• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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When David is mysteriously transported to the world of Canterlot High School, he does what he can to avoid any extended contact with the Humane Six or any of their family and close friends. The downside of this is that he's become homeless and alone. Now, with Christmas just a day away, he's prepared to hide in the shadows another night.

However, his plans are derailed once one of the girls catch sight of him...

(First-person story set about three months after the first Equestria girls movie that starts off sad, but ends up being a somewhat comedic tale. Also, my first hard crack at writing for a public audience. Constructive criticism is welcome, and any and all flames will be used to make delicious s'mores before being doused.)

Chapters (4)

A long time ago, before Luna's transformation into Nightmare moon, a new citizen was welcomed into Equestria. He was no pony, in fact he was something new altogether. He was what was known as a human. The two sisters welcomed him into their nation, and even befriended him. And for a time, they got along great. Until the nightmares started. The human's mind began to be plagued by horrible nightmares, in which his new friends would put him through terrible torture. After a time he began to see these dreams, not as tormented visions, but as a warning. He began to realize that the nightmares weren't there to hurt him, they were there to save him. And so he gave himself over to them. The two sisters tried to reason with him, telling him that he was sick, but he refused to listen. Retreating into the world of nightmares, this human disappeared, and hasn't been seen or heard of for a long, long time. Until now. And he has changed.

Chapters (10)

One day, while working at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie comes to a startling realization.

She has no idea how Fluttershy earns money.

For Pinkie Pie, not knowing something so important about one of her closest friends is intolerable. But when she asks Fluttershy, the only answer she'll give is:

"I do odd jobs."

Now, Pinkie Pie is determined to find out exactly what Fluttershy does to make ends meet...

(Rated Teen for mild risque humor.)

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy comes out to the rest of the bearers of the Elements as a trans mare. This story follows what happens next: with her, with the mare she's fallen in love with, with the Mane Six, and with respect to their friendship.

This was (and remains, for that matter) my first fic, and was an attempt to apply concepts of transgender identity to Equestria. I felt like a world as accepting of, well, everything as Equestria tends to be would be a fascinating place to explore identity. I hope it worked!

(I wrote this before reading Dash's Secret (by Hopefox), but if you enjoyed this story, I can't recommend Dash's Secret highly enough. It engages with some of the same issues, but is (IMHO) better written than mine. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1876/Dash%27s-Secret)

A note: "trans mare" refers to somepony assigned male at birth and raised as a colt who comes to identify as a mare later in life. I'm following human usage here.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy might be stronger than she looks.

At least, that's what Rainbow says. Applejack's skeptical, to say the least. Especially after she just lost an arm wrestling match. Besides, that sweet, gentle pony couldn't win a tug-of-war against butterflies, much less be stronger than her, right?


Edited by Doccular42

Chapters (1)

After some apocalyptic events, a man awakens in a land he recognizes all too well, in the house of a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane, with a body that is not his own. Simply put, this is the story of how he copes with his new life and with the relationship he shares with Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to House that Heartbreak Rebuilt

Heartbreak, after a roller-coaster ride of an adventure, is finally in a home of her own, and an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader to boot! Unfortunately, her time with the Crusaders and the Summer Readers Club is more than just social calls - it's also a one-of-a-kind opportunity for Equestrian germs.

It's Fluttershy's turn to teach Heartbreak a lesson in friendship, but it will be a struggle to get a real understanding of kindness through to the sickest, most stubborn tan mare in Equestria.

Chapters (40)

You've watched every episode at least twice. You make regular pilgrimages to Hot Topic for pony stuff. You post regularly on MLP fanfiction sites. And you have a crush on Fluttershy.

In short, you could not be more of a brony if you tried.

So what happens when the Mane 6 suddenly materialize in your bedroom...and they're not very happy to see you?

Special thanks to Espeon_in_the_morning, RDTwin, The Lost One, JarheadHME, and TinkerStrike, for pre-reading and editing!

EDIT: By Steinbeck's mustache, this fic has been featured!

Chapters (3)

Anon decides to adopt a filly and record his experience as a Dad in a journal to do something with his life in Equestria. Except, being a father is hard work and comes at a great personal sacrifice. This is his quest to become a good father.

Chapters (8)