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This story is a sequel to Kiss of the Dark

Six months after the events of Kiss of the Dark, Twilight is deep into her pregnancy with Sombra's child. The foal is due any moment now, and she grows more excited by the day.

However, her memories of Sombra still haunt her. Torturing her in her dreams, making her feel guilty for the things she's done with him....

Once Celestia catches wind of it, she takes it upon herself to help her former student once more. After all, its best that they fix things once and for all before the foal arrives...

Cover by AmberSolaen/Starburst Dawn.

Reading Kiss of the Dark before reading this story is recommended, but not required.

Chapters (4)

Octavia loves being the center of attention when it comes to large crowds. Though her day started out innocently enough, she tries to earn the stare of a stallion passing by but quickly finds her efforts being watched by others. One would be surprised to what a simple tootsie pop and an adventurous tongue can do and wanting to give her audience a proper show, she makes it one to remember.

Edited and preread by: Shadowflash and SolidFire

Chapters (1)

Like every fresh young couple, shiny and new, Spike and Rarity's maiden voyage into the depths of romantic intimasea is met with rough tides. Naturally, it's all Twilight's fault.

Chapters (1)

Two guards overhear strange noises coming from Celestia's chambers. Upon investigating, they decide that perhaps this is worth looking into a little more.

Thanks to my editor alexmagnet for all his help!

Chapters (1)

Celly, Discord and Cadey have been spying observing. Luna and Twilight seem to have feelings for each other!!! The problem? They don't seem to know how each other feels!! What to do?Celestia, Discord and Cadence (Well, mostly Discord) come up with Operation TwiLuna, to get the two together in their own ways. subtletly, beautiful romance, and chaos.
I feel compelled to add "What could possibly go wrong?"

Winner of the first Twiluna group competition. (THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYPONY!!)

Chapters (5)

Art by ss2sonic. Check him out!

Before he left, Spike make a horrible mistake. He told all of his friends that he would leave Ponyville to cleanse the demon within him and to make amends for the suffering he brought. All of his friends didn't want him to leave, but he made up his mind. He said farewell to his saddened friends and painfully walked away from what he called "home". He told himself to venture of to the "Cavern of Greed". There, he can fight the demon from within...

5 years after the incident and all is peaceful in the town called Ponyville. Not a frown to be seen; not a cry to be heard. All was calm till a mysterious cloaked stranger came to the peaceful town. All the noise; all the chattering ceased. The stranger walked until he was in the middle of the town and simply said, "I'm home".

(Each chapter will be someone else's POV. The story progresses as the chapters go on. Also, come to this blog. I'd like to ask a question.)

Editor: LightningBass94. I can't thank enough without him(her) because my english is somewhat bad….

Chapters (12)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

After Luna's banishment to the moon, Princess Celestia swore to protect Luna's infant daughter, Princess Moonlight, and put her into an enchanted sleep only to awaken upon Luna's return.

A simple fairy tale, but one with dire consequences to the Mane Six... one in particular.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle thought that she had felt all that happiness could offer. She had perfect friends, an amazing mentor, and even became part of the Princess monarchy. She was as happy as she could be.

Until one day the news came...

Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to be a mother. And she never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

This fic was inspired by the picture, and the title came from it as well. The picture and title do not belong to me. I would like to thank Hikariviny for drawing such a wonderful picture. It inspired me to write the single best thing I've ever written. I don't wanna sound modest, but this story is the one that's most likely to be featured out of all of my stories. If it is featured, please let me know when if it was featured!!! Oh, and WHOO!!! 400 LIKES!!! I FINALLY MADE IT! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!!!

I understand that many of you don't like that it's Flash X Twilight. It's just who the picture was related to, and I wrote it based on the picture. Please don't dislike it because of this. It's more for the motherly aspect, and not for the shipping. I am very sorry if you do not like the shipping, but please don't be mean!!!

I will be posting songs that inspired me to write each chapter. Trust me, it adds to the feels. Here they are:


Chapters (12)

Fluttershy, reborn as a denizen of the dark and desperate for a drink, goes on the prowl in the dead of night. What ensues is less horrifying and more hilarious.

A silly little idea I came up with when discussing this episode with some friends. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and situations. There is blood, but I don't think there's enough to warrant a Gore tag. Hope this gets some laughs!

Featured on the front page from January 10th to 12th, 2014!

Chapters (1)