• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)

What would happen if a third survivor was aboard the Forward Unto Dawn? What if this survivor just happened to mysterouisly arrive to Equestria? We will follow the tale of an ODST who happens to survive an unlikely survival during a crash into the royal courtyard, and what happens after that... well, that is for you to read, and find out...

Cover-image provided by VenetianGhost.

Chapters (15)

My name is Orion and I'm a human, well sort of. I have a condition. That condition has led me to have to be under the care of military scientists. And yet I find myself in a place I don't belong.

This is a story of how I got here. I hope you enjoy it.

Based after season 2. I wanted to make a HiE story and this is what came out. I still need critisism though. Im still bad at writing.

There should be weekly updates. Oh. And there will be no clop unless someone eles wants to write it. Also some bad languege.

Cover art done by Dysyndicate

Chapters (24)

The Songbird, protector of the lamb of the flying city of Columbia was thought dead. Though as it would soon discover, his charge was not the only being able to open the mysterious tears. In the forest of this new land, he finds peace with the native animals. However, the urge to protect something, anything, would soon drive him to respond to the cheerful whistling of an equine with a penchant for protecting creatures like him, no matter how foreign they appeared.

No game spoilers, and the chapters that may contain vague spoilers are marked with a *
Contained within are the following characters from Bioshock Infinite: Songbird and the Luteces.

Chapters (6)

Hello! Yes, You! Odd alien... things... So I'm Eris. Daughter of Discord. And I got myself a brand-spankin-new pet! He's pretty cool. Not as cool as me of course. But really, who is?

Now, given my small habit of internal monologue I decided to make a story out of it. A harrowing fable of prodigious proportions! Thank you thesaurus! You guys should check it out!

...That might be a lie. Its not really an adventure. Or prodigious. Whatever that means... But its totally epic! We hang out! Drink! And... I think my humans trying to teach me philosophy or something... calls himself a nihi-ling or something. Like a changeling or something? Weird, right? I don't really know. Anyway. We pull of some pretty sweet pranks on old sun-butt. Heh-heh good times...

Inspired by Seductional Chaos

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

Six months. A lot can change in such a short time. Like going from a human guy on Earth to a female alicorn in Equestria. I may be mostly used to my new body, but I still haven't found my place here. Being an alicorn has only made things worse... everyone expects great things from me, and too many ponies look up to me for no other reason than because of what I am. Hopefully I can figure this out sooner rather than later...

Looking to explore the concept of how a blank-flank alicorn would fit into Equestria... without the stupid silly charisma, insane magical ability, or supersonic flight capacity. I know alicorn OCs have some stigma to them that instantly labels them as a Mary/Gary Stu, but I plan to avoid all of that silliness.

A sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria (can't link directly due to NSFW content), now with much less insanity, but with the same amount of comedy. Reading this is not required, although it is recommended. If sex is not your thing, all three chapters marked with (***) are skippable without losing any story content. The writing is crude/humorous/unedited, please be aware of that.

NOTE - Tags. While the protagonist was human in the previous story, I am leaving the [Human] tag off. This is not a Human-In-Equestria story, please do not add it to any Human-related groups.

Explicit sexual scenes are being left out of this story submission. When I get to them, there will be a note saying to go to its prior story, as I will be posting the scenes on there.

Chapters (5)

A brony is transported into Equestria, but he finds himself in the body of a huge wolf. Can a carnivorous predator really befriend ponies, herbivorous equines, or will his new predatory instincts and the ponies instinctive fear of him make it impossible? His strange situation does not dampen the joy of actually being in Equestria, but that changes as an alien hatred starts gnawing at his mind...

Chapters (17)

Jack is different. Not from just his age group, but from others as well. Cold, calculating, and tactical are but a few of the words used to describe him.

But when he is thrust into a new world, when he is attacked and nearly left to die by those who stand for love, tolerance, and friendship, what will happen from there?

Plans, power, corruption, and the seeds of a dark new age will be sewn. For such schemes are the ways of those who hide behind masks. Follow the story of Jack, and learn the Markings of a King.

Chapters (10)

it's the year 3044 in the ruins of america. a war is brought upon earth as each country fights for dominance over rights. since then a law was passed which children even after birth are force to be taken by the government and sent to camps for to be trained as soldiers.

on man refuses to allow it but ends up in a slow and gruesome death. upon dying he wishes for his daughter to be sent somewhere safe and to be taken care by a loving family. his wish was granted and his daughter was sent to equestria and discovered by the party pony of poniville.

pinkie takes the child in as her daughter and given her a new life she deserve. over time the little human girl grows anxious on her real family and asks pinkie about her real parents and why they given her up. how will pinkie and the mane six explain to her about her parents demised and how would she react to it?

this is my first time writing a story of children of equestria.

Chapters (4)

Your body is alien. Your instincts are alien. Your surroundings are dark, and damp. From murderous siblings to mysterious rituals of love; the life of a newly hatched changeling queen is confusing and dangerous. Chrysalis does not even bother to tell you exactly what you are before she sends you into the world. Thrust directly into the fire; you must learn the way mother did, or not at all.

Your instincts guide the way, but sometimes they are as much obstacles as anything else. Time ticks by, and you begin to wonder just who you really are. Are you Mint Leaf; adopted daughter of Lyra and Bon Bon? Or are you Chrysalis's spawn; heir to the changeling throne and yet to earn her name? To make matters even more confusing; old memories from a life before this one linger in the back of your head. They refuse to be forgotten.

You mustn't be caught. They will kill you if you are caught.

Mother said so.

Chapters (1)