• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011


Meow. I'll come back and fill this in eventually.

Favourites 634 stories
  • Favourites 634 stories - 734 unread chapters
    Created by ibneko
    - October, 2014
Found 554 stories in 68ms

Total Words: 22,190,990
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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The six elements of Harmony took Twilight's birthday party to the Canterlot garden party in Sweet and Elite. But what happens after that? The party relocates again at the request of Princess Celestia, and Luna comes as well!

Chapters (6)

when the ponies first appeared, their offers of ponification and a simpler life in Equestria attracted people from all walks of life. This is one of those stories.

Bonus Chapter incoming!

Chapters (7)

The potion used to transform people into ponies has gone through many, many interations. When one of the older potions is used, results aren't quite what was expected.

EDIT: I used a piece of fanart which I thought was wonderful as the cover image :3

Chapters (13)

After a visit from Cadance and Shining Armor, Twilight realizes how little she understands romantic love and decides to do -what else?- some research. But she has to learn a lot quicker than she expected, for Princess Celestia has invited Twilight and her friends to a Hearts and Hooves Gala- and they're expected to bring dates!

What follows is a chaotic set of events in which hearts are broken, crushes are acted upon, cakes explode, and the very foundation of the Mane 6 is rocked to its core.

My first fic, so don't expect any spectacular writing. I've got a vague idea of the relationships, but things may change, as I'm trying to let things be organic. Assume nothing.

Chapters (22)

When Rarity’s friends discover that she has been seeing an escort, they decide to investigate and find out why. What they discover is more shocking than any of them could have imagined.

An alternate and significantly better version of this story can be found here.

Chapters (1)

When one pony loves another pony, but that pony is smitten with another pony, and yet that pony is enamored with yet another pony, who's head over heels for a different pony, who can't wait to express her feelings to her own favorite pony, who worships the earth that the first pony walks on, then what is the pony to say to the other pony that is different from what the pony wishes to confess to the other pony who is longing after another pony who can't wait to share hooves with another pony who is infatuated with another pony who is too flustered to say anything to the first pony to begin with? Can the pony who loves a pony who loves another pony who loves yet another pony who has a crush on a different pony who can't stop thinking about the first pony still all be friends?

Chapters (9)

Princess Celestia writes a report to her teacher on what she has learned about mortality.

On EQD Sept. 7, 2012.
Hungarian translation by Shidotoku
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Alicorn

After the events of "My Little Alicorn," everything seemed to be back to normal...except for one pony. Prince Blueblood is now trapped as a colt, his title, possessions and birthright stripped for his crimes. Before Princess Celestia will return him to normal, however, he must prove himself by attending Magic Kindergarten. Even worse, his current situation has attracted the vengeful gaze of two ponies he has offended in the past: the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Moon Princess.

Will Blueblood rise above his past self and emerge a better pony? Or will he sink back into his old depravity, and be stuck a colt for the long term?

Note: This is a sequel to "My Little Alicorn," so you might want to check that out first.

Chapters (14)

Coming back to Canterlot shortly before Cadance's wedding to Shining Armor, Celestia and Cadance soon grow bored on the train ride and decide to have a bit of fun...at the expense of a sleeping Luna. Needless to say, the princess of the night is none too pleased with this development and decides to enact some revenge of her own. Hilarity ensues, and bananas may or may not be involved!

Had this idea when I first saw LoCeri's comic, and finally have some time and enough ideas to make a proper story out of it. Just a bit of random fun, not meant to be taken seriously!

Picture used with artist's permission, and seriously, if you haven't already seen his stuff, LoCeri has some awesome and hilarious comics and is definitely worthy of a follow! (Or at least a cookie)

Chapters (4)