• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

Favourites 1684 stories
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Total Words: 27,976,800
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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You are Anon, and you have been sent to a magical land of ponies and mythical creatures. At first, you thought you had everything you wanted. That was, until you realized you were missing something very dear. Something that consumed your thoughts until you couldn't take it anymore.

(someone made this image for me and I thank them for doing that for me)

Chapters (5)

There are few things that Twilight Sparkle is sure about but she knows for certain that Princess Celestia does not, and never will, play pool.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness, docontra, and JCatt for their help pre-reading. Cover image by Skyline19.

Chapters (1)

Mike Johns, or Autum Breeze, as he was known online, was your average MLP fanfic writer, in essence, your regular brony, even had all but two of the episodes of MLP season 4 (episode 4 and episode 13). That was his life. Normal and good.

That was, however, until Discord needed him for something and took him to Equestria without asking. Now, without a way home, can Autum learn to accept her new life as Scootaloo?

rated teen for safety

gore for things scootaloo will see in a vision of a possible future

Sex tag for sexual references later on

cover art from here. I do not take credit for the image.

Featured on 23/5/2014

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to How many friends have you made today?!

Things are a lot better for Anon since the events of Ponyville. His store is doing great and he enjoys the company of all his friends. As the days go on, he finds that the problems of the past are quick to haunt him as he is forced to face the one thing that hurt him the most.

Chapters (29)

Despite their supposed massive power, Alicorns have done a rather poor job of saving the day. Twilight discovers that there's an actual reason for that.

Featured on EqD 6/6/16!

Chapters (1)

So it's finally happened. After being kicked in the shin by Celestia, Discord is officially dying. Now Celestia wants to know if he has any last requests before he goes.

What a silly, silly thing of her to ask.

Chapters (1)

When trying to focus on her studies, Sunset Shimmer is stuck watching an annoying little filly who just won't let her study.

Original Art by Baekgup

Cover image by Novel-Idea

Now with Reading by Wubcake

Chapters (1)

Celestia invites Twilight over for tea and chess. Things don't quite go as planned.

"...Present Perfect unironically uses the term Chineighse here and I don't actually know if I can forgive him for that." -Obselescence!

"-- oh, no..." -Estee

Chapters (1)

When Twilight received a letter from Luna informing her of Princess Celestia's death, she had no idea what to expect. However, nothing could have prepared her for what followed.

Written for the 13th F*** This Prompt contest.

Special thanks to fourths for editing.

Chapters (1)

One fateful morning, Princess Luna finds Celestia has turned into a megalomaniacal tyrant with one clear goal in mind: to be sent to the moon. She even has her bags packed and everything.

So what about this seems off?

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Featured on Equestria Daily 11/03/15!

Chapters (1)