• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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An American soldier, dedicated to his country, who has seen and fought in many wars, seeks out a way to escape his war ridden world and finds a new one. A planet free of death and wars. Where friendship, harmony and peace were plentiful. Or so he had first thought.
He came to the magical world of Equss to escape war, but now finds himself needed for it once again.
But this world was different. This time he could do something to truly stop evil. But that requires power. Power he will claim. Even if he has to shake the very foundations of Equestria to get it.

(Takes place before Luna/Nightmare Moon's return.)

[embed] https://youtu.be/qWgRZrqjGSc [/embed]

Chapters (20)

Magic, the most forbidden art. Only nobles are allowed to learn from the great wizards and witches, and only from special schools set up by the state. For commoners, learning the mystic arts is nothing but a dream, a fantasy that many strive for but none achieve.

With one exception: Stalliongrad. The great, northern city boasted more magic schools than any other, and among them, the only one that accepts low born ponies. It's a dangerous trek to get there, and even more dangerous to simply stay in the frozen city.

Twilight Sparkle, however, will not be stopped. Destined to become the archmage, destined to sit at Princess Luna's side, she will not be stopped.

After all, Archmage Twilight Sparkle has a nice ring to it.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness

Second season of the adventures of Dusk Shine, with more characters, more villains, more drama and more romance

Chapters (33)

Applejack, the dependable and honest operator of Sweet Apple Acres, finds herself overwhelmed with chores after Big Mac and Sugar Belle get married. Sure, she can ask her friends for help, but that is only a temporary solution, so the farmer starts to look to the classified section of the local paper to hire some day laborers and get caught up.

But Help Wanted takes an interesting turn when Applejack finds an advertisement for mail order husbands, and both Rarity and Rainbow Dash are keen to assist with their friend's pitiful love life...


Cover art by Sipioc

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Lunatic Fringe

After her success as the Princess of Detention, Luna has a half-baked plan to become the Princess of Home-Ec. Life, it seems, has other plans, and she is sent to retrieve a foundling. On her errand, there are lessons to be taught and some others to be learned. But, is Luna the teacher or the student? 

Chapters (4)

Commissioned and conceptualized by Venerable Ro
Cover art by Jowybean

In another time, in another world, a dragon's egg is a rare treasure, one that can shape the fate of nations. In a desperate bid for possession of one, two opposing powers send it tumbling through worlds, where it inadvertently lands in the possession of a young filly named Twilight Sparkle. Now, rather than being raised at the center of a war, a dragon named Saphira gets the chance to grow up as the youngest member of the Sparkle family, with all the privileges that come from being directly under Princess Celestia's tutelage... and all the challenges, as well.

What kind of place will a dragon from another world make for herself in Equestria? Only time will tell.

A crossover with the Inheritance Cycle, specifically Eragon.

(For commission info and prices, check here, check out Patreon, or contact me directly via DM!)

Chapters (7)

As a middle-aged unicorn stallion working day and night in Cloudsdale as an artist, everypony knew I needed a vacation. And that was just what I thought I was getting until fate decided to play a cruel trick on me and give me anything but a relaxing vacation down by the sea by introducing me to someone who would change my life forever, under the sea.

Hope you like it, I kind of needed a break from my other story.
Comments and criticism are greatly appreciated and help me make the story better.
Cover Art Used (I erased the words)

Chapters (2)

What happens to a human when they die? Do you ascend to Heaven where you will live without worry? Or are you sent to Hell where you must suffer for the sins you committed while alive. Or maybe your reincarnated into an animal. Well no one really knows, if we did their would be no need for so many ideas of what happens.

For the mercenary Angelus Sombra, he also wondered what would happen to him. He sure as hell wasn't a good man, but he did some good deeds in his years. But like most things in life, things didnt go as planned. Instead of letting him find out what happens to those who pass on, He is instead sent to a world that is unknown to him. A world who's problems are going to be his own. Now he must try to find a way home while trying to blend in with the locals who can somehow use magic and fly. But with the sudden "changes" that he got to his body, that might not be a hard as he thought. But at least he won't be doing it alone, as the biggest problem that this world has is stuck in his head and is constantly trying to take over his body to "claim what's rightfully his".

"All you have to do is submit shadow. Once you do, we can rule a kingdom of our own."

"For the last time. FUCK OFF!"

(Warning: Humanized ponies)

(Cover art from Mr Tech.)

February 25, 2021: thank you all so much for enjoying my story.
March 31, 2021: once again, you all have help me get featured, thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Chapters (13)

Formerly known as: "Unexpected Adventures in the Life of a Changeling"

Zach was an average guy with an average, boring life. He went to work, paid his bills, and partook in what escapism he could get from videogames.

When he wished he could get something more out of life besides videogames and dead end part-time work, he didn't mean being transported to a world based on an old cartoon show that he was a fan of five years ago.

He especially didn't mean being turned into a ravenous, emotion eating, horse-shaped, insectoid.

Now he has to figure out how to live life as a Changeling and navigate an Equestria that doesn't seem to follow along with everything he remembered from the show. If he's lucky, maybe he can find a way back home, or at the very least, figure out how to "bug-pony"

Chapters (10)

When a changeling thrown from the Royal Wedding loses the ability to store love, how can he survive?

Chapters (1)