• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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At first, Princess Celestia was only in your bed. Then she was still in your bed. Now, she has stolen all of your bed sheets and refuses to leave that same bed.

So what could this have to do with the fate of all mankind?

Spin-off of Princess Celestia Is In Your Bed.

Entry into ocalhoun's Big 250K Contest.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

After moving to Ponyville, you met a celebrity known for her speed and for being a members of the council of friendship. You and her get along fine, she's your boss at work since you do weather stuff, and as of a week ago you and her have become close friends. She's invited you to her house. Why? The better question is why care, you're going to be in THE Rainbow Dash's house. Man, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, only one thing. You may not have noticed, but she's making moves on you. You, not being the brightest of bulbs, don't really get it, but Rainbow is stubborn, and she isn't going to give up after one try. So after inviting you to her house, something's bound to go wrong.

Chapters (1)

--Second Person Story featuring You and Fluttershy--

--Alright, this is the first time I have ever written a second-person story, so make sure to tear me apart in the comments. Seriously. I don’t want sugarcoated stuff. If it is bad, let me know and tell me how bad it is. If it’s good, make sure to let me know, as I have plans for a few more stories like this, with each of the mane six, and perhaps one or two background ponies. Maybe even Celestia or Luna. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Now, on to the extremely vague and cliched description as I am never good at writing these!--

You are a pegasus, and love flying through dangerous spots. But what if one of those spots is too dangerous? One night while flying, you crash and are seriously injured. You could’ve died, if a gentle yellow pegasus hadn’t of been nearby at the time. She offers to take you in. While living with her, you need to adjust to all the nature that is suddenly all around you; You have lived in apartment buildings all your life. And now you are feeling something weird about her. What is it?

Chapters (9)

"You" are Anon, and you can't understand a bloody thing these little horses are saying. It doesn't help that you're only ten. Oh well, at least they're nice. Especially the queen horse, Celestia. At least that's what you think her name is. Anyway, she's awfully cuddly, always hugging you or some such. Honestly it's nice and all, but you are starting to wonder just why she is so affectionate...

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way.

*EDIT* Now with sequel: Bridging Words.

Featured May 10 2016, thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Maybe that's why they're so out of character. This is an ongoing series of experimental, dialogue-powered scenarios that revolves around Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Oh, and pretty much everything, everypony, or anything else they run into. And you. Yes, literally you. All of you. This whole site.

Warning, contains: [epic battles, O-O-C ponies, impossible scenarios, manipulation, chapters with words in them, cute noises, adorable thinking, dreaming, spoiler bars, multiple plots in one plot, one major plot to cover for all of the multiple plots, continuity, eye-candy, trolling, whining, pixels, giant hammers, the konami code, the end of the world, a glass barrier, Discord, an impossible use of thousands of weapons at once, coffee, tea, romance books, control over the fourth plane, cake, communication through writing, bro/pega hoofing the author, love, fourth wall-breaking, enticing conversations, you as a (rising) major character, outer space and um, what else... ponies? Wait, how is any of this bad?]

I am also not responsible if you encounter these fully natural, human reactions: ["I can't evens", hnnngs, warm feelings, genuine laughter, sense of your faith in humanity regrowing, the question of "which spoiler bar will get bigger?", massive table flipping, "please sir, may I have another", the question of "what is even this society anymore?", genuine cuteness, the feeling of epicness, inspiration to write your own derpy story, fancy top hats, monocles, what have you dones, epic wins, o shoot waddups, other memes, and uh, general joy and less of a loneliness knowing that someone cared enough to properly mindf-- you while keeping it cute, and er, anger because you need to know what happens next. Oh. And don't forget cancer scumbag brain.]

You have been warned...?

Chapters (8)

After a particularly nasty run in with a monster during a mission from the map, Twilight discovers that she has apparently gained immortality due to her ascension as an alicorn. With this realization, Twilight and Spike go to visit the Royal Sisters to study immortality and get some advice.

Instead, Twilight finds herself flung into a whirlwind of confusion.

Now featuring significantly less errors! Thanks to everyone who pointed those out in the comments, and if you see any more feel free to point them out too.

Written for F*** This Prompt 13, "Immortality makes ponies very emotional."

Chapters (4)

Mind Trick is a master at his craft, and, as the head of the Canterlot High Hypnotist Club, he ought to be. To him, a person's mind is like an open book, and he is the editor. So, when a beautiful woman named Fluttershy comes to him, asking to be made into a whore, just for one day, the task should be simple, right?

Art provided by Knotted, the artist for Clop Plots! You can also find a naked version of it on the first page of the gallery.

Chapters (1)

The day after she swears off her petty, villainous ways, Starlight Glimmer is finally ready for her very first friendship lesson! To mark this grand occasion, Twilight decides a walk through town is in order to let her new student make some friends the right way.

It turns out that Starlight Glimmer is exceedingly bad at making friends the right way.

Many thanks to Syeekoh and Kamikakushi for taking a big one and prereading this for me.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria and spends some time taking care of animals with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is apparently not good with certain animals.

Sunset discovers very quickly that what you learn from the human world cannot be unlearned, ever.

Rated Teen and Sex for a pile of juvenile innuendo, though technically no bad language. Only technically.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna have been sisters for more than a millennium. If only that made things easier!

Will poor housekeeping lead to the destruction of Equestria?

Will Spike ever find true love while wearing cupcake shaped hats?

Will Twilight Sparkle ever learn to play the banjo?

(No banjos were harmed in the making of this fiction. If you want to find out the answers to those last two questions, you'll probably have to go read something else.)

Cover art commissioned from Akasashi (http://akashasi.deviantart.com)

Spanish translation by SPANIARD-KIWI

Chapters (1)