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When Fluttershy finds a human in her backyard trying to eat one of her chickens, she and a majority of the residents of Ponyville only want this dangerous creature as far away from their town as possible.

After a less than stellar first impression, Derpy Hooves and the human struggle to quell the rumors surrounding his diet, and convince the townsfolk that he's harmless.

Will the human be able to make himself meek enough to coexist? Or will he be driven out of town with torches and pitchforks?

Each chapter is told from the perspective of a different pony.

Chapters (19)

The Mane-iac has a reason, a method to her madness, and one that will shock the Mane Si-er, the Power Ponies to their core.

Because it's not exactly evil, and aren't we all crazy when we're in love?

Chapters (1)

Time Turner has a plan. Go to Los Pegasus, enter a poker tournament and win money. It’s a good plan if you intend to cheat your way to victory. But this tournament also has other ponies willing to cheat as well, and they’re not going to give up that prize easily.

Then there’s another wrinkle in the grand plan. Cloud Kicker is also on her way to Los Pegasus in search of fun, and she’s found somepony interesting to follow. Somepony she still hasn’t crossed off her 'To Bang' list.

Despite his objections, Time Turner will need her help; because Los Pegasus isn't an earth pony friendly city. The seats can’t be sat on, the storm cloud oven wants to electrocute him, and it’s a long way down if you decide to step outside.

Set in Chengar Qordath's Winningverse as part of The Cloud Kicker Fan Club and Winningverse Group's anniversary month.

Chapters (4)

Hearths Warming Day is almost upon the village of Ponyville and no two ponies are more excited then Sweetie Belle and Button Mash. For the energetic gamer, it's a chance to get as many new games as he wants, but for Sweetie Belle she's excited because she'll be living a dream. After a year of saving their money, she and her sister are going to the Manehatten Hearths Warming Show where all the best actors, musicians, and performers play for one night only.

However, when disaster strikes leaving Sweetie Belle's dreams shatterd, Button resolves to help his best friend.

Check out the next story over here!

Chapters (1)

Twilight's parents divorced seven years ago when she was ten. She went to live with her mother while her eight year old adoptive brother went to live with their father. Now that she's seventeen and moved to Ponyville Spike is moving from Manhattan to live with her and their mother. Looks like Pinkie is going to make a new friend, maybe more than a friend.


Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

In a yard, all alone, a pony whiles away the time caring for the lawn and the roses. Roseluck can understand that, to a point. And she's determined to help.

First-place winner in the /fic/ write-off "Lost in Translation."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

And now featured by the Royal Canterlot Library!

Reading by obabscribbler, Present Perfect, Goombasa, and Reverb Brony.

Chapters (1)

Dragons. Big. Selfish. Treasure mongers. No other creature in Equestria is as selfish as they. The spend their entire centuries long lives building and hoarding huge stockpiles of treasures, which they guard fiercely and frighteningly. Many are the treasure hunters who've attempted to cash in on the goldmine that is a dragons hoard. They almost always regret it.

One dragon is actually really strange about it, however. Oh, he has a hoard, which he guards just as fiercely as any other. But! But, he actually has the capacity to trust certain ponies and other creatures enough to let them gaze upon his most precious of treasures. This isn't the most surprising thing, however, despite its seeming impossibility. No. The most surprising thing is just what treasures his hoard contains...

Cover image by Wildheart Wolfsong, used in a dramatic reading by Dr. Wolf.

Can now be read in Spanish here. thanks to Spaniard Kiwi.

Chapters (1)

I am not very fond of the episode Spike at Your Service. Really because Spike was turned into a complete idiot. I wanted to write something that was more respectful to his character.

Chapters (2)

After years of trying, Scootaloo finally discovers her special talent.
It's the worst thing that ever happened to her. She'll have to leave Rainbow Dash and all her friends behind as she's forced to go off and learn about her new talent... and then it gets worse.

The sequel, Choices Legacy, is now available.

As always, I adore getting comments about the story; the more specific and prolific the better -- negative comments included. Your comments help make my future stories better.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Many thanks to my team. I couldn't have done it without them.

Dialog Consultants:
Jacob Ellinger


Unimpressive Vagaries

Scootaloo Vector by MoongazePonies
Background and cutie mark by author
In-Chapter art by author

Chapters (10)