• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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She’s the loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies; how could anypony not fall in love with Applejack? In fact, so much of the town has found themselves under her seductive spell, they’ve formed a secret society to help each other cope with their unbridled lust. Operating in seclusion, this group has been an unseen staple of Ponyville. Surely, though, nothing good can come of the mare herself discovering the existence of Applejack Anonymous.

Cover pic by the inimitable Mr. Snowpony.

Chapters (8)

Twilight had been warned dark magic was dangerous. She thought she could handle it. Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for. Will she succumb to the darkness, or will friendship and love be enough to make the remainder of her time happy?

Chapters (16)

==Written for Pony Writing Month 2012==

Being the ruler of Equestria, Celestia knows quite a few things. Having lived for an expanse of time most mortals can't ever grasp, she has untold wisdom. That said, when it comes to knowing how to deal with a daughter you've never told anypony about and trying to get her to listen to you before a possible life altering change happens caused by having Alicorn blood... well, Celestia's fairly lost.

Not just that, but Celestia also finds that she's as out of touch with ponies as Luna is, much to her shame. She needs to figure out what it means to be a pony, for her kingdom, for her daughter, and for herself.

Chapters (5)

Hello there, Douglas O'Riley's my name and I am a proud Irishman. I'm fifteen years old and currently living near the border that separates the wonderful country of Ireland in half. For fifteen years I've lived in a tiny little village where not much happens and...and, ah forget it. I've really got to get this off my chest, about a year ago some TV show called "My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic" came out and I have to say that I like it. Sadly however my parents, Barry and Margret O'Riley, saw me watching it and thinking that it the next big thing for kids my age, decided to join the Brony community. Uhhhh. It's incredibly embarrassing I know but at least it can't get any worse...right? God help me.
Rated Teen for violence and language, in Irish slangs.

Chapters (18)

Wake up, go to work, be a human...but what if this all changed by the arrival of someone special? How much will change, and will it be a good change? Most of all, how important is your universe to you?

T rating for language, violence, use of alcohol, and some suggestive material.

A heads up to readers: This story has a very unique spin on it, so I recommend reading slowly and letting everything absorb so that you don't miss anything. You'll see what I mean as the story progresses.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters directly associated with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story. Any and all original characters are owned by their respective creators.

Chapters (23)

For most of Applejack's life, she didn't know what she was. True, she understood who she was well enough.
But ponies don't change shapes, nor do they get strength from love.
Applejack never thought too hard on it... until the events of a certain wedding brought about some harsh realizations.
Now, with Equestria still reeling from the surprise attack, will Applejack manage to come to terms with what she is? Will she even be able to keep her secret safe?
For if the royal guards don't get her first, the conspirators in the shadows just might...

Image provided by Heilos -

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Rise of the Elements Part I: The Lost Element

Ancient beings of long since past are returning, but for good or ill? Where once the world made sense and peace flourished, will it all fall apart? Against the very tide of existence itself, who can stand against it? Perhaps when the powers that be assemble, peace will prevail...or it will fall forever.

A/N: A note to my readers: this is technically a harem fic, but there will be NO lemons in it. The story will instead focus on the connections the characters share, as well as some other things later that I will leave to you to discover.

Rated T for violence, language, use of alcohol, and some mild suggestive references.

Featured 04/26/2015!

Chapters (36)

After Pinkie Pie Suffers a severe head injury, in her forehead is discovered something that an Earth Pony should not have. This gives answers to where she gets her abilities, especially how she seems to be able to defy the laws of physics. This also explains some of her craziness.

How will her friends handle this, and can she learn to better harness the magic within?

A big shoutout to Aegis Shield for the original idea. I would not have thought of this one myself. You, good Sir, are brilliant!

Cover image by sapoltop on Deviantart. I lay no claim to the artwork. The artwork is his creation.

Chapters (2)

Every colt grows curious sooner or later about that one question: "Where do babies come from?" Simple question, simple answer. Though when your parent figures aren't the ones to take simple simply... And when your mom is a being that feeds off the core element of "where babies come from", the talks may go differently.

A companion piece to Know Your Mare.

Chapters (1)