• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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I never thought that this day would come; the day that my dad would finally find someone to be with after being alone for so long. Not only that, but the one that he found, the one that he's decided to spend the rest of his life with, was none other than Princess Celestia.

I do feel happy for Dad, really I do, but I still didn't like the idea of my father getting remarried.

The thing is, though... I have no idea why I feel this way.

This story takes place in a universe where the human and pony worlds are in close contact, and the ponies are anthro in this story.

This is my first time writing a non-comedic story, so let's see how this goes. And because I know someone will ask:

This story is NOT connected to any of my previous stories.

Cover art by me.

Chapters (10)

Katherine Bosley, who never really cared much of what others thought of her, was having a really, really crappy day. But when she unwittingly gets thrown into Equestria, and finds herself marked as public enemy #1, she's had just about enough of taking the crap the universe throws at her.
Someone is gonna get torn a new one.
And it may or may not be her.
Will she survive? Probably not, but she'll be darned if she doesn't go out with a bang.

Inspired by The Rise of Darth Vulcan and F*** it, I'm having fun.
I realized there were no stories of this newfound genre that have a girl villain. So here you go.
Mild language- I don't like getting in the habit of dropping F-bombs.
Please feel free to point out any grammatical mistakes I make. Now edited by GDQuirm, who puts up with my excessive and exhaustive use of the semicolon.

5/17/14- How the heck did I get in the feature box again?- 30 minutes later, it's over. :/

Chapters (12)

Cover Art by FriendlyTwo3
*Takes place after season 2 finale.*
(Currently revising past chapters to make them sexier and more appealing.)
(Currently revising summary description.)
(Note to self, remember to eventually revise summary description.)

Diabolical and evil human goes to Equestria, and tries to take over the world? Pfft, if he's "Evil", then that one guy who doesn't say 'bless you' when you sneeze must be Hitler reincarnate.

A HiE fanfic that was probably done a couple times before, BUT I MADE IT BETTER.

Wacky protagonist genius, an army of robots with stun-guns, a goal of domination, a moral code, and a determined mindset! Meet "Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy!" The inevitable future emperor of us all!

You can tell that he's pure evil, because he has the word "Evil" in his last name!

A guy that steal money from you, if you're a Government official that likes to deal drugs and smuggle newborn infants. A guy that will build a laser that can blow up the freakin' moon, but only if it was about to crash into us. He'll freakin' TICKLE YOU if you defy him and his empire!

Yeah... Diabolical mastermind right there.

Rated T: For lots of potty-mouth nonsense.


Chapters (22)

When one life was ended
Another will begin
With a body now mended
The shadows dwell within

Before he was weak and unable to act
In this new world he can change that fact
But these dark powers are not easy to control
In order to do so he needs a pure heart and soul

They see kindness as tricks
And his honesty as lies
A hatred they affix
His form they despise

Only one can understand
And assist with his plight
With experience firsthand
She will aid this creature of the night

I own nothing but my computer
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro
Cover art by Pridark

post Twilicorn, pre Tree of Harmony and will not be using season 4 events
Will be adding category and character tags as the story progresses
Thank you to MP3Jack for editing and thank you to Zamairiac for providing feedback on the first 2 chapters. Check out their stuff, its good

Featured 10 Feb 14 - 13 Feb 14

Chapters (3)

Not all humans who arrive in Equestria are friendly. Sometimes, they're total assholes.
Sometimes, they're trolls. Like these guys.

When you're two dudes who are cosplaying as Tobi and Yoshimitsu and are labelled Public enemies 1 and 2, sometimes, you just gotta go on a road trip.

Loosely inspired by F*ck it I'm having fun. Pic drawn by Genbu, who's kind of the coolest.

Edit: Huh, featured on 5 May 2014. Wasn't expecting this.

Chapters (19)

Lyra Heartstrings is a well known unicorn within Ponyville, although not in the most positive of ways. Her strange fascination with the make believe creatures called 'Humans', has throughout her life elicited many rolling eyes, head shakes, and even harsh ridicule. But she had never given up hope that they do indeed exist, no matter how she had been treated or told otherwise. So when a fateful day comes to pass, where the one gift she had been dreaming for finally arrives, she is practically ecstatic at the chance to learn everything she can of him. And she is not going to let this golden opportunity slip away... or escape.

Chapters (5)


It was all gone, like a snap of the fingers. I was ripped away from my world, victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thankfully I was saved from the call, as it nearly ended my life, by something completely alien. Ponies, now in their world, it seems I’m doomed to inhabit the new land, while I wait for my chance to leave. With only my belongings, and memories, I am forced to rebuild my shattered old life, into something better, with my new, fuzzy friends. After all, how hard could it be?

Warning: Some scenes are not portrayed as true as they actually are, remember, fiction, so not everything that happens would happen in real life.

I would like to thank Twilight Best Pony for helping me fine tune my story, along with supporting me through the long road that is this pile of words.

Chapters (1)

Edit: Hey guys, as you may have noticed I put up a new cover image for my story, this one I actually drew myself and it took me about three hours to get it exactly the way I wanted it, basically it incorporates several different characters and genres that I love in one character. If you want you can tell me what you think about it, and it's okay to say that it looks like crap i'm no picaso and I know that it isn't perfect but hey in the words of Matt Smith "Give me time and a crayon."

When Discord is imprisoned by the mane six once again he needs to break out. His solution? Find someone to manipulate and break him out of his stone prison. The problem? That certain someone is a human, and a nerdy human at that.

Chapters (20)

Bon Bon is a narcissistic, pessimistic, perverted, and cynical earth pony from Ponyville. She's about as uncouth as they come and seems to get worse as she gets older. In her young adult life Bon Bon has only really had two friends, Octavia melody who is a fellow earth pony and plays the cello, and Vinyl Scratch, the unicorn Dj who goes by the stage name DJ-P0n3. Bon Bon's uncouthness hits a high point when she's caught checking out Vinyl's flank. At this Octavia yells, "Get your own stupid Unicorn!" Well maybe that's just what Bon Bon will do. Get your own stupid unicorn is based off the amazing picture by Gift-Wrap (it also happens to be the piece I'm using for the cover with her permission).

Chapters (5)

I should have refused to follow him for a night at the bar. I should have stayed at home. Why did I do that? What was I trying to prove?
Our main character has a nasty habit of falling into deep slumbers and waking up where he doesn't know where he is. In fact, the first place he wakes up...
... is in Hell.
Through some horrifying circumstances, the blue armor that was scattered in the ruins of the Royal Sisters' Castle reconstitutes the vessel of Nightmare Moon. Only this time, a human soul is its life source.
Rated Teen for some questionably older implications toward the beginning. In contrast, pyromaniacs will find said implications very underwhelming.
(Warning! Transgender imminent!)
Edit: This story was written solely for entertainment purposes. Please do not dive into this expecting a well-tested chemistry report.

Edit: I think I found a cover that just might work for now.

Chapters (27)