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Daniel Habbuck, UN ambassador to Equestria, hates his job.

Sure it pays well, but it's hardly worth having to put up with flank-kissing politicians and the stomach twisting anxiety of knowing that he represents all of humanity.
One night, after a particularly tense meeting leaves him wound up, Daniel is desperate for somepony to talk to. With his friends either busy or too far away, he hires a batpony prostitute, just so he can have some company.

As he soon learns, there's much more to this streetwalker than meets the eye...

Rated T for sexual references, but no clop.

Special thanks to WingmanRed, Georg, and Kraken Hatchling for proofreading and editing

EDIT: Special, special thanks to Comrade Pony for the suggestions
EDIT: Deleted cover art.

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with the ghost portal, Danny Fenton finds himself stuck in the strange world of Equestria. The worst part? He's got enemies here, too.

Part 2 onwards will be written with the help of MissytheAngle!

Part 1 going through re-edits by Curify. This dude is awesome, I seriously can't say enough about his greatness as both an editor and a friend. Thanks, man.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to How many friends have you made today?!

Things are a lot better for Anon since the events of Ponyville. His store is doing great and he enjoys the company of all his friends. As the days go on, he finds that the problems of the past are quick to haunt him as he is forced to face the one thing that hurt him the most.

Chapters (29)

All Dante ever wanted to do was lay back, relax, and - eventually - open and run his devil hunting business. He certainly never wanted to get involved in anything regarding the fate of multiple worlds, power hungry demon lords, insane cultists, and certainly not parenthood.

But then he got a party invitation from his brother...and on the way to the party, he found a tiny orange pony, who proves despite physics to be far more than a handful.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by sanyo21

Chapters (52)

This story is a sequel to Apex

Finding love is hard enough under normal circumstances, but it's even more complicated when you're the tail of a chimera. As much as Irene may want a fairy-tale romance, her fantasies have so far been stymied by her sisters' rather different opinions on the matter, not to mention the limited choice of species available to chimeras (well, to chimeras who want to have children, that is). However, when the orange pony with the delicious pies gets herself cornered during a delivery, she claims to be the personal friend of a dragon... and apparently, he's single!

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Bioshock Crossover

Rarity's been getting busier and busier, leaving Sweetie bored and alone while at the boutique- that is, until she meets a creature...one that won't stop following her around...but, she's harmless...right? Right?

Cover art by me, but still looking.

Featured : 5/24/14

Chapters (17)

Spike has tried to become the perfect knight; unfortunately Rarity rejects him. His cries of anguish do not go unheard in the moonlit night. Luna comforts the ailing dragon however her hurting heart yearns too. Meanwhile Rarity realizes what she is missing and sets forth to undo her mistake. However, as Spike gets closer to the Night Princess intrigue is sure to follow.

Spike x Luna, one insane ship, no paddle!

Art by yours truly!

Executive Editors - SpilledInk
Editor - Ignis

Chapters (29)

Crossover of BioShock and My Little Pony.

Huge thanks to Dubstep_Teaparty and Sexy Pudgy Pinkie Pie for editing

Scootaloo is an orphan, she has been trying to hide it ever since she escaped the orphanage. After being bullied by Diamond Tiara again Scootaloo whishes she had a big dad to protect her. She is about to get more than she bargained for when the universe decides to bend over backwards for her.

Alpha 9-2 was having a fairly normal day in Rapture until his little sister discovered a strange syringe of Adam. It turns out that one must never inject themselves with a syringe of unstable Adam. No matter how rainbow colored and pretty they are. Now he has found himself in a strange new body in a strange new land and with a strange new little sister.

Holy shit featured 12/5/14 thanks so much!
Asdfghjkl this is getting featured every time I update!

Huge thanks to Shadow Bolt for providing the cover image.

Chapters (11)

Being the only human in Equestria can be a bit daunting at times, but it gets much easier when you have friends there to support you. But, as the days go on, I start to realize that maybe I need something more in my life. I've never been in a situation like this before, but all I know is that I want to see where it goes.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Winds of Change

Lyra and Bonbon are two normal happily married mares, except one isn't a mare but a shapeshifting hermaphroditic erovore whose mother just invaded Canterlot and the other is a highly unstable mare in heat with an absolutely brilliant plan.

...well, they're happily married, anyway.

Join Lyra and Bonbon as they navigate the wonders of interspecies pregnancy*. Or don't! It's not everyone's cup of tea, and there's a super hero movie in theatre five!

*Including random ponies touching their belly, well meaning bedroom advice from bakers, odd food cravings, morning sickness, cultural misunderstandings, morning sickness, big dramatic fights, random cravings for cardboard, gaining weight, lynch mobs, morning sickness, awkward godmothers who try too hard, patching up feelings, cravings that are downright disturbing, morning sickness in the afternoon, morning sickness, moodswings, pulled medication, bricks thrown through windows, lawsuits, surprisingly intense bedroom activities, dress up, shopping, royal visitations, morning sickness on princesses, kicking foals, more moodswings, mothers who move in to help out alongside their BDSM masters, random periods of glowing, even more moodswings, depression, hyperventilation, dramatic break-ups, internal bleeding, trying to outrun trains, robbing a convenience store, being thrown in prison, having odd cravings for prison food, false labor alarms, morning sickness at night, morning sickness in dreams, dramatic make-ups, numerous hospital visits, and a pair of guards named Lace and Arsenic.

(Cover Art provided by Conicer)

Chapters (13)