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Ever since Luna returned to Equestria, Princess Celestia could finally find time for herself and rest during the night.

But, as luck would have it, all the stress and overworking the Princess was subject to for the last 1000 years finally took its toll. Celestia fell ill.

Now, her royal sister has to perform the duties of the sun goddess alongside her own. How will she fare during the light of day?

Chapters (1)

Currently undergoing maintenance, not much for the first few chapters but expect the latter to be vastly different. I will post the originals on google docs if anyone wishes to read them.

An evil book thought to have been effectively sealed for eternity finds its way into the hooves of a little unicorn filly. What they don't know can hurt them as curiosity, temptation and lust for power drives one of their friends to the extremes and beyond.

Edited by Brittany Tielke

Chapters (11)

It's been a week since Nightmare Night, and Twilight can't seem to free her mind of Luna ever since their unique farewell. Her starry flowing mane, her pristine teal eyes, her gleaming dark sapphire coat. It's only going to get worse for our studious mare when one night Luna shows up and has a request.

A date. Comedy, Romance, and even some drama heading your way.

Proof-readers :MasterJedi and DJ GarV the Expert

Criticism is always welcomed.

Teen rating for alcohol and adult themes.

Chapters (4)

Luna thinks of her time on the moon remembering a dark forbidden power she practiced and returns to her practice.

Chapters (5)

The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

Nightmare Moon has been running around Ponyville doing unthinkable acts! She's been... been helping ponies and doing charitable work! Hold on a second, that's not bad at all? Why is the evil NIghtmare Moon being so nice? What? Nopony told her she's the villian? Well gee, somepony should go do that, shouldn't they?

In case it wasn't slightly obvious, Nightmare Moon is doing things that typically aren't expected of a villian, and when Twilight Sparkle inquires as to why she's so nice, it shocks Nightmare to learn that she's the villian. Seeing no other option, she immediately sets out to rectify this situation. This is a comedy with darker elements including, but not limited to, kitten cruelty, royal beatdowns on the eldery, orphan terrorizing, property damage, and the ever present etc.

Chapters (5)

Written from crysalis's point of view.

Crysalis, after being defeated at Canterlot, is sent flying into the Everfree Forest. After waking up in a crater, she finds an odd mare.

Chapters (6)

Nightime is always like this for Twilight... The cold air grips her, the darkness smothers her and worst of all, the thing that makes it all complete: no one is there for her.

Cover art by: All-Bandana/Nos-talgia

Chapters (1)