• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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by Mr101

After they set off to meet with Zecora for a spot of tea and a catch up, Fluttershy and her friends find themselves attacked by a large pack of Timberwolves causing Fluttershy to become separated from the group. After becoming wounded and lost deep within an unfamiliar part of the forest and with the wolves on her tail, she is rescued from certain death by the most unusual creature.

(A huge thank you to Cirrus_Brony for his editing.)
(Cover art by me.)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants: Vol. 1

Fluttershy thought the way to Anon's heart was through his pants. Anon never responded well to her advances, until finally she gives up. What will Anon do with his new found freedom?

Note: A different take on the 'Flutterrape' genre of stories, spawned from 4chan, where Fluttershy guesses Anon's fetish every morning to try and win his love.

Chapters (3)

Lyra Heartstings is a pony with an obsession. Humans, mythical creatures from ancient history. Before now, she was just a theorist, a madmare. But with the discovery of the crystal caves beneath Canterlot, all the clues finally make sense. Now it's up to one pony to brave the depths, the fury of Equestria's finest at her hooves, and find the truth.

Chapters (1)

You are just an ordinary, everyday person, a decent girlfriend, a decent family, decent grades, and friends, and you could say your life was...well...decent. That is, until by some sheer luck, your little sisters birthday wish comes true.

Chapters (2)

Hi! I'm Nick and I'm a human I somehow turned into a pony. But worst of all, I am a filly! This is awful! And on top of that, I am being threatened by Princess Luna, chased by the cutie mark crusaders, and Fluttershy hates me. Things can't get any worse, right? Enjoy the terrible cover art I made.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Feel free to point out any errors you see.

Chapters (7)

While on her way to meet her friends at the swimming hole, Pinkie Pie discovers a scared little orphan girl named Melody, and a run away princess named Clover, who is convinced she has bad luck. Pinkie offers to take Melody and Clover to meet her friends. After meeting the others of the mane six, Twilight sends a letter to Princess Celestia asking for her to meet Melody and Clover. Later on, Pinkie sees the two girls in a different perspective. Can Pinkie be the kind and fun mommy that they want so badly?

Chapters (11)

Luna ruins a painting. No big deal, it was just the night after all.

Pre-read by: ChappedPenguinLips|Majora

Chapters (1)

Do you need a cupcake that’s to die for and suitable for gatherings? Then look no further than this devilishly decadent dark chocolate and oat cupcake with wickedly, irresistibly sweet frosting. One bite and your party will never eat anything else again.

Thanks to Fuzzyfurvert for pre-reading and editing.
Cover art by me.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has always been the liveliest pony in Ponyville. Spreading cheer and throwing parties has always come naturally to her. So what will she do on a day when she just doesn't feel happy?

Chapters (3)