• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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It has been only a short time since Sunset Shimmer and her friends discovered the second portal to Equestria on their spring break cruise trip. It now seems that there is a third portal that leads to a new world with a super computer that contains a virtual world.

Chapters (2)

Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ P0N-3, was performing in a club, when she saw a depressed mare sitting at the bar. In Vinyl’s eyes she saw the most beautiful mare in Equestria. That mare was Octavia Melody, a Cellist from out of town. Vinyl has fallen head over hooves for her, but how would Octavia take the news of what Vinyl really is?


I'm proud to announce the rework is OFFICIALLY underway, after years of hiatus. I WILL get this done.

Chapters (2)

Delivery Ponies, the best new thing of modern deliveries!

Through fresh meals, telegrams, surprises, you name it, these lovable li'l creatures will make sure they leave you 100% satisfied with their snuggly services! Just select the "Pony Package", and we'll make sure you get what you need faster than you can boop the "Place Order" button.

They only accept cuddles, huggles, boops and more as tips. :heart:

~Featured 4/25/22; 4/26-28; 5/2~

Leave a comment and like for them, they work very hard for us all. ❤

WARNING: selecting the Pony Package may result in never-ending squeeing, sore cheeks from smiling or high-risk of contracting diabetes.

Chapters (5)

Seven Neighs, evoke these words to summon a spirit of vengeance and hatred...

Also a devourer of noodles, reader of manga, and fan fiction writer of totally not overpowered protagonists.

Featured 4/22/22, 4/23/22, 4/24/22!

Chapters (2)

After the unexpected reaction of bringing three chaos emerald together, Shadow the hedgehog, Rouge the bat, and E-123 Omega find themselves separated and lost in a land unlike anything they have seen before, as they try to locate each other and find a way back, but soon realize that this world is in grave danger, as old enemies of both shadow and the main six return to create chaos and attempt to conquer Equestria. However, with shadow here, it's going to be way harder for the bad guys, because they will be facing down...

The ultimate life form! And heres the thing, who knows what shadow might do... Maybe he will be filled with the power of justice, fighting to save Equestria from the villains, or vengeance, fighting to destroy it!

Chapters (4)

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie Pie's mind, only speaking whenever her other side wanted to chat or if something interesting happened, before she was ripped out of the life she was used to living and was dropped in an entirely new world, with a body of her own no less. Due to some injuries sustained in her fall she has a fateful encounter with someone who she later learns goes by the name 'Muzan', an event that changes her life once again and sends her on a quest to save this world in her own way, all while seeking to find the figure that had changed her life and learn more about him.

(Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (45)

After Sunset was abducted by former bully Gilda and her cronies, Sunset in a delirious state due to a hit by a crowbar, thought the only way to escape from a giant bat creature would be to fall into a vat of Chemicals. However, this resulted in Sunset having Amnesia, so she couldn't remember Anon-A-Miss, what her classmates did to her, or her own name.

But soon she would meet other's who suffer with the same clownish affliction and they would form a little group called the Jokerz, a group of chaotic pranksters and criminals who are ready to spread through the streets of Gotham, with smiles on their faces.

Can Batman, and GCPD Captain Rainbow-Dash, stop this group before more mischief is made.

Credit for this cover art goes to Umaru88: https://www.deviantart.com/umaru88/art/Joker-Logo-841802001

Chapters (5)

When you have an accident-prone filly, you make her wear a helmet.
When you have an accident-prone filly who is incapable of feeling pain, you keep the hospital on speed dial.
When you have an accident-prone filly who is incapable of feeling pain and you have no insurance because you’re self-employed, you learn to take care of things yourself.

Because that’s what sisters do.

An entry for Bicyclette's 1000 words contest (group / info) in the "Grim" category.

Chapters (1)

My dear sister Pinkie Pie,

I will be arriving in Ponyville tomorrow.
I have made a reservation for us at Hearty Grains Bistro for seven o' clock.
Please be on time. I'll be bringing somepony special I'd like you to meet.
I think you will be surprised.

Emp- Your sister Maud

An Entry for Bicyclette's Crackship Contest hosted by the Original Pairings group
Preread by: HapHazred

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Striker and Keeper

It's only been a few weeks since their moment in the showers, and their love began to blossom. And with practice time over, they feel like it's about them to release their passion they've been once again. And this is one of their memorial moments.

More Sunset x Fleetfoot.

And it took sometime in Equestria Girls: Wondercolt Soccer of Friendship

And for the A Thousand Words contest.

Art by: ZettaiDullahan

Chapters (1)