• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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This story is a sequel to The Lost Tribe

Pinkie Pie meets a guy! She couldn't be happier, but soon she starts to worry about the risks that come with having a special somepony in her life.

Chapters (1)

"Humans.... Quite possibly the most infuriating mythical creatures in existence. If you ever have the 'luck' to meet a Human in your travels across Equestria, then you must be careful. Humans are extremely powerful creatures, some would say more so than Celestia or Luna, they are also more unpredictable than Discord. They can help you in a tight spot if you're lucky, or play nasty tricks on you if you don't hold the Human's favor. In my time I've seen a Human give a filly pounds upon pounds of gold, and the same one turn greedy ponies into gold. The only one I ever have seen 'face-to-face' was in my earlier years, he helped me repair my wagon when it broke down in Everfree Forest, by fix I mean a whole new one appeared not ten feet away, and the only thing the Human asked for in return was a spindle.... But be warned, never anger a Human, a trick or two in fair game is fine, but if you ever manage to truly anger a Human...... you'll be part of the small number ever to meet non-existence." - Star-Swirl the Bearded.

A silly nonsensical story, not to be taken seriously. Some chapters are not connected to others.

Chapters (4)

Bon Bon reflects on her companionship with Lyra.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle had been looking forward to a quiet, relaxing day with a friend, and at first it seemed that Fluttershy could provide just that. But when Twilight makes a rather unsettling discovery about the pegasus – and her unusually sanguine appetite – the knowledge proves to be anything but relaxing...

Chapters (1)

After the defeat of Discord, Princess Celestia sends the Mane 6 on a week long vacation. A mishap with a teleportation spell, however, lands them not at their vacation destination; but on Earth. How will they cope with being in a strange place, completely cut off from everything and everyone they know? Will they ever be able to get back? Read to find out.

Not all tags are used straight away. Inspiration for this fic comes from stories such as: Xenophilia (and related offshoots) as well as others like: But, She's a Pony! (All credit for those stories go to their respective authors.)

Edit: I have started revising the current chapters to get rid of a lot of errors and make everything flow better. Re-reading will not be required as the basic ideas will not change. I will begin publishing new chapters once I'm done with this.

Chapters (7)

TVTropes page yay!A human arrives with a house in Ponyville. The Mane Six, and Princess Luna must deal with this new arrival. But not everyone agrees how it should be handled, not everyone agrees on what danger it represents, or the benefit it can be to Equestria.

The inhabitant must also deal with the new rules and conventions of this new world it knows nothing about, as well as the mystery of its appearance, and the incongruities of its arrival.
TVTropes page yay!

Chapters (43)

Earlier today, a pink hoof reached out and pulled me from the pond. The time since then has been the best of my life.

I hope that I can stay.

Chapters (2)

Hallucinations were always a normal thing for me since they never went beyond the realms of simple drowsy deleriums. That was until the fateful day I awoke to find Pinkie Pie sitting on my chest with an all too vivid smile.

Chapters (11)

Pinkie Pie has always been random, but when she shows up to Twilight's library with a straight-cut mane, Spike is immediately worried that some tragedy has caused her to enter into a depression.

Sometimes a girl is more than the fur on her head.

Inspired by the cover art of Darth Franny.

Now edited and proof-read with the help of PrettyPartyPony.

Chapters (1)