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Mario continues his adventure to collect the power stars to stop the Koopa King from taking over the Universe. His journey takes him to the world of Equestria where he will find unique challenges and make a few new friends. Mario's arrival in Equestria will spark an adventure his new friends will never forget.

The awesome cover picture is by Primogenitor34 from deviantart.

Chapters (12)

Earth has been reduced to dust and echoes. A scientist named Gordon Freeman must save it from impending doom. Dr. Kleiner recreates the teleporter, but with odd results. Very odd, and colorful results



Chapters (14)

Now with an audio reading by Scribbler. Check it out.

Bat Ponies have returned to Equestria following the return of Princess Luna from her 1000 year banishment.

While most of Equestria is slow to trust these strange night worshipping creatures, for one pony, it represents a perfect new avenue of study.

When a Bat Pony comes to live in Ponyville, Twilight jumps at the chance to ask him a few questions. What she didn't expect was the condition that came with those questions: That she let him take her out to dinner first.

Just a quick little story that kept on growing as it developed. The story was inspired by, and based off of a sketch image originally drawn by Jaxonian which was put up for adoption into a story.

Contains a small amount of blood towards the end of the story. Teen rating because of that.

Now with an audio reading by Scribbler. Check it out.

Chapters (1)

My name’s Marcus. Marcus Cortez. I’m currently a freshman at CUFTA. You don’t know what that means? Well, it stands for “Canterlot University for the Arts.” While it is a little unsettling to go to college in a completely different world from my own, and while being a human in a school full of mostly ponies is a little intimidating, I’m doing fine so far. I don’t have to worry about roommates, since I don’t live in a dorm. I live with my aunt.

Her name is Celestia. Princess Celestia.

You’re probably wondering how a human could be the nephew of a pony, and an alicorn princess, no less. Well, it’s quite the story.

In case you haven't guessed yet this is an anthro story, and my first time writing a story in first person, so we'll see how this goes.

The prologue for this story starts sixteen years prior to the return of Nightmare Moon and the story's main events take place after Season 3 ends.

The cover picture is an original drawing of mine.

Edited by danail24

Chapters (29)

Blueblood just wants to run his charity and be left alone, but High Society - and starry-eyed mares - have other plans.

He's not a good stallion, but maybe he's a better one than even he would guess. Now if only he'd stop being so cynical...

Chapters (10)

Pantheon, known as the Artisan of War by the governing bodies of every city on Runeterra, has fought in more battles than anyone can remember, slaying countless enemies with his mighty relic-weapons and unparalleled skill. A mighty warrior, Pantheon lives for the thrill of battle, revering combat in all its forms.

But Pantheon has a secret.
Deep down, he has always desired to leave the battlefield behind... to be a baker.

Due to the untested magic of a rogue mage, Pantheon's secret wish just might be fulfilled, and then some.


Crossover with League of Legends. Minor knowledge of the game may be helpful, but is not required.

Chapters (12)

First part: When Button Mash invites Sweetie Belle over to his place for gaming, who knows what will happen?
Parts after: The growing relationship of Sweetie Belle and Button Mash after that fateful house visit.
Time to pick up my pen.

Chapters (5)

In the Ponyville schooling system, story-time is represented by two seperate, yet equally important groups: The gangsta rapper who reads the tale, and the pony school children who are forced to listen to it. These are their stories... *Chung Chung*
--Rated Teen for cursing. A good deal of it. What did you expect? It's Ice Cube, for God's sake.--

Chapters (7)

Spike has always wanted to be a pony. It's a secret he as kept since his early childhood. After a fight with Rarity the little dragon says his wish aloud. And a certain chaotic being overhears and decides that Spike is need of a change. The best thing about it is there is no way Discord cannot enjoy the transformation.

Undergoing an edit. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Chapters (4)