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Springfield's dullest and fattest nuclear safety inspector was just watching TV mowing the lawn one day, when a mysterious portal to another world sucked him up and dropped him off in Ponyville. Now Twilight and friends have to barely tolerate help Homer fit in, as Equestria undergoes mysterious changes.

Featured Story

Chapters (9)

(Button Mash x Babs Seed) (Semi-Anthro)

Button Mash is an unpopular, videogame loving dork who is regularly picked on in school. Babs Seed is a new transfer student and a fierce brawler who doesn't take any lip from anypony.

One day, Babs meets Button in the hall on the way to class. Or rather, sees Button on the ground with three others above him. After scaring off the offending ponies, Babs helps Button to his hooves and walks with him to class. After that, the two become fast friends and start to get to know each other...

Short episodic scenes based on a series of pictures by Gordonfreeguy. You can find his tumblr here.

Chapters (9)

Retiring as Colonel of the Equestrian Air Force, you figured the rest of your days would be spent sipping a mai-tai by the beach... Not wet work. But after Queen Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, traitors are a plenty and the Princesses need someone they can trust... Someone like you.

So welcome to the world of espionage and counter-intelligence.

One of my commissioned works in the development. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (11)

Sequel To Somepony Special

Everything seemed perfect for you. Good friends, Amazing parents, And of course the filly you loved.
Scootaloo. But what happens when other pony's don't approve of your relationship? When you thought things were great, Your luck just might change. One small change could ruin life.

If you have not read my last story "somepony special" I advise you to read it before this. Or things some things will not make sense. Constructive criticism is wanted. If this gets good feedback then i will continue this! I hope you enjoy! Editing coming soon!

Chapters (9)

Two Trixies. One tires of her shows being nothing more than smoke and mirrors and wishes for real magic. The other just wants to be appreciated and accepted.

Each Trixie has what the other desires, so when they get the chance to trade places with each other, they of course take the chance. Will they truly be happy with their new lives, or will their exchange take a sudden bitter turn?

Chapters (2)

Because perfection is a key part of Rarity's work, Sweetie Belle often finds herself alone with nothing to do around Carousel Boutique. With no big sister to play with, Sweetie Belle takes it upon herself to find something to do. Not only does she find entertainment, but she also finds a very beautiful kind of destruction.

Thank you, electreXcessive, for pre-reading this completely innocent story.

Written for the 31shotober challenge! Don't forget to rate, please!

This story got a very nice reading by, TheLostNarrator. Click here to check it out!

So apparently this was featured at some point... Haven't the damnedest clue as to when though...

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, hardship might throw some light on what's really important, and it won't always be what you expect.

Indirect sequel to Melodious Desideratum.

Chapters (4)

You are a quiet and introverted musician. You dislike showing off your talent (for music or magic) but the opportunity of a lifetime arises, and going against your character, you accept. But when a certain grey mare enters the picture, you realize that you've gotten into more than you bargained for.

Chapters (31)

Long ago, before the banishing of Luna, Equestria was home to six races, not just three. In addition to the stewards of the weather, the earth, and of arcane magics, there were also the Changelings and their Queens, the harvesters, but not thieves of love, who spread it across the land, the Fel Ponies, those who guided the souls of the dead, and finally, the Noctus Ponies, or bat-ponies, who helped guard the night.

For a time, harmony between the six was maintained in full, but over time this once proud family grew distant. The Changelings became corrupt and greedy, and the Fel Ponies began feeding upon dark magic. The former left the lands and the latter were banished to Tartarus.

At that, only the Noctus Ponies remained... the strangest and most misunderstood of the three, due to their need for blood. A steady fear of them had always remained among of the populace, but with the help of Princess Luna, their reputation remained noble. However, when she became tainted by the Nightmare, they became tainted as well - at least in the eyes of the populace.

They were forced to flee. To hibernate for many years.

Now, two years after Luna's return, her, along with Princess Celestia and Twilight, have begun turning the wheels of change: their goal to unite the six races once more - starting with those who helped watch the night.

The minions of the night will return in full force.

Chapters (2)

Celestia thought that the next two weeks were going to be a nice get together with her niece and her sister, no irritating nobles, no magical end of the world nonsense, and most importantly, no Blueblood.

She did NOT expect a weird creature calling itself the Cuddle Bandit harassing her. Now Luna's in love and Cadence can't stop laughing.

.... Why can't her vacations ever be normal?

Thanks to Tstyson, MasterFrasca99, Astrocity, and Procket12 for all of the stuff they did.

A watchmen-ish silly fic by a silly, silly author. If your looking for a story with a plot or one that is well-written then read this one.

And nope, I'm not being sarcastic....

No, really...

Chapters (1)