• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011


Meow. I'll come back and fill this in eventually.

Favourites 634 stories
  • Favourites 634 stories - 734 unread chapters
    Created by ibneko
    - October, 2014
Found 554 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 22,190,990
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Should the powerful and sexy alicorn Dark Demon King Ravenblood Nightblade follow his destiny as savior of Equestria, or his love of interior design?

Why not both?

BASED ON AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER BY DEVICE HERETIC!!! This is my first alicron Mary Sue self-insert fic, so plz b nice. Maybe Ill write moar if ppl like it

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus!
On EQD Oct. 20, 2012.

Chapters (2)

It's April Foal's Day and Applejack is, as usual, the recipient of many pranks, much to the amusement of her brother. When she enlists Twilight Sparkle to help with her revenge things get a little out of hoof.

Chapters (6)

It seemed like it was going to be a perfect morning for Twilight, until she realized she had woken up with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, tenderly cuddling next to her on the bed. Just what the hay happened last night? And why do they keep calling Twilight 'mistress'?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia will at last get a taste of Twilight Sparkle. No, not in that way! The whole Elemental Harmony Squad is involved... no, still not in that way!

Popsicles will be prominently involved... and again, not in a naughty way. The only naughty pony here is Luna.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions kidnap Twilight Sparkle when they see how lonely Luna is, and give her to the Princess as a gift. Nightmare Moon emerges from Princess Luna's psyche during the sleepover. The dark goddess would love nothing more than to have the beautiful mare all to herself, and the resulting chaos forces Celestia to call a psychologist to sort out Luna's multiple personalities.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has had enough of half-arsed promises from her loyal subjects. It's time to wear a different hat.

Also on: DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

The gryphons were not always monsters. That came later.

In the earliest days, they were our friends. They flew alongside pegasi. They shared the land with earth ponies. They studied beside unicorns. There was no fear between us. That came later too.

Time drew our people apart, but it was not time that made them monsters. They made that choice themselves; they chose their fate. And it was the greatest gryphon who sealed it.

He was born, many years ago, on a mountain far to the north...

Chapters (1)

A collection of some of my shorter or more experimental pieces of fanfic that don't really merit standalone status. Updated at random as I write additional bits and pieces that I can't do anything else with. Rated teen for bathroom humor, drug use, and sad ponies.

Chapters (7)

Inspired by Friendship with Benefits is Magic. Not intended as a direct followup as much as my own take on the idea. What is Celestia to do when Twilight Sparkle shares a little too much? And why doesn't Twilight have any idea what she's talking about? And why is Luna smiling so much!?

Followed up by yet another epistolary conversation between Twilight and Celestia about the magic of not knowing what the hay that other pony is talking about. Features a special guest appearance by naughty!Luna.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Chapters (2)