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  • Favourites 548 stories - 1422 unread chapters
    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
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January 15th, 2014. A veil of light spans across the United States of America. As the citizens stare in amazement at what is certainly a once in a lifetime phenomenon, the entire country is ripped physically out of its place on Earth and sent to a new world, a world known as Equus. Now with 312 million Humans and their country trapped in completely unknown territory with no way home, they must do what Humanity has done for centuries that has allowed it to become a force of nature. Adapt, Survive, and Overcome.

Editor/Adviser: Sneaky Breeze.
Editors: Washingtonian & AlphaFartOfDoom
Technical Adviser: ArtichokeLust
A big thanks to them for all the input and help they have given.

Chapters (2)

The flu; all ponies have had it at some point in their lives. It's a simple yearly ordeal that leaves you feeling crummy for a week or two, then you're fine again, right? Oh how wrong of a misconception that is. This is not the story of the feather flu, this is the story of the black flu; the worst flu pandemic in Equestrian history.
(There is adult SpikeBelle shipping [as in age, not content] and no, there aren't any zombies.)

Though this story is fictional, I'd like to point out that this will be an accurate representation of a worst case scenario pandemic in our world. And after the recent outbreak of H7N9 in China and NCoV in Saudi Arabia, I felt as though I needed to write this story. So I hope this story will both entertain and educate you.

Chapters (11)

When Fluttershy finds a human in her backyard trying to eat one of her chickens, she and a majority of the residents of Ponyville only want this dangerous creature as far away from their town as possible.

After a less than stellar first impression, Derpy Hooves and the human struggle to quell the rumors surrounding his diet, and convince the townsfolk that he's harmless.

Will the human be able to make himself meek enough to coexist? Or will he be driven out of town with torches and pitchforks?

Each chapter is told from the perspective of a different pony.

Chapters (19)

TV TROPES PAGE! Show it the love, people!

Tartarus: the fabled prison said to hold all of the demons of Equus at bay.

Few truly know what lies behind the impenetrable doors Cerberus guards. Some say that it is a pit, infinite in it's depth and darkness, from which there is no return. Other claim it to be a hellish plain, filled with fire and pain and suffering, to punish the demons for their sins.

All of them are wrong.

Tartarus is small. An inescapable cell for a single prisoner. But the tales about it's purpose are not false.

For this captive human holds the key to unleashing upon Equestria forces which have not been seen for centuries, forces which predate Equestria by many an age.

And soon, he shall be free.

EDIT: Featured on 5/25/14! SUH-WEEEEET!


Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to What Have You Done?

Canterlot has fallen.

Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, has taken her prize, unhindered by Equestria's precious heroes. Celestia is little more than another prisoner of war now. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are lost, and the Elements themselves have turned away from Equestria's plight. As the world they once knew begins to crumble, a single question is asked among the people as they look up at their fallen heroes.

It is no longer the question that needs to be asked, however.
It is no longer about what has been done, but what must be done now.

There is no such thing as "miserably ever after," for someone will always be fighting for things to change. Hope doesn't die just because someone's turned off the lights. Truth doesn't vanish when deceit begins its reign, and Harmony can only shine brighter among chaos.
Even as this world falls, we'll work to build it up again.
Even as you lose yourself, you can find greater things within you.
Even as fear rises up like a tidal wave, we'll forge a sanctuary to stand against it.
Even as you break, someone will always be standing there next to you to carry you through it.

And even if this entire broken world stands against me, as long as you do not give up, I will find my way back to you.

Cover art is by Odin-odin.
Story theme (Equestria in Grey) is by Omnipony.
Main Characters are Twilight, Velvet, Discord, Nightlight, Luna, and Chrysalis, in that order.
See you in the comments, my dear readers.

Chapters (3)

Jet Stream is a perfectly normal pegasus. He likes milkshakes, writing, and sunny days. But when almost all of Equestria vanishes in an instant, he and the rest of the town become part of a struggle for survival, hoping against hope that their beloved homeland will one day reappear.

Special thanks to Scootareader for proofreading and editing!

Chapters (1)

I should be dead. The chances of me surviving the explosion were 999,999 to 1. But despite the overwhelming impossibility, I live. And yet, I live in a world that I cannot understand, that defies all of the scientific knowledge that I have spent my life accumulating. They tell me that friendship could be a form of magic. I can not believe them. But with nowhere else I can go, I must either make peace with these talking magical ponies...or be destroyed by them. But I know this. The Crystal Empire and those who dwell within it are not ready for the freeze I bring.

My name is Victor Fries. And I am in Equestria.

Mr. Freeze will be based on BtAS and Beyond version. And yes, almost all the chapter names will be terrible puns. This will be shorter than most my stories, but I still think it's just as good. Written after season three.

Chapters (21)

An unexpected anomaly brings about a new and powerful weapon that inadvertently helped Nightmare defeat Celestia. Nightmare plans on exploiting this new weapon. Little does she know that when you play with fire, you get burned.

Not a Halo crossover.

Image Credit: Deviant Art xXMarkingXx
FIMFiction marking

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro

On hiatus until I can finish my other projects or find more time to continue writing this as well. Don't worry though, I do have the entire story board written out. I'm not abandoning any of my work.

Chapters (6)

It's that time of year again at Ponyville Elementary, with Family Appreciation Day. Little Apple Bloom is feeling left in the dust yet again, as all of her immediate family members are too busy to come in to speak. The little filly is left with only one other option:
Her "honorary" family member...
If only he had actually taken a bath for once...

Rated T for Trevor, so expect colorful language and some bloody good violence. Don't worry, no ponies were harmed in the making of this story.
However, many changlings were.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.
Grand Theft Auto V belongs to Rockstar.

Edit at 12:05AM on 7/12/2014: Holy Featured Box!
Words cannot describe how much this means to me. Thank you all so much!

Edit at 12:40PM on 7/12/2014: Now with a Youtube reading by the amazing Soupr5! Check it out!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dark Ones

Many years after the destruction of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle serves the Imperial Inquisition in its war against those responsible. Having thought her past safely buried, what will become of her when it returns with a vengeance?

Remember: if you fave, like!

Have some fanart, with thanks to NCMares!

Featured on TV Tropes!

Chapters (18)