• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Wallflower is bored, alone, sad, and hungry, just like any other day, but when she goes to order food, a sushi restaurant gives her an offer that would fix these three things. With the cutest deliverer.

Inspired by the artwork from the talented BranewashPV (who's also responsible for Balloon To The Moon), and written for Sunflower Day, also known as Scampy's Birthday.

Edited and pre-read by the very cool people Gay For Gadot and daOtterGuy

Chapters (1)

You meet all kinds of ponies delivering the mail. Some are nice, some are angry that their package is two days late, soggy, yet inexplicably on fire. Then there are those that you meet, and you just know that they’re going to change your life forever. 

Dearest Heart, a.k.a. Muffin (to her friends), a.k.a. Derpy Hooves (to slightly less good but still good friends) just delivered a package to everyone’s favorite Draconequus, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Inspired by a conversation with Technitrose! Thanks to them and Steel Resolve ,Nova Quill/Firimil, and TheGreatEater for their edits and suggestions.

Wonderful cover art by TheDoggyGal.

Chapters (3)

The Hearth’s Warming Skate-a-thon is a family tradition. The event is run every year for ponies to enjoy. The Apple family is working full time to get the preparations done when disaster strikes. Pinkie Pie is sick! Now they need to work double time to get all the decorations done. It wouldn’t be too hard if Applejack could focus on her tasks and not this new pony from another world sent to help.

Written for Jinglemas as a present to Mokaevans! Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

The Main 7 find and decide to explore and abandoned toy factory that was left to rot years ago. Much to Fluttershy's dismay however. They decide to explore the abdandeoned building but unknown to them, a sinister evil lurks among them. An evil that was the reason for the factory's shutdown.

Note: A LOT of things that happen in the story will not match the actually gameplay if you played Poppy Playtime Chapter 1.

Chapters (4)

Do you believe in gravity? After all, the world as we know exists because of it. Gravity is everywhere, without it, we would all be floating in space. Now, tell me, do you believe in gravity? No answer, eh? Well, this is to be expected. But perhaps you will change your mind after Sunset's story. Oh, by the way, are you a stand user? Be careful if you are for gravity will bring you surprises, some less pleasant than the others.

Stand Name: Magnum Opus
Special Ability: Control density.
Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: D (Complete)

Stand Name: Walking on the Moon
Special Ability: Allows the owner move as she would be on the moon. Will also affect the objects she touched.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: C

Sunset Shimmer (Equestria)
Stand Name: Walking on Sunshine
Special Ability: control the speed in which light travels in an area (the affect of which can be applied to both owner and bystanders, depending on the owner herself), but doing so would damage the stand user's health. The more light is slowed down, the more damage it would do to the owner.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: A

Twilight Sparkle
Stand Name: Raining Glitter
Special Ability: magnify or reduce the affect of friction
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: A

Stand Name: Whisky and Rain
Ability: Transfer of damage through a medium. However, fatal injuries can only be transferred to another person.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: C

Stand Name: Gardens in the Rain
Ability: Absorption of outside forces.
Power: C
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: B

Stand Name: Speak Softly, Love
Special Ability: This stand only manifests when user is sleeping or in grave danger. Under such condition, this invincible stand will attack any coming close to its user. This stand will not allow anyone get close to its master, even if the user is in need of help.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: C

Stand User: Rarity
Stand Name: Belle in the Ball
Special Ability: Turning everything into crystal and back. While in crystal state, this stand can modify said material in every possible way.
Power: N/A
Speed: N/A
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: B

Stand User: ???
Stand Name: Stand Forever Free
Special Ability: ???
Power: N/A
Speed: N/A
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Potential: A

Chapters (7)

It has been two years, and last two christmas, ever since that dreaded nightmare, Sunset Shimmer has been doing quite okay and that experience made her friendship with the girls becoming stronger and stronger.

However, what they didn't know is how much they hurt Sunset since that time that got her lose her head while they're not looking. And it made her seek help from a proffessional to keep her sane without losing it.

Oh yeah, this is my first Anon A Miss story but in the aftermath.

Chapters (1)

They saw how Sunset can run fast that leads CHS to a massive victory againt Crystal Prep in soccer, it was technically her horse speed since she was from Equestria. So basically, she's still this fast, even when she's a human in her current home.

So, Applejack challenged Sunset to see if she's faster than any of the horses at her stable.

But we can't forget who always been the fastest person in the group.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Friend in Need

 It's a 3 day weekend for Sunset and Twilight, and their first weekend as a couple following their previous rough night. They've got many great things planned for this fun weekend so let's see what this new couple has planned. Will it go well without any problems? Let's hope it won't and that they don't end up fighting.

Set in the SciSet Chronicles timeline

Cover art by omame0521

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Worries of Midnight

Takes place after the events of "Forgotten Friendship."

 It had been a week since the Memory Stone Incident, and everything is back to normal. Or so we thought. Sunset Shimmer has been acting very odd to her friends lately, which has been worrying them. Especially Twilight Sparkle. Sunset has been secretly having trouble sleeping, cutting her skin open with a razor blade, and wearing the old leather jacket she wore back in the days she was a bully. And boy does Rarity, of course, thinks it doesn't match her current style. Twilight decides to find out what her friend has been hiding from them, as she doesn’t like it seeing her best friend in a sorry state. But what is Sunset hiding? Is it good? Bad? Only 1 way to find out. And Twilight is gonna be in for a big one!

Set in the SciSet Chronicles timeline

Cover art by omame0521

Chapters (1)

Prequel to A Friend in Need

It's been a few hours since the battle of Midnight Sparkle vs Daydream Shimmer during the final match of the Friendship Games. Twilight is now CHS's newest member and has gotten along quickly with her new friends. Sunset Shimmer has invited her to stay the night at her place following their long and exhausting day. But little does Sunset know, it’s gonna be a long night ahead of her, of what’s to come for her new friend.

Set in the SciSet Chronicles timeline

Cover art by bootsyslickmane

Chapters (1)