• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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It has been one week after Colin was in the concert in the Crystal Empire with his big brother Johnny, and his band. They had to go, but he will see him again. Still, he was happy with his new family and it was almost Nightmare Night (Equestria's version of Halloween) Scootaloo and he are now a boyfriend and girlfriend, and they really love eachother, alot. Tonight, something special will occur between the two for Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle will fix something really romantic between them: A Perfect night for Romance. Fluttershy, Big Mac, and a few of their friends might help with that too.

Chapters (1)

Zach had always swore that he would never let his friends be attacked, even if it cost him his own life. Well, the day came where he had to prove his word, when a small group of thugs stop them and try to rob them, he disobeys and fights them. Luckily, his friends made it out safely, but he lost his life in the battle, he was not mad though, he was happy that his friends get to live to see another day.

Now he was going to the afterlife... or so he thought. Turns out, he was headed to a much different place, a place that should not have existed, well, he thought it did not exist anyway.

VERY special thanks to jjamess10 for the cover!

Chapters (11)

After a freak earthquake, blinding lights, and some zero gravity a young man finds himself in Equestria. however due to his shyness he has a hard time speaking to anypony. So, most think he's just some new species of animal.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that he's know as the EverFree's Alpha by some of the inhabitants of the EverFree forest... just checking.

I'm not good at summery's, sorry.

Chapters (10)

For the Heartstrings family, Saint Paddy Wagon's Day is the most celebrated day of the year. They have long believed that the luck of the Neighlish flows through their veins, and that on Saint Paddy's Day anything is possible.

This year, Lyra decides to put that luck to the test.

Her target: local candy maker and longtime mare of her dreams.

Her tools: the indisputable luck this day will bring her and only the finest, corniest, holiday-appropriate, and most-guaranteed-to-woo pick-up lines around.

Bon Bon doesn't stand a chance.

Preread by Fahrenheit and Carabutt
Edited by auramane and Jondor
Cover by the amazingly talented Rossby Waves

Chapters (1)

At a tea party with all of her friends, Fluttershy returns from the kitchen to find her beloved Angel Bunny dead on the floor. Obviously, one of her friends must've been the culprit. That leaves Fluttershy wondering one very important question: "Okay! Who killed Angel Bunny?"

But maybe not for the reasons everyone might think.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

"Crystal Synergy used to be a middle-aged brony before she abruptly appeared as a young filly at the spot where lightning had struck the ground out of the clear blue sky, roughly two years before the Sonic Rainboom. She only wants to help. What could possibly go wrong?" :pinkiehappy:

"I can't believe you just said that, Pinkie..." :facehoof:

Crystal has lived ten years with fading memories about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon and fanon, the first two of which were spent unable to make any but the most illegible notes as she tried to keep them separated in her head. Not helping matters is the fact that while things mostly seem to be lining up with what she thinks is canon, there is a difference between events as presented in the thirty-minute blocks of a show aimed at a younger demographic (and intended to help sell toys) and living in that setting as a real world with a dynamic history. And she's not quite sure which version of Equestria she's actually in, but things seem to be just enough like what Crystal Synergy believes to be canon that she thinks she has a fair idea of what may happen, and how to help navigate or circumvent some of the more worrying problems looming on the horizon.

A little foreknowledge couldn't hurt, right?

A little foreknowledge can prove to be a very dangerous thing indeed. Especially when you aren't sure which bits of foreknowledge are actually true. And just ignoring the foreknowledge doesn't help either, because some of it is true...

A bit of a grab bag of categories: AU and Human should be self explanatory, but Random was selected because the story fluctuates between serious and silly, adventure and slice-of-life, and black-and-white values vs. blue-and-orange values.

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/sDLsnphg/Princess-Columbia-s-List-Badge.png[/img] Featured on Princess Columbia's List on 9/25/2019

Chapters (11)

A human has arrived in Ponyville that the Apples dubbed, "Anonymous."
Twilight is worried he might be dangerous. They know nothing about him after all. However, the Apples still treat him like a common pet, until he begins mimicking speech.

Chapters (13)

Twilight invites Ryan over to the Library for a standard 'read and chill' session that the two have with some regularity. This time, Twilight, has other plans; plans that she hopes will have a much more raunchy end to them.

It goes about as well as one would expect.

A short, simplistic oneshot.

Chapters (1)