• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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You are Anonymous, the human resident of Ponyville- often seen with your best friend, Rainbow Dash. She tests out her tricks with you, you provide her terrible comments and less-than-luxurious drinks; The perfect friendship.

But when tragedy befalls your friend by your hand, how far are you going to go to help her through?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie has always seemed a crazy pony to you. Cute, but just a wee bit crazy. Of course, you didn't realize just how crazy she was till she kidnaps you and threatens your life.

Only thing is....she sucks at it.

((Inspired by Lyra Holds Anon Hostage.))

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous, and Twilight has gone through an accident that rendered her blind.
Could you help your friend cope?
Can you see the world as she does?
Actually, that was uncalled for.

(Note: Yes, it is an Anon in Equestria fic. Also yes, you've seen that pic a million times now. Just an idea I got while looking through.)

Chapters (1)

- Shifting Second Person Point of View -
While her friends go outside, you will have to watch over Fluttershy during Nightmare Night. You warned Twilight about your relation with Fluttershy, since it isn't enjoyable, let alone bearable, but she has proposed you a good pay if you do take care of her for the night.

Chapters (1)

A young man's letter to no one, detailing his feelings for the relationship between two of his best friends.

Rated T for mildly suggestive sayings. Special thanks goes to Reneigh Haycraft for editing!

Chapters (1)

The only human in Equestria named Lee (for sexy donut reasons) has made many friends, among them is his best friend and brofriend, Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty. Lee decides to take her for a bro night out...

Maximum broness ensues.

Now with one hundred percent sequel! Warning, may cause overdose of awesome.

Sex Tag for innuendos, and some sexyness
Written by: Dustchu
All characters belong to their respective owners.
I only own my characters who will be listed at the end of the story.

Chapters (2)

After landing in Equestria, Lee has made many friends, of them is one very special one. A pony named Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness. He decides to do something nice for her, and takes her for a night out in the town.

Look out... for this train of feels is about to derail, down a mountain, of stomach clenching cuteness.

Image by: takua770 on dA
Written by: Dustchu
All characters belong to their respective owners.
I only own my characters who will be listed at the end of the story.

Chapters (1)

She finally did it, she revealed how she felt towards you, only for you to turn her down.

Now her heart is broken beyond repair... or is it?

A short story that shows that rejection doesn't just hurt to receive, but is possibly even worse to dish out.

Chapters (1)

"You" profess your love for the most beautiful mare you've ever known, but in the game of love, not everything ends happily ever after.

I suppose I should give some explanation for this story...
It's not meant to be taken too seriously. I would describe it as a parody of happy-go-lucky second person fics but with a serious tone. I never expected this story to end up as heavy as it is, and I think that will cause people to miss the purpose of this story.
In short, it's a response to second person fics rather than one in itself. When I say "response," I don't mean I'm mocking them. I'm commenting on the typical scenario most have.

Chapters (1)

The Mane Six have a problem with Anon. He never sings or dances along with their songs! They resolve themselves to deal with this problem once and for all.

Proofread and Completely Fixed by RobCakeRan53, Vengeful Spirit (Socks), Flammenwerfer, Cynewulf, Distored Flare, The Abyss, Majin Syeekoh, Daemon of Decay

Chapters (1)