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When Octavia gets bitten by a supposed werewolf it opens up a whole new reality to her. She even might gain a couple new friends along the way. (Currently on hiatus due to lack of motivation to complete.)

Chapters (10)

Twilight is trapped, and Chrysalis is to blame. But where, how, and most importantly... why? Twilight's not even sure she'll survive, and without her friends to help her, she has to face the Queen alone. What will she do? What can she do? Only time will tell.
(Made and uploaded cover art. It's hideous, but it'll do for now.)
(Leave a like, comment and let me know what you like and what you don't, be social and enjoy the story if it's your type of story)

Chapters (10)

Canterlot... For centuries, Canterlot was the shining gem of Equestria, the pinnacle of pony society. Now, it’s a reminder, a bleak and monolithic warning to the world. 

Changed by the chemical and technological poisons that plague the mountain, an abomination of nature, I wander the greatest disaster Equestria has ever seen. 

... I will escape eventually, and when I do, I hope my friends still see me as Twilight Sparkle, and not the monster that hides among the ruins. 

Chapters (10)

Colgate's bored of her life. Sure, owning a dental practice is fulfilling, but it lacks that certain... je ne sais quoi. But when a mysterious stallion appears offering her a new life in exchange for unwavering loyalty to the Crown, she is plunged into a shadowy world of intrigue and lies, stretching from the searing deserts of Saddle Arabia to the frozen wastes of the Crystal Empire.

Massive thanks to archonix for the new cover art! It looks great!

Chapters (2)

The princess has gone quiet. Ever since the nations began uniting under one flag, the princess has refused to see anypony, and nopony, not even Celestia's sister has seen heads or tails of the sun goddess.
She only wants to see her student.
Twilight ventures to the castle to see what exactly is the problem.

This whole thing was inspired by one little part in the cover picture. I don't know how many people agree with me, but she (Nightmare/Celestia) seems more concerned than anything else.

EDIT: I was planning on making this a one shot, but fate insists that I change that. No longer will this be a one shot, but a two-parter, I think. 5 comments. Holy shiznits, I must have done something right.

Chapters (3)

Youtube read by agentduck.
Correction completed.
I've never read "My little Dashie". I don't know what it's about, aside from people going emo over it. You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. I like to experiment and make weird things that might overlap with what already exists. A consequence of time.

Mathews Fore is a simple man. He has a decent job with decent pay. A rather nice little house at the end of the road. A "dead-end" if you will. The only problem? He hates lack of security, although everyone in his neighborhood has a tendency to watch the actions of eachother, so no theft has gone unpunished...by them. Due to his fears of security, he erected a very tall fence around his house that he further covered with a green cover, so nobody can see through it. His yard is pretty huge in itself.

However, he starts to feel lonely. He doesn't want a woman, nor is he gay, so he doesn't want a man. He just wants something to hug. He doesn't want a pet, but he doesn't want to adopt a kid either. He just wants something adorable to hug and kiss on the forehead. Something intelligent. But what? One night, there was the announcement of a meteor shower, so Mathews decides to take his chances and wish upon a star, just like in his childhood stories.
He gets what he wants, but is it really worth it?

Chapters (12)

Twilight has an accident in the middle of the night that makes her succumb to tears but luckily somepony is there to comfort her in her distress.

Chapters (1)

Spike is on the hunt for a new position in life, but he comes across something unexpected in his pursuit. A Spike and Rarity romance story with a unique take on things. Contains Humanisation.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia will at last get a taste of Twilight Sparkle. No, not in that way! The whole Elemental Harmony Squad is involved... no, still not in that way!

Popsicles will be prominently involved... and again, not in a naughty way. The only naughty pony here is Luna.

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings, graduate of Luna's Academy of Magic, is going to have her first solo show - tonight! It's nothing major, just a few pieces for the Academy itself to play for the new student body, but with some of the most talented musicians in all of Equestria set to be there, the chances to make contacts and get her name known in the right circles is just the opportunity she's dreamed of! She just has to do a quick favor for Trixie first, and then it's off to Canterlot. Surely nothing can go wrong?

A Lunaverse story.
This story is happening simultaneously with Family Matters, but you don't have to have read Family Matters to enjoy this one.

Rated T for (non-sexual) nudity

Chapters (11)