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This story is a sequel to Shining Armor Follows His Muse

Shining Armor is a very happy stallion. Why shouldn't he be happy? He has a good job, good friends, and just a good life overall. Sure, it would be nice if Cadance saw him as more than just a friend, but that's a pipe dream. At least things are going well with his RPG group—especially now that they've been joined by a lovely fey mare named Musette.

Even better, Musette and Cadance are on the road to becoming best friends with each other. And really, why wouldn't they get along? It's not like either one of them could ever be interested in Shining, or would have any reason to not like each other.

Yup, everything is going to be just fine.

Chapters (2)

During the course of a sleepover at Ponyville Castle, it is revealed that neither Twilight nor any of her friends have ever kissed a stallion. Things quickly get competitive, and soon Spike, the only male within striking distance, is forced to run for his life.

EDIT: WOW! Already featured only a few hours after publishing 6/20/17! Thank you all!

Chapters (1)

After Rarity says something that breaks his heart, Spike snaps and storms out of her boutique. Leaving Rarity confused by the last words he said before he left. Discord appears and decides takes her on a little trip through time to show her how Spike really feels about her.

This story takes place during the events of Simple Ways and after the events of Twilight's Kingdom.

Edit: Cover art by dm29
Edit: Featured 8/1/14

Chapters (15)

You just want to be left alone. Pinkie won't let that happen. She's been there.

Lighter, fluffier sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/373623/youre-getting-better

Chapters (1)

Twilight breaks into Starlight’s room to figure out why she locked it.

Now she’s in, and regretting every second of it.

Reading by Steven1992 and Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Legends tell of the lost land of Equestria, once the home of all ponies. It is said that the Fire of Friendship was born there, and that the land was ruled over by four beings with brilliant souls and powerful magic. Gone are the glory days now. In this ruined world there are only mindless undead, ravenous changelings, and prowling, demonic beasts. The bonfires that keep the peace in the lands beyond Equestria are failing, and as the Fire fades, so too does the strength of nations.

Yet, perhaps there may still be hope. Perhaps, somewhere in the heart of that forsaken kingdom, there may still be a way to break this curse.

A Dark Souls crossover. Expect pain and misery.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (10)

Prince Blueblood. Last of his Noble line. Canterlot's most eligible bachelor. Aristocratic, affluent, and arrogant. But, surprisingly enough, a stallion who knows what is truly important in life: Family.

Placed fourth in the January 2016 Write-Off Event: Look, I Can Explain.

Chapters (1)

[EqG] Rainbow Dash injures herself during a run one morning. When you step in to intervene, she's unsure how to react.

Rated T for some language.

Chapters (8)

The journey to be the best. Many have taken this road and many have fallen to the wayside, for this is a road that few can conquer. But it is the road that a certain warrior takes, no matter where it leads him.

And now Ryu finds himself in the land of Equestria, a strange land for one such as himself. But here he shall seek to improve himself while fighting the best ponies in the land to reach the pinnacle of fighting. For Diamond Tiara he is a master who can help her overcome her foes and herself. For Rainbow Dash he is a rival to defeat so she can prove that she is a great fighter. And for Zecora he is a student that she hopes to keep on the right path.

But the ponies must be careful of this noble soul, despite his calm and kind demeanor. For if pushed too far they might see that even the most kindhearted of fighters...can house deep within a raging demon.

Chapters (28)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)