• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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A few years after Luna's return it seems that Equestria will finally know an era of peace and appears to be on the verge of a new renaissance. Ponies are blithely happy, as they are often.

Luna is recovering, and happier than she's been a long, long time.

Celestia is miserable. She's faced with unexpected changes, like always. It never really mattered until she was faced with something (or rather somepony) she wasn't sure if she could cope with, and everything that came with him.

Now, it feels like she is watching the world fall apart. Her world.

Book One of the Strange Future arc. Thanks to NorrisThePony for proofreading and editing help! There are also unmarked spoilers in the comments. Content warnings are for discussions, themes, and 'off-screen' events. Contribute to the TVTropes page! The lovely art is by Rocket Lawn Chair but it has been edited by me. Old cover art by Alumx may be found here. Find the previous arc here!

Chapters (18)

For Queen Chrysalis, the end seemed near. Defeat after defeat at the hooves of her enemies had left her tired and desperate while her army of once thousands reduced to a mere several dozen. Surrounded, it seemed that utter defeat was inevitable. But she was a proud changeling queen, she wouldn't go down that easy. She still had one last trick up her hoof. A Portal...to another world. And through that portal, she entered a world of new wonders, of new dangers, and to her surprise and utter shock, a world of giants.

For Rick Mason, life was alright. He had a nice house, a decent job, and two awesome dogs. What else could a guy ask for? Tiny talking alien bug horses? ...Well it's not like he wasn't asking for them.

Amazing art was made by: xxkrutoy

All references, mentioned or otherwise, belong to their owners respectively.

8/30/20 Featured?! Well I'll be, thanks a bunch folks! I really appreciate the love.

Chapters (11)

The new guy at work isn’t a guy or even a human. Can a pony even do construction work?

Rated teen for profanity and innuendo typical of construction workers. Construction workers will mock literally anything in good fun without meaning any actual ill intent.

Written for Admiral Biscuit’s Working Ponies “Not-a-Contest”.

Incomplete tag because I have no idea if there’ll be another chapter, but there’s a non-zero chance.

Cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/silvervectors/art/Dust-Devil-318551424

Chapters (3)

What defines a monster? Being different then others? No, everypony is different in their own way, So is it an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening? No, instead, a monster is a thing you don't understand. The lack of understanding causes fear, and with fear, hate is born. Thus my garden, my forest. For they have forgotten the 'monster' that still takes care of his forest. My forest, the Everfree forest.

Though in all my years I have never seen what lies before me. A bug? a pony? perhaps both. Maybe time will tell.

Chapters (13)

Jakob is a quiet man trying to raise his daughter in peace. He is haunted by the loss of his wife many years ago. The choices of his life have led him to this point, leaving him in a state of constant contemplation.

He once shared an adventure into a new world filled with colorful equine-like creatures. His wife waded in among them, embracing their offers of friendship, leaving him bemused in her wake. Gladly he followed her through all the joys and pains, the peace and the conflicts.

Now, all that is left are the memories of a love that once filled him, and the daughter that was the result of that same love.

June is now coming of age to notice her father has a serious problem. He is lonely and she intends to do something about it, but how?

It begins with a single, magical candle and a touch of meddling from the Alicorn of Love.

Art by Corina Chirila.

Edited by Chapter 13 and TuxOKC.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to A Fading Tradition

Despite all of Pharynx's rage, the grouchy lovebug still is mentally trapped in a cage.

A struggle between acceptance, grief and dismissive tendencies is all Pharynx has left when it comes to the ever-changing customs of his peoples. A rebellion is the last thing in his mind; fight his own brother? Blasphemic, the entire recorded Changeling history (barring Chrysalis) has never seen such civil conflict between one another. It's always been united under one banner, one Queen.

But now, Pharynx is left a bitter shell of what his usually grouchy shell used to be. It seemed that the Ponykind is left dawdling with teachings of friendship and peace, and it's eating his people with them. Assimilating. Conquering.

Until Her.

The cover is here.

What's the T-rating for? I don't really know! Maybe for some language? Or a little dash of violence? Sure, let's try it out.

Chapters (5)

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome Queen of the wasteland.

This started out as an exploratory idea, that patrons requested more chapters of and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of adding onto this story for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (49)

“In every generation there is a chosen one. One mare who will stand against the demons, the monsters and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.”

Bon-Bon never asked to be a monster-killing secret warrior of the night. It's a lonely life in which she cannot afford to get close to ponies. After previous losses took their toll, she has closed off her heart and dedicated herself to never letting herself love anypony ever again.

Then she is sent to Ponyville.

Then Twilight Sparkle is sent there too.

Then Princess Luna returns from the moon.

Not to mention that darn unicorn neighbour Lyra won’t leave her alone.

And suddenly everything becomes much more complicated.

Chapters (14)

A man wakes up with no idea what is going on, but one thing is sure, he is not a human anymore.

Featured 03/25/2020, 03/26/2020, 03/27/2020, 03/28/2020, 03/29/2020, 03/30/2020, 05/24/2020


Chapters (7)

It is the third year of the Crystal War, and Equestria’s future is in doubt. Maintaining air superiority is the difference between victory and death. But the war has taken a heavy tole on the Equestrian Air Corps, who are forced to send greener and greener fliers into combat. Many of these “new bloods” won’t survive their first battle.

Even the legendary Wonderbolts are forced to field fliers fresh out of Basic. When they arrive at the Front, it’s down to the veterans to get them ready for the horror that awaits them. Veterans like Master Sergeant Lightning Dust.

War has made Lightning Dust cynical, jaded. These bright-eyed recruits are the last thing she wants to see at the Front. But they need her to survive. And maybe, just maybe, she needs them too.

As this story contains graphic imagery of war in certain chapters, I am placing a link to the Veteran Crisis line here, as well as links to the national suicide prevention hotline and a list of international hotlines. There is no shame in needing help. In fact, it is courageous to ask.

This story takes place in the same canon as The Tab, but neither are required reading for each other.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Chapters (3)