• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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The daily lives of the royal princesses, often times is pretty simple. Wake up, raise or lower their celestial bodies, hold court, meetings, sleep, and repeat. Oh, and dealing with their infuriating nephew! Overall, things aren't all that easy for them but it's manageable and mundane.

But when an innocent wish came true, both sisters are now facing a new Blueblood. One that can be considered better, yet for some reason, this version seems to have forgotten how magic works and keeps looking at the world like a newborn baby.

So what happens now? Did their wish actually come true? Is it some sort of act? Has he been replaced by a changeling? And what does this new Blueblood mean for Equestria?

Only one thing is for sure, shenanigans will appear and a lot of ponies are about to spit their coffee. Look out Equestria! There is a new Blueblood on the loose, and this one might actually be worthy of the title 'Prince'.

The 'Romance' tag is for events that happen later on the chapters

Commission by: https://www.deviantart.com/estefanoida/art/Masked-Man-Rotation-781069129

SirReal ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/238433/SirReal )
Sipioc ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/222170/Sipioc )
AvidSeason ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/185717/AvidSeason )
RadBunny ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/70640/RadBunny )
Brony_Falcon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/156110/Brony_Falcon )
YellowBastion ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/61468/yellowbastion )
Brave Stomp ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/55493/Brave+Stomp )
Arstotzka-Pon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/302802/Arstotzka-Pon )
FlashBoltMayhem ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/118466/FlashBoltMayhem]FlashBoltMayhem)
Nocturnas (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/292418/Nocturnas)
Kit The Kite (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/29208/Kit+the+Kite)
Thank you so much for giving me a hand!
Initials in the chapter titles denotes who to thank/blame for the majority of the edits in that chapter.

Now with a Russian version!
Link: https://ficbook.net/readfic/8253964
By: Mariness

I made this out of curiosity and intrigue, so there is no need to take too seriously. This takes place during season 8 before Spike got his wings.

Rated ‘Teen’ for language, mild violence, and graphic depiction of cuddling. Ratings could change at any moment depending on how the story progresses.

Chapters (135)

After thousands of years inside a pocket dimension, the Crystal Empire returned to the Frozen North. Mere moments after a purchase at comic con, a man was sent to a magical world of mythical creatures as Skeletor. After a short amount of time, the Displaced Skeletor stumbled his way towards the Empire. What happened next? Well, only time would tell.

(I don’t own squat except for the story.)
(Not part of the Displaced multiverse.)
(It is HIE Costume)
(We've got Fan art!)

Chapters (49)

First of all, you might want to know about this story.
Already know? Well, let us say that this is a Sequel for it. The current author for that story seems to be dead and I know that continuing the story without their permission is bad so... A SEQUEL but mostly a time-skip on their childhood. Basically, we're back to around the time before Nightmare Moon eventual escape and yada-yada-yada, you all know it already so... Here you go.
Edit 15/06/2019: Featured at the bottom of the Featured box on the first hour after posting! WOW, I did not expect that...
Edit 12/08/2019: Featured once more, thanks!

What happened if you are destined to be a mirror of someone’s power, a mere copy of themselves? Both in power and intelligence, the only difference is that you lack that someone’s appearance and identity? You could literally say that they are different as the day and night.

Well, Twivine can relate to that.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Wish

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension, living quietly, and avoiding being seen by the human eye. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her.

That said, consciousness is me, Alex. I woke up one day, only to discover that I had turned into a pony, but I didn't turn into just any pony. I became a pony known as Lauren Faust, the mother to Celestia and Luna. Now I’m living in the Canterlot castle; I have a bunch of royals acting like children, changelings running around, and an ancient alicorn prankster stuck inside my head. All I can say is things get a little hectic.

Prequel is an optional side story.

Rewrite/Return to FimFiction.
You can find the original story HERE

Big thanks to STTPStudio for creating a reading of this story.

Chapters (11)

When the Plunder Vine outbreak finally seized thanks to The mane 6s sacrifice to give up their elements, Equestria once again was safe, or so they thought. When Twilight saved the tree from becoming drained, a amount of magic was drained from her to the point of Temporary hospitalization.

When rumors of a Doppelganger Twilight Sparkle was spot running around using magic to spawn Plundervines and to vanish. Twilight is tasked to try to reason with this pony who goes by Twivine Sparkle, Unbeknown to Twilight something dark lingers in the background, and Twivine desire for power seems to match this source.

Will Twivine follow the path of Light and go on the side of Friendship, or will Twivine become a bigger threat to the Nation?

Twivine Sparkle belongs to DashieMLPFIM, aka, Delta Brony, all credit of her creation goes to him

Chapters (1)

Working at the front desk of a hotel has numbed Kaia to the variety of guests, at least until the ponies arrive.

Written for the Passports and Portals Not-A-Contest

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (6)

A modern-day explorer gets his chance to visit Equestria, and writes down notes about the interesting ponies he meets and the stories that they tell.

Chapters (20)

Discord's the only creature in Equestria who can recognize the human for what he is -- not the long-lost Seventh Element that never actually existed and couldn't have existed before the human arrived, but a meta-reality warper, an entity far more powerful than Discord with the power to warp the minds of all around him and the very rules of magic to make sure that he's always the Big Hero. And the role the human's assigned to Discord is the Villain to beat down or kill.

Pre-reform Discord's fine with being the villain. But on his own terms. Not dancing on some alien interloper's puppet strings.

Without friendship, or even allies, Discord's going to have to find a way to defeat a creature who can alter fate itself and who can even mind-control him. Or he may just end up worse than dead.

Art by Tenchi-Outsuno. Progress Bar at my writing journal.

Trigger warnings: Mind control (magically induced love, magically induced friendship, magically induced stupidity, Discord being Discord), noncon/dubcon (magically induced love, other forms of highly dubious consent), rape (female on male), violence/gore (mostly against Discord), literally everything in chapters 19-21, humans not being presented as unilaterally wonderful and superior to ponies and/or draconequui.

Chapters (26)

A college student who has everything go right in his life going for him. Sure the past few years have been hard with dealing with the disappearance of his oldest brother, later pronounced dead. Then a few months ago his other older brother up and vanished as well. With no current leads, he decides to continue looking for his brother in his spare time while also continuing on the path to becoming an astronomer. On his way home stop at his local comic shop and after buying a set of anime DVDs his oldest brother had recommended he is thrust into an all-new world of magical technicolor anthro ponies.

Featured at number 9 on 03/10/2021

Chapters (27)

Long story short, I was a brony. I woke up one day to find myself in Spike's body. Dream come true, right? I'm in Equestria, I could interact with my favorite ponies, etc.

Well, as it turns out, I just happened to wake up right at the beginning of Season 1. Which could only mean one thing: I can change the future of Equestria. I could solve problems prematurely, prevent disasters from happening, and keep Twilight from going insane.

So now, my mission isn't to hug my favorite ponies, but to make sure everyone gets a happy life.

Chapters (103)