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The Witch of the Everfree... a tale that has spread among all who live by the ever illustrious forest, to whom the witch truly is, no one knows apart from the one herself... until now. Twilight Sparkle had lived in the Everfree throughout most of her long life, since the corruption she was alone until not long ago when she met few companions. Trained along side her sisters through bond in arcane magic, given true immortality, she continued her studies alone only every now and again seeing how her race fared. Now, forty years after she was dubbed a witch by her race, three little girls stumble through her woods in search of the ever mysterious "witch", what could really happen? read to find out.

FEATURED: 16/03/14

Many have wondered what Twilight looks like and such so to clarify, she does not look like a human female, she retains her fur coat, she is of human height and has hands. The facial structure is more detailed such as where the eyebrows should be there is a darker patch of coat much in the color of her mane.

The story starts a few episodes in, around halfway through season one I would say, some shall stay canon whilst some with alter, I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Twilight is still Twilight in every way, though she has been with little to no contact throughout her life apart from when the Everfree retained people, in such her words would become haggard sometimes so that's why you will probably go "huh" when you first see her talk to the CMC.

That is all for now.

Chapters (12)

The nightmare of that evening haunts my every waking moment.

A flash of light.

Her powerful form with wings spread wide before me…

She was not just my mentor.

She was also my best friend and for that I will always be grateful for knowing her not as a Princess of Equestria, but as Celestia… The only one who really understood me...

But now? Now I can never tell her how much I truly loved her and how much she meant to me.

They took her away from me.

So I will take everything away from them.

There is a sequel! D=S-M2 and side story! D=S-M: Emerald Mirror

((Somehow Featured on: 12/03/2014 and again on the 06/07/14... mad.

Much love and all credit to the artist: Ventious who owns that picture and is all kinds of awesome. While I have yet to get permission (working on that one at some point), I will remove the picture if the artist demands it so.

And much thanks to these guys for helping me edit/proof and generally bounce ideas about this monstrosity: Grammar Nazi Tach, Discorded Discord,Curify, Lord Inquisitor

Chapters (14)

Winter, for some ponies a fun time of the year where they get to play in the snow and skate on the ice. For some ponies, winter is but a bothersome time of year when the snow gets in their way and they try to keep warm each day. For Fluttershy, it is a lonely time of year, a time where she feels as empty as her house.

Each winter day, each and every year when the winter season comes, Fluttershy awakens to loneliness. This year though, things are slightly different. This year, she has somepony beside her to listen to her pains and try to fill the void of loneliness.

The cover image for this story is the artwork 'Flutter Snuggle' by Kurokaji11.

If the cover-art and the name of the author for this story wasn't an obvious enough hint, then I shall forewarn you that this story contains FlutterDash shipping.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story unless otherwise stated - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Chapters (1)

Such a powerful word with such a simple meaning. A word most ponies never hear in their life...
"Twilight Sparkle,"
A simple word meaning to be sent away as a form of punishment...
"You have been proven guilty,"
But I haven't done anything wrong, have I? Anything to deserve to be punished? Being framed? Is that a crime?
"You are banished from Equestria,"
Why would they all just give up on me? I know the truth, but they refuse to hear it. Why won't they just listen?
"You are required to leave at once."
Just listen.
Before war overtakes us all.

Featured-- 3/5/14
Give cover art respect where it is due, meaning this guy.

Chapters (2)

Twilight's plans for a sleepover are tested when most of her guests have to cancel, but Applejack convinces her they can have fun together with just each other's company. Twilight's not used to giving up control, but sometimes going with the flow can open up a world of new experiences.

Editing by warlord487.

A (belated) birthday present for bookplayer.

Chapters (1)

After losing a bet, Rainbow Dash now has to wear panties for an entire day. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact she not only has her weather duties, but also has to help out her friends. Let the awkward moments commence!

Pre-Read by: RainbowBob and DbzOrDie

Edited by: Unnamed Pawn, ugugg93, and Apple Fritter

Thanks to FreeHomeBrew for the cover art

Chapters (8)

A particularly strong gust blows Applejack's hat away. What follows is a chaotic chase across all of Equestria to retrieve it.

The AppleDash group is celebrating the 200th Prompt Tag Entry by organizing another multi-author fic. Each chapter is 500 to 1500 words, written in up to 3 days by a different author without an outline or even a plan. Every author picks up where the previous one left off. What ensues is a wild, but fun ride.

List of authors included:
Skeeter The Lurker
Knight Of Cerebus
The Yaoi Mistress
Pearple Prose
Brony Eagle Scout

Chapters (23)

"He truly loved her and knew she loved him just as much. The dragon gulped deeply as a fluttering sensation occupied his stomach. He didn't just love Twilight as a friend."

After finally giving up on Rarity, Spike realizes that the true mare of his dreams has been in his company for a lifetime, but is unsure if Twilight would ever consider him as more than a great friend and assistant. The only way he can find out is ask.

*Featured 2/20/2014, Thank you all so much!*

Cover Art: Hey,.. real' quick, before the intro starts.. by Frist44

Special thanks to all the readers who pointed out grammar and spelling errors. You're great proofreaders!

Chapters (3)

Twilight opens the door to her library on the morning of Hearts and Hooves day to find a surprise waiting for her, but who is it from?

Chapters (2)

Applejack is facing a dilemma. She's been asked a question by her best friend that she doesn't know how to respond to:

“Applejack, do you want to go on a date?!"

She decides to ask her friends for help, one by one, and learns more about herself and the connection she and Rainbow Dash share together.

Chapters (1)