• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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This story is a sequel to A Second Chance

A lot has happened to Meteorite over the years since she was unceremoniously thrown into existence by her author. Even if she has spent a lot of that time trying to both stay out of the way and undermine said author...

Fictional retells the original story of Meteorite as she recalls her experiences to her now marefriend, Rarity. Her first days in the world of Equestria, her encounters with the other ponies around her, and her desires to ruin her author because she's clearly up to something nefarious because oh my god who even seriously writes self-inserts?!

Fictional was started back in 2011, but had been abandoned since. Eleven years later, I'm determined to finish it, even if I have to release it in parts at a time.

And as a sequel.
That's actually a prequel.
That's actually the original story.

Chapters (27)

(If anyone takes art commissions, I'd like to request actual art for the cover art. Flit Wing is a Changeling character I made in Ponytown)

A face of sorrow hidden behind the mask of deception - Flit Wing - a lost changeling found refuge in the quaint town of Ponyville, and has been living a quiet life among the ponies there. During his times in this new town, he's made friends, a strong contrast to the hardship of the hive life - a life he refused to return to. However, among ponies is not where he belonged, or so he thought.

After months of living in disguise among ponies, and having grown so close to them, it began to dawn on him that after what his kind did, there's no way they'd accept him for what he truly is if they were to catch wind of it. However, that's the least of his problems as word gets out of changeling sightings. They couldn't have possibly figured him out, could they? Or is there something more going on...

Chapters (1)

You are an avid enjoyer of MLP:FiM, despite the show having ended a number of years ago, and Princess Luna, to you, was always best pony. One morning, following a long day of work and an even longer night of drinking, you find that very same lunar goddess helping herself to a warm shower. In your shower. In your home.

Sex tag for naked Luna and probably going to be implied stuffs later on. No actual sex, sorry.

Featured: 05/13/2022 thanks guys!

Chapters (2)

Everything was going well for Queen Chrysalis of the changeling Swarm. She had fooled the ponies completely and the barrier that blocked her swarm was gone. Victory was all but assured as her changelings descended upon the helpless city of Canterlot.

Yet, even after all of that, there would be no victory for the changelings. A barrier of pure love would repel the invasion and bring about the end of Queen Chrysalis’s great swarm. With what fleeting magic she had left, Chrysalis attempted to slow the barrier's expansion in a desperate attempt to allow her swarm to escape.

She succeeded, but at a terrible cost. Magic drained, wings gone and chitin cracking. The only thought that went through her mind as the renewed barrier launched her through the air at close to the speed of sound was how she hoped her sacrifice was not in vain.

Then she hit the ground, and the Queen was dead. Her life ended as her broken body collided against the sand of a faraway desert. Yet her journey would not end here, for the Gardener had chosen her, and the Queen would live again.

Now armed with a strange companion and power known only as ‘the Light’ a new mare, devoid of her previous life's memories, must find her place in the world before her past returns to finish what they started.

Still takes place in Equestria not on earth
Tags will be added as the story progresses
A Destiny Crossover. Knowing the lore is not needed to understand this story. I was very meticulous about that. Everything you learn, you learn with our Chrysalis.

Chapters (2)

What senses do you use? And how often do you use them? Which one do you think you use the most? The least? If you had to choose one to enhance? One to give up? Sometimes, you don't get the chance to choose.
Glassy eyes leave one crippled but, maybe there's hope in the form of telekinesis.

This story is simply about a blind filly's start in life. Though, she's not all that she seems...

Chapters (63)

Celestia travels to a far corner of her kingdom to investigate a rumor about a colt with strange, illicit cutie marks. She meets Radish Root, a boy whose marks make him an anomaly in the fabric of Equestria, a mystery to himself, and an outcast among society.
When Radish joins the Royal Guard just prior to the return of Nightmare Moon, he finds his life being complicated by all the changes coming to Equestria. His marks will lead him into adventure, intrigue, and trouble... but will they ever lead him to answers?

Proofreader: Slavenger Karl
Cover Art Gallery
Table of original characters
A reader is translating this story into Spanish. Check it out here.

Chapters (129)

Twilight Sparkle rules Equestria as the new sole monarch.
Three years have passed since her coronation and the kingdom had enjoyed a time of relative peace under her watchful eye, while she and the rest of her friends went on to live their own separate lives without losing contact or forgetting their friendship.

But even with everything running smoothly, in the world of light there will always be a shadow that lurks beneath. The ancient darkness of Equestria, which was believed to be a little more than a fairy tale and known only by those whose lifetime transcends the Two Sisters, is about to re-emerge and has found itself agents through whom to execute its will.

Will the power of friendship be enough to stop the darkness, when there is no light to take its place?

Art cover done by Sky.

Chapters (77)

After a mysterious frost falls over the lands of Equestria, ponies are forced to flee to the Far North to escape the eternal winter. There, around several coal-powered furnaces called Generators, they may generate enough heat to guarantee the survival of ponykind and civilization among the snow and frost.

However, as the temperature drops, and their situation becomes increasingly desperate, the ponies of New Ponyville must make the hard decisions.

What is the worth of a foal's life?

What lengths must be taken while facing starvation?

What must be sacrificed in the name of survival?

Where is the line between leader and tyrant?

There is only one wholistic truth among the howling winds and biting cold: The City Must Survive.

Based off of 11bit Studio's "Frostpunk"

Cover art found here: https://derpibooru.org/images/2816269

Chapters (16)

Oblivion Shadow is a master Witcher of the Wolf School. A contract on a Leshens head brings him to the edge of the Northern Realms to answer a call for help. The fight starts off as normal. A second Leshen attack leaves him fighting on two fronts. The Witcher is able to escape, or so he thought when a sharp pain in his back leaves him waking up in Equestria. He is taken in by the Apple family, who treat him as one of their own. He is welcomed by the ponies of this world and he must learn how to accept that or risk upsetting a balance that he did not realize he was a part of. The question he has to ask himself is how does he get back to his world? Or does he even want to go back to a world that is fraught with war and drowning in hate and rage? His senses tell him that monsters from his world are in this new one but he can't seem to track them down. Could his world be bleeding into this one, and how bad will the damage be? He follows the Mane 6 and learns through them what it means to be a friend and a brother.

Featured: 8/12/2019
Featured: 5/9/2022
Featured: 5/18/2022
Featured: 6/19/2022
Featured: 7/17/2022
Featured: 8/17/2022
Featured: 2/28/2024
Featured: 3/7/2024
Featured: 3/28/2024
Featured: 4/2/2024
Featured: 5/4/2024

Chapters (117)

With the barrier broken and the Monsters free, Asriel Dreemurr is apprehensive about what he knows is coming. He won't be able to maintain his form for much longer, and is afraid of no longer being himself again.

Then, a mysterious figure offers him a deal. A second chance, an oppurtunity to redeem himself... but the figure chooses where he gets that second chance.

Not wishing to become a Flower again, Asriel takes the chance, and is transported to a whole new world of magic, wonder, sights no Monster has seen, and of course, the magic of harmony and friendship.

And into whose hooves does the figure send him the young Prince to? Why, the hooves of someone else who has been given a second chance, and seeks to redeem herself and make up for the mistakes of the past. None other than the Princess of the NIght, Luna herself.

Come along as the young Boss Monster does his utmost to make good use of this second chance, and along the way, find family in a land far from his own.

Awesome cover by Cyaneworks over on Furaffinity~!

Has a companion story right here, Hopes and Dreams at Canterlot High

EDIT: (Featured *numerous times, seemingly now after each update lol*)
Thank you thank you thank you aahhhhhh you're all amazing

Chapters (11)