Favourites 548 stories
  • Favourites 548 stories - 1422 unread chapters
    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
Found 393 stories in 390ms

Total Words: 21,926,580
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Below her, the remains of the world, and everyone in it, spin slowly, around and around, in a sea of purple goo. But that doesn't mean Celestia's work is done. The Road lies ahead of her, and at its end—the most difficult decision of her life. Again.

How long can one pony keep hope alive?


2nd place in the "History Repeats" write-off.
Dramatic reading by AShadowOfCygnus.
Dramatic reading by Cherax.
On EQD Aug 12, 2014.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has obtained the combined power of all four princesses of Equestria. Wielding this power, she confronts Lord Tirek, but the result of their fight is a tie. When he holds her friends hostage, she is forced to make a difficult choice.

All is not lost, however: one force remains in Equestria that could give her the edge she needs to defeat her foe, save her friends, and restore the world. She need only retrieve it from Zecora and place it around her neck...

Runner-up (one-shots category) in the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.

Story inspiration: Corruption of a Desperate Mare, by Chris Wöhrer.

Edited by NightWolf289, AugieDog, and Prak. Thanks also to Pascoite for his WRITE review.

Rated teen for gore and dark themes.

Featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (05/12/14)
Equestria Daily!
The Royal Guard's Fic Spotlight #10.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Approved by Nonpareil Fiction!

Chapters (1)
by TGM

Two years after the Canterlot invasion, Queen Chrysalis is the last of her kind. However, she is confident that the Changelings will survive. They always have.

The Ponies' help may be the only thing that will keep the Changelings from falling into extinction, but Chrysalis refuses to ask.

She does not need it.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by Huussii on Deviantart.

Extremely helpful editing done by Wahnsinniger,Derpator, & Doccular42.

Special thanks to Pascoite for approving the fic for Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading by Crafty Arts!

Chapters (1)

The bittersweet triumph of a mother's love, an unforgiving reality, and the unsung loss of a queen.

Cryssy's Lullaby by Julian Moon. Vocals by Eilemonty.
Cover art by Huussii.
Now with Dramatic Reading by Goombasa.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Doctor Candor | Spiritus | Kyaksa | TheAccidentialBrony | Forgotten Null
Tired Old Man | OkemosBrony | I HV NO FEAR | JBL | lunamoonthroat | enti0

Also read: A Ruler's Regret Never Fades

Chapters (1)

(This fic is now officially cancelled. Maybe I'll come back to it in the very distant future if I ever get back into Starcraft, but for now, it's up for adoption.)

Remember the Protoss ship from Starcraft Heart of the Swarm? The one from the "Enemy Within" mission? The one that started with sneaking? Niadra (the broodmother that eventually infested the place) lost contact with the Queen of Blades more than fifty years ago. Since then, the Zerg aboard that ship have flourished... until one day when they came across an unknown planet and were pulled in. The atmosphere did little to the ship, but the crash did.

The horrific Zerg within, Niadra included, perished... all save for one little Drone. Free of any control, this Drone has only three directives: multiply, infest, thrive.

(Please, for the love of all that is tobzahs, leave a comment. I enjoy hearing feedback, ideas, all that shtuff. It motivates me, really.)

Featured 9/4/14, apparently.

Chapters (9)

Every week around the same time, Skywrite the pegasus leaves his little cottage in the woods to “pick up groceries,” and every week around the same time, Petalgrown the pegasus welcomes him home with a few hours of cuddling and his favorite dinner on the table. Of course, not everything here is as it seems. For one thing, there’s the dinner. French fried potatoes? Who’s ever heard of such a thing!? For another thing, there’s the way Sky looks at his hooves sometimes, as if trying to will something else to be there. Also, as a footnote, Petalgrown is one of the hundreds of changelings thrown free of Canterlot during the failed invasion attempt, and has been living off Skywrite’s strange, fiery love ever since.

As time goes on and questions about the strange, loving pegasus start piling up, she grows determined to discover the truth behind the pony she finds herself growing more and more intrigued with. Of course, it could be something even crazier than “love-sucking, shape-changing bug-pony,” but that’s just speculation. After all, there’s no way a pony could ever hide such a strange secret from a creature born of secrets, right? Why, it would take something very unpony-like to pull that off, wouldn’t it?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Ultimate Alicorn

For thirty years, Twilight Sparkle has ruled Equestria single-hoofedly. For thirty years, she has managed the sun, the moon, the weather and the production of food all over Equestria. For thirty years, she has barely aged, with the combined might and extended lifespans of the deposed former triarchy, and the power of the Alicorn Amulet in her possession.

While the self-appointed Queen of Equestria continues to hold the population in a vicegrip of fear, and the land and seas begin to deteriorate, a secret uprising will form. Unbeknownst to Her Absolute Majesty, new foals are growing and developing their natural magic in secret. After a vision of the future by their mentor, and aided by an elderly recluse, a small band of young fillies and colts will scour the land of Equestria and beyond in search of the one remaining method to restore the world's magic.

Equestria has had enough. The reign of the ultimate alicorn must end.

Winner (long-runners category) of the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.

Pre-read by JustAnotherTimeLord, The Albinocorn, NightWolf289, PaulAsaran, Comet Burst, MissingLink, Dash The Stampede, and FamousLastWords. Edited by NightWolf289, JustAnotherTimeLord, and Dash The Stampede.

Now featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (08/01/14)
Equestria Daily!

Rated teen for violence and dark themes.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (8)

Disclaimer: Not a real-life religion, so there's no need to get all up in arms over a fic with the 'comedy' tag.

Post-Conversion Earth is a calm, peaceful place. However, it lacks the certain kind of chaos that only religion can bring. Enter a single, fanatical human from space to dish out his own kind of conversion.

Religion is coming to Equestria, brought by a single, oblivious, fanatic. On a divine mission from his God (at least that's what he thinks), this lone human will not rest until he saves the souls of all. With zeal in his heart, a holy tome in his hands and unyielding faith, he shall bring the true meaning of conversion back to Equestria.

Whether the ponies like it or not.

So grab your prayer beads, strap on your finest missionary boots and prepare for a preachin' you won't forget.

1. I'm not taking any shots at religion here, it's a shame that I have to point that out but better safe than sorry.
2. Any references to actual religion is purely for comedic purposes.
3. Not a hate-fic, I just can't resist the pun.
4. Disregarding the above points is considered heresy, and punishable by eternal damnation.


Chapters (8)

When a fantasy world’s story ends in fire, the gods of the humans sacrifice everything to send the last remnant of their charges to a new world, beyond the reach of their powerful enemies.

The humans who had lost everything are now given a new world to explore, but will the hazards of the Everfree prove too much for them? And how exactly will the Equestrians react to their new neighbors?

Will the humans adapt to their new gods, or will they die out twice?

This is my first fic, I wanted to try something I haven't seen before.
I can't improve without criticism. Feel free to point stuff out.

Chapters (19)

When peace loving equines declare war against humanity, they get more than they bargained for as large formations of bombers fly across the Equestrian skies; easily flying through the shield the ponies had constructed around there "great" country and decimating their cities and towns.

One-shot, Anti-TCB story so if you don't like reading ponies getting blown up by 750 pound bombs this isn't the story for you.

Chapters (2)