• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012


makin this here account for the sole purpose or posting comments! also bit miffed i have to use Brisbane time and not Sydney.

Favourites 263 stories
  • Favourites 263 stories - 763 unread chapters
    Created by Wcheff
    - October, 2014
Found 232 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 20,474,666
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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The story of Rochelle, a changeling in Canterlot, and how she ends up with a most unusual job...

Prequel to the story A Meal Fit For A King

Chapters (6)

On a normal weekend, Cheerilee assigns everypony an assignment from a unit she has been using for years. She considers it to be the most important one of the year; to teach the fillies and colts about the differences between ponies, and how they can all work together to do more than they could on their own. Unfortunately, a confused trip to the library by three fillies raises questions the teacher can't answer.

In an effort to make sure she teaches everything she can to the best of her ability, Cheerilee enlists the aid of Twilight Sparkle to help rewrite the textbook she has been using for years. As the days tick by, however, she is forced to deal with something she thought she had a handle on a long time ago.

Chapters (16)

Orchid Mantis, a changeling, has come to the Crystal Empire, hoping to retire in peace. However, a terrible curse set by King Sombra as revenge for his defeat threatens the city, summoning monsters to raze everything to the ground... and only the power of love can stop them. The changeling, being able to tap into that power at will, has been drafted to help fight these monsters when they appear...

However, for a dedicated martial artist, defeating monsters is easy. For a changeling, raising a child is a much greater challenge. And building a meaningful relationship? Harder still...

Part of the the rebooted Cricket-verse, aka The Nonsense-Verse.

Chapters (3)

Leiurus Quinquestriatus, the Deathstalker, a changeling raised to be a living weapon, is left without direction after the Canterlot invasion. Found by The Great And Powerful Trixie, she is taken to the Crystal Empire, in the hopes that somepony will take her in. However, Leiurus was given very specific orders regarding the Crystal Empire...

Orders regarding its destruction...

Part of the rebooted Cricket-Verse, aka The Nonsense-Verse.

Chapters (5)

This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)

After discovering that Cadence is not who she appears to be, Twilight is sent to another world entirely by the disguised Changeling Queen to avoid her plan being disrupted.
When Twilight lands, she discovers that not only have Spike, Owlowiscious and Peewee followed her, but that they've arrived in a world where the main sentient species is human.
There's still a place where they teach magic, though.
Crossover with Harry Potter. Twilight will be effectively taking the role of Hermione.

I've marked this story as cancelled to reflect the unlikelihood of it continuing. If I do come back to it I'll revert that.

Chapters (9)

After being stranded in Manehatten, a changeling is saved by a young filly who is being terrorized by a monster hiding in her closet. After the horror has been taken care of, the changeling and the young filly become close friends... and the changeling and the filly's foster father become something more...

The second story in the the rebooted Cricket-Verse, aka the Nonsense-Verse

Chapters (4)

Ling, a mute and magic-less young changeling, is stranded in Canterlot. Only a week after the failed invasion, and desperate for love, she resorts to begging in the streets for hugs... and ends up adopted by the end of the day. However, there are those who see her, not as a person, or even a changeling, but as a pawn in a devious plot, one that could ruin her foster parents...

But Ling is nowhere near as defenseless as she seems...

The third story in the rebooted Cricket-verse, aka The Nonsense-Verse.

Chapters (6)

Mole Cricket, former commander of the changeling swarm, finds himself stranded in Equestria, with no idea where the rest of his kind may be... and no intention of reuniting with the swarm, since the Queen would blame her failure in Canterlot upon him. After encountering a group of youngsters who, instead of seeing a monster, see a hero, the changeling decides to dedicate himself to an impossible goal...

To become the first changeling to attain knighthood.
Cover Art by SlashOpenTheSky

The first of five new stories for the rebooted Cricket-Verse... now renamed the Nonsense-verse.

Chapters (5)

It figures. Rainbow Dash goes out practicing her aerial acrobatics to try and impress the Wonderbolts and busts her wing in the process, right before a big workload for the weather team. So it falls to someone else to cover for her: Me, Cloud Kicker.

I'm not worried, though: it's just the Summer Sun Celebration. Sure, Princess Celestia's going to be here, and is sending her personal student to oversee the preparations, but what's the worst that could happen?

Written for the Winningverse's AU Month, this story answers the question: "What if Cloud Kicker went with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie to retrieve the Elements of Harmony instead of Rainbow Dash?"

Thanks to comicfan616 for being nice enough to provide a cover image for my fic!

Because Cloud Kicker is Cloud Kicker, rated Teen, but CK hitting on ponies is about as teen as it gets.

Chapters (8)