• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


Owner, founder and CEO of Randomocity Enterprises(tm).

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Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)

Dark Tag is for Black Comedy and slightly morbid situations!

A young man wakes up in Equestria as a very adorable Alicorn colt, gets forcibly adopted by Luna, and tries to find his way home. It's a shame that a certain Night Princess won't let him.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and the occasional bit of colorful language.

Cover art done by the wonderful Shadow Bolt.

Chapters (15)

Some said that I'm a Spirit...
Some called me Monster...
Some even Hero...
They were wrong. I'm just a girl that wants to get home to her family, to get her life back and if I have to carve my path with my Black Blade, then so be it!

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by Tensemasterhalo.}

Chapters (5)

I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

The Crystal Empire has a most peculiar trespasser one night, and with her the empire's past is revealed.

How will this affect the present? Or the future, for that matter?

Princess Cadance doesn't know, but she's determined to see it through to the end.

This is an exploration of a headcanon I've had about changelings for the longest while. Hopefully it doesn't prove
too absurd.

Also rated Teen, just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (1)

It all started ordinarily enough. Go out for the weekend with some friends attend a masquerade try to meet some chicks. That all goes away when the door to my hotel room doesn't lead out into the hall.

Now I'm stuck turned into an anthropomorphic raccoon with all the skills of a master thief and no way home.

(Writing this when I get bored or stuck writing my other story.)

Chapters (3)

Taking a vacation in a nice relaxing and peaceful country? That's good.
Taking a vacation and being blamed for the the theft of some very important jewelry? That's bad.
Taking a vacation and becoming public enemy number one? That's really bad.
Taking a vacation and being hunted by adorable pegasi, unicorns, and ponies? That's... different.

A mage decides to take a respite in what he assumes to be the peaceful and safe land of Equestria. Unfortunately he's accused of stealing the "Elements of Harmony", a powerful set of magical regalia, and goes on the run from the law. Now stuck in a land of magical ponies, cut off from his only way home, and now the most wanted creature in Equestria, does he have any hope of proving his innocence and going home?

Maybe, but let's laugh at him as he gets beat up by cute equines!

Chapters (3)

Hello there, my name is or was Kyle but now I go by Axel. You see, what started as just me and 13 of my friends going to a convention cosplaying as Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts II for my 18th birthday, has ended in us becoming Organization XIII, coming to Equestria, being labeled as enemy's of Equestria and having all the ponies hating us including that S.O.B named Celestia. But you know what, I don't care; if I'm stuck here and miss sun butt isn't going to help us get home then I might as while have some fun well I'm here till we find a way home.

This story was inspired by F*** it I'm Having Fun by Jimmy the Grape and many other stories like it. And special thanks to Thadius0 for proofreading.

Chapters (7)

So you all can hear me right?
Of course they can. They always can.
I know I just wanted to make sure the connection is working properly.
Well, it is now get on with it. We haven't got all day you know.
Alright, fine.

It was supposed to be a fun time at Comic Con with my sister and a few friends. Naturally going as the Lutece twins something bad was bound to happen. Now in a magical land of ponies we discover that a silver coin has given us the power to open tears and learn from other universes. What could go wrong.

I must say, that isn't the greatest summary, I've ever read
I know, but It's the best I can come up with at the moment.
Shame, now let's get going. Things to do-
-and people to see.

Somewhat based off F*** it I'm Having Fun, Screw the rules we're on a road trip,Malideus, and The Rise of Darth Vulcan

Chapters (3)

After finding a human lost within the Everfree Forest, and unable to find his owner, Ditzy decides to bring him home as a playmate for Dinky. Shenanigans ensue when Dinky learns that her new friend, Locke, can actually talk! But why can none of the adults seem to be able to hear him? Of course, that little fact won't stop her from having fun with her new friend!

This was written partly on a whim, and partly because Chainlinc3 wanted a side story to Your Human and You. Well, here you go, Chainlinc3, here you go...

Chapters (4)