• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Canterlot was her home for the first sixteen years of her life, and yet Twilight hardly ever talks about it with her friends. Now she's approaching her eighteenth birthday, and she still isn't talking. But above all of that is the fact that she remains a single mare, with seemingly no intention of finding a special somepony, either in Canterlot or in Ponyville.

Hearts and Hooves day is coming up, and Twilight isn't showing any interest.

Rarity decides enough is enough, and she's going to find out why.

Even if it changes everything she thought she knew about Twilight, the Princesses, and Equestria itself.


Additional character tags: Princess Cadance, Scootaloo, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Batpony... actually, you know what, literally everypony. Yup.


Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash wants to write a rap. Somehow this leads to Sunset Shimmer explaining how magic in Equestria works.

Warning: Contains rapping, logic, and stupid headcanon

Chapters (1)

Rarity can't believe it. An actual day off. Since she'd been wearing Spike's Fire Heart Ruby he'd given her years ago, the business had picked up. Ponies liked seeing the ruby and Rarity wearing it. Luck would have it a now older Spike drops by to take her on a little flight over Ponnyville to confess what's on his heart. He knows she's been wearing the ruby. However, Rarity turns the tables on Spike.

Chapters (1)

Rarity notices Spike spending less and less time with her and spending more and more time on his own, she was fine at first, but his frantic behavior begins to tip her off that he's not off on his own, he's off with somepony special, She Follows him around ponyville to discover just who is stealing his attention from her, The answer surprises her.

Vinyl Scratch notices her Octavia slowly playing less and less attention to her and spending more and more time out on her own, She was cool with it at the beginning, but her behavior and general anxiousness to leave at certain times tips her off that she's not off on he own, she's with somepony Special, she follows her around ponyville to discover who it is, the answer surprises her.

(was originally gonna post on Valentine's day but was delayed) (until 2 Valentine's day later it seems,)

Chapters (1)

Discord has been in these lands long before they became Equestria. He has seen kingdoms rise and fall, and countless generations of ponies pass him by. Unbeknownst to everypony else, he had more of an impact on history than just what his powers have done.

All of this and more comes to light during a late-night conversation between him and his wife, Fluttershy.

Sex tag is for minor references and talks of parenthood.

Cover Image by FarewellDecency

Written for a contest between friends.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash didn’t know she’d be on the precipice of the biggest change in her life when she nonchalantly agreed to help Pinkie Pie. Throw a party, make a lot of foals happy, go home. That was the plan.

So…why does she keep going back? Why does home…feel so empty?

Unable to shake the one foal that refuses to leave her head, Rainbow Dash is ready to jump into the greatest change—and greatest challenge—of her life.

And that, my friends, is only the beginning.

Chinese translation by luhcow:
无光,无声 Unseen, Unheard - FimTale

Chapters (24)

It's the second Nightmare Night after Luna returned, and everything starts out normal. Ponies are having fun, getting candy, and even Fluttershy is trying to join in.

However, hiding out in an alleyway is a certain outcast Changeling. And his time away from the Hive has made him grow desperate.

Gore tag due to small amounts of blood, as well as the nature of the story itself. Sex tag added due to innuendo near the end (nothing explicit).

Also contains some romance.

Chapters (12)

After one of the biggest fights of Popeye the Sailor Man's life, he ends up in a world of colorful ponies. How will he deal with this rather peaceful world? And will his spinach be enough to help him?

An entry in the Who Crossed Over My Little Pony? contest.

Chapters (1)

The City of Canterlot has always been a peaceful place. Everybody lives their lives in happiness and in wonder. However, an unexpected force from another dimension looks to bring that peace to an end and usher in a reign of darkness and chaos. However, someone else from that same dimension has been tracking them for years and is the last survivor of his world. If the dark lords looking to do the same with this dimension, it falls on the person to form a team that serves as the final stand between harmony and destruction.

Featured on the Popular Section 2/1/22

Chapters (22)

Welcome to the official channel of The Shimmer Code!!!
Video games are her specialty but sometimes leads to a broken controller.
She might whine, but she can grind.
Either she laughs or she'll get mad.
Everyone's favorite gamer girl, Sunset Shimmer!!!

An official series adapted from The Ballad of Raging Sunset and Equestria Girls short by yours truly. (I do not own anything MLP or characters obvi)

Some of the chapters might also have guest collabs or guest characters

Request for a video game Sunset plays in the next chapters by commenting
The * on the chapter titles denotes that they'll be another chapter on it.

*FEATURED: 1/19*
Peaked #6 - without Mature
Peaked #8 - with Mature

Chapters (2)