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A combination of Rainbow Dash -styled awesomeness and experimentation has brought into being something quite unexpected: a windigo foal, unassuming and apparently attached to its mama.

How will Rainbow Dash fare with new responsibilities that come with taking care of a fairly unknown creature of nightmares?

Chapters (4)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Pick Me Up At Seven

When Pinkie drags Twilight along with her to spy on Applejack and Rainbow Dash's date, Twilight finds herself in romantic limbo with no clear idea what to do next.

Prereading and brainstorming by Tchernobog

Note: This is a sequel and contains massive spoilers for the original story. Reading the original is not necessarily required to enjoy this story, but it is highly encouraged.

Chapters (4)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is really enjoying being an honorary big sister to Scootaloo. They hang out, she praises Rainbow's sweet moves- it's really the perfect relationship. Until Rainbow has to do boring grown-up stuff and ask to meet Scootaloo's parents. No big deal. Just in case something happens, Rainbow knows who to go to.

Except... Scootaloo keeps dodging the question. And nopony in town has a clue where she lives either.

Rainbow is getting worried while Scootaloo is getting more and more desperate to avoid an answer. Because what if that answer isn't cool enough for Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (1)

Barb feels insecure about her appearance. All she thought of herself as was an ugly, insignificant dragon in a sea of ponies that easily were more worthy of attention than her. She begins to slip into depression, distancing herself from those who care about her...

Until Elusive offers to spruce her up, showing her that even though she's a dragon, she can still be beautiful inside and out.

Gonna bring this story in for the Sparity Contest baby.

Thanks to Mr101 and Flint Spark for looking over the story.

Chapters (1)

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself. Luna sends one of her guards to look for the creature on his own while she and McIntosh search another part of the grove. The guard finds the creature, but it turns out to be anything but what he was expecting.

Written as part of Equestria Daily's Writers Training Grounds event.

Chapters (10)

Flight Camp was a life-changing event for Cloud Kicker. Her horrible fight with Rainbow Dash forever changed things between them, and drove a wedge between Cloud and Fluttershy.

But what if that had never happened? What if Cloud and Fluttershy had stayed together? How would the lives of the three friends be different? What other changes would ripple across Equestria as a result of that one event? Cloud and Fluttershy might be happily married, but how would that change the lives of their friends? Would Rainbow Dash go down a different path to joining the Wonderbolts? How would Rarity's life change if she never met Fluttershy until she moved to Canterlot?

Where would they be today if they'd traveled down the road not taken?

Chapters (1)

Rarity never thought she'd fall for a dragon, much less be blissfully happy dating one, but ever since Spike grew into a sweet and handsome young drake, she's been completely and helplessly besotted. Recently, though, he's seemed distant, uncomfortable around her--or worse, unhappy with her. With the prospect of losing the love of her life hanging over Rarity's head, will she resort to drastic measures to become what he desires? And how will her darling dragon react if she does?

Written for the Sparity one-shot contest.

Fan Works
Story Reading by Goombasa

Chapters (1)

"Awkward, but worth it."
This is the phrase Twilight Sparkle used when Rainbow Dash first attempted to work up the courage to confess her love for Applejack. Rainbow quickly realized that she was right--it was awkward, but worth it. What she didn't realize was just how applicable that statement would be throughout all her life. That first conversation. That first kiss. That first night spent together. That time Apple Bloom walked in on them. That first apology after their first argument. The arrival of that acceptance letter. And on so many more occasions.
Throughout it all, Rainbow kept smiling.
It was awkward, yes. At times so much so that she wished she could sink into the ground and disappear forever.
But in the end, every time--every time--it was always so very, very worth it.

Dear Tchernobog: This is all your fault. I hate mildly disapprove of your guts. Sincerely, bt.

Chapters (29)