hour. Will be updated semi-regularly to springboard me into writing actively. Criticism appreciated, except from Mike White, because he's above this story.

Edited and inspired by FamousLastWords.

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio! (Currently CH1 & First part of CH2)

Chapters (16)