• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Unchanging Love

The explosion of love from the defeat at Canterlot hit harder and reached farther than any changeling expected. Firefly felt the effects as much as any, but she also gained something wonderful and priceless from it. Though this gift brought her a kind of joy she had never expected, she fears one question more than anything.

What trials will she and Fine Roast face when the invasion's inevitable fallout reaches them?

Big thanks to Cursori, SigmasonicX, Dogman15 (Chapters 2-5), and Ghost Mike for editing.

Amazing cover art by Pridark.

Friendly heads up. Beware the comments, they may contain spoilers!

Chapters (18)

Somewhere in the multiverse, there is a bar. It's small—the kind-of a hole-in-the wall place which you might find open late at night while walking down the streets of Canterlot City in the 1920's.

But unlike most bars, this one is not actually there… or rather, not where you think it is.

The entrance to Sunset's Isekai will be found in passing; an archway made of stone, emerging from a wall that you could have sworn had nothing there before, and in fact seems impossible to actually lead anywhere.

There, a door of solid oak—lovingly worked and stained to look almost golden-red—with a thick, crystal version of Sunset's cutie mark at eye level awaits visitors under the soft light of a gas lamp.

This door opens to all worlds, and can only be found by those that need that drink to be just the right type of different.

Note: This fic is best read like nursing your drink - Don't rush it. Enjoy each flavor for what it is. Don't mix it all up by reading it one chapter after the other in one sitting. It's intended to (mostly) work in a way that each chapter can be read without having to tackle through the rest of the story. (Also, for the last time, the concept for this is NOT based on Restaurant to Another World or any anime.)
You can visit the official Group HERE
List of Bar Regulars & Staff (will be updated if needed)

ART & Previous Covers:
Year 1 Cover Art by Dalorance
Gwen and Freya having a conversation
Cover Art 2 by Borba

Chapters (110)

Fluttershy is a normal pony living a normal life. Sure, saving the world once is an achievement, but other than that she was content with the life she has.

But when she finds two abandoned changeling nymphs, her life is quickly turned upside down. Now she cares for young two creatures she knows nothing about, and they don’t seem to trust her.

She is determined to give them the best life that she can.

Edit (Aug. 8th, 2021):

TN, OP now has an editor! Thank you to Helping Hoof for helping me with my work.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger

In the year 2258, Randolph Edwards, captain of the Arrow 18, was stranded on the planet when Luna saved him from an explosion. Though his life was saved, he had lost his legs, and any chance to get back home any time soon.

After extensive research to ensure the proper parts won't fail, selecting a group to send, and training said group, Global Space Agency has sent a new team to the mysterious geocentric planet and retrieve Captain Edwards.

The Arrow 19, like it's predecessor, is lacking a proper crew count. With the majority of the funding going to making sure the systems didn't cause a catastrophic failure, the funding for a crew was low. Thirteen is far from a proper crew, but it's more than the predecessor had.

It has been 4 1/2 years since Randy last saw another human, and is excited about being able to go home.

This is the unofficial sequel of Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger by AdmiralTigerclaw. In need of cover art.

Chapters (3)

A promising member of the royal guard, and Princess Luna's aide, was helping his two Canterlot Princesses with a personal favor involving their old home in the Everfree Forest. After a rather weird encounter with an unknown being, the royal guard codename 'Aero' discovers that he is now alone in the forest.

Later on, he also realizes that something very strange is going on.

Especially with the mares.

Set during Season 6, after "The Crystalling" Part 2 (from Aero's perspective).
RGRE [Reversed gender roles Equestria] (From Chapter 2 onwards)

Cover Art by Riouku.

First featured 01-12-2021. (That was really fast, to be honest. Thank you guys.)

Chapters (14)

The story is on a prolonged hiatus. It will be updated again, but the date is uncertain.

Maria is a simple girl living in a quiet Russian town. Her life and where it would go was already decided by her parents and the society. She always wanted to get away from this but didn't know how until a mysterious wish granter shows her a path. Little did she know how it would turn out - on the night of her birthday, after she makes her wish, she is transported to Equestria and turned into an alicorn.

Her wish for a different life will certainly turn into more than she could ever expect.

Cover art uses Canterlot Throne Room by mattbas and sitting Celestia also by mattbas

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Boosty! Joining any tier will grant you two updates a week alongside already posted updates that aren't yet on fimfiction.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Utaan

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

Cover art by Dafaddah

Chapters (302)

This story is a sequel to Rust In The Breeze

Coming back to Ponyville after 'dying' was quite a challenge on its own. Things did not go as planned as Ryan made some interesting discoveries since returning that have curved his path. However, he does not intend to simply abandon his former mission. He came back to make amends and right the wrongs of his past and he intends to do exactly that. Now though, with the added responsibility of raising a daughter he didn't know he had, as well as working out the issues that still lie between himself and her mother, this trial may end up being a lot more interesting than he initially thought.

This story picks up shortly after the ending of Rust in the Breeze, with Ryan now ready to face his challenges head on and no longer hiding from the rest of the world, as well as having accepted himself for who he truly is.

FEATURED: 12/12/20 (You all sure didn't waste any time...Story's only been up for like 27 minutes...)

Chapters (4)

Celestia didn't want very much. She was happy to spend her youth learning how to farm with her adoptive father. She was happy learning how to cook from her adoptive mother. She was happy to play hide and seek with her little sister Luna, and stare at the stars with her on those warm summer nights. But when the world began to freeze with unnatural snow and ice, and the pony tribes began to go for each other's throats, Celestia's world is undone, and all she wants is to protect her little sister, no matter what.

But between ravenous snow spirits, superstitious ponies, and the machinations of those who would use them for their own ends, Celestia will struggle at every corner. Matters only become that much harder when her little sister begins to hear a voice in her dreams, calling her across the frozen wilderness with the only words Celestia remembers her true mother saying.

"Rise and shine."

A special thank you goes out to my editor, Chromio.

It is best to read this story with Night Mode turned on.

Chapter and cover art were all made by me.

Chapters (25)

An ordinary person has tragically lost his life during his time of being in an unwanted city. Since then, his soul's been reincarnated for not one time, but sadly 10 times of each bodies as his unfortunate life grew worse and worse, including of dying at the young age. Before his tenth body would die from a cruel death, an unexpected ally has saved his life and flung him to a ritual portal. Hoping this poor soul can finally find peace for the first time instead of whatever hell he's been through. Although, how long will his peace last when his dark horrifying past would soon arrive in Equestria?

(An RGRE story.)

Extra characters; Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, Cadence, Spitfire, and others.

Chapters (2)