• Member Since 14th Nov, 2012

Jacket Stripe

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Aria Blaze is history's most prolific composer. Writing music constantly for upwards of a thousand years will earn you that title. Now, after a defeat which robbed the three sirens of a magic they've known their entire lives, she relies more than ever on her passion to carry her through an uncertain time. Whatever form fate thrusts upon her, she will never stop making music, and that's all that matters...or it would be, if she could get one roommate to stop pestering her, and the other to stop a downward spiral of self-destruction.

Chapters (7)

Everyone knows Scootaloo: Ponyville's most prominent orphan. Despite her sad story, she always remains chipper and upbeat. Why is that?

Primary Cast: Spike, Scootaloo

Preread by TheWraithWriter.
Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

Three weeks after the events of Rainbow Rocks, the sirens are desperate. Without their hearts—the jewels that hold their magic—they have no power. They can't sing, can't manipulate people, and worst of all, can't feed. Their only hope is to restore their hearts, and they need to do it soon, before all three of them starve.

The problem is, they're not sure how to fix the hearts. All they've managed to figure out is that they'll need magic to do it, and magic is exactly what they don't have. Scared, starving, and completely out of options, the sirens turn to the last people who would ever want to help them, and the only ones who actually can: the Rainbooms.

Chapters (19)

When Maud Pie officially endorses the latest party game to hit Equestria, Pinkie can't wait to share it with her friends.

For all the wrong reasons, it's a game they won't soon forget.

The trendsetter so controversial, 60% of FimFic's mods ruthlessly crushed the subsequent bandwagon!

Stuff said about CAE:
"I never knew I wanted this until now!" - Xomniac
"Despite your vileness, I can't stop laughing at this fic!" - Professor Tactitus
"Illuminati confirmed." - AlesFlamas
"So weird, I reviewed it twice!" - John Perry

Rated Teen, but brace yourselves for some rather 'near-the-knuckle' humour and strong-ish sexual references. Oh my.

Edited by Kolth

Chapters (3)

One night at a get-together with her friends, Applejack learns that not only do her friends find her brother attractive, they've already got dibs on who will try to court the stallion. If they fail, the next mare in line will take her place. With the challenge set, will any of her friends succeed in seducing the stallion? Not if Applejack has anything to say about it!

With a special thanks to The Abyss for being my drinking buddy, editor, proof reader, and whatever else I'm sure he did when I was too intoxicated.

Chapters (1)

It has been weeks since the defeat of the Dazzlings, and Sunset Shimmer's friendships have only gotten stronger. Whilst finally relaxing in the times of peace, Sunset discovers an old enemy: Sonata Dusk. Strangely alone and apparently homeless, Sonata's luck seems to be at its all time low.
Seeing a little of herself in the former siren, Sunset embarks on a mission to help Sonata find friendship.

(For anyone who liked the old cover art, here's a side-by-side comparison of the old and new: http://daniel-gleebits.deviantart.com/art/Go-Compare-Twiddles-moustache-581352606 )

TV Tropes page: Feel free to add whatever tropes you find :raritywink:

Chapters (31)

Scootaloo doesn't get to see her mother as often as she would like. So when Celestia announces a contest where the prize is the chance to be a Princess for a Day, Scootaloo sees it as an opportunity to make her mother notice her.

The idea for this fic was originally done by Matt11 (you can read his version Here), I asked if I could try my hand at his premise and he agreed, so here's what I came up with.

Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2 edited by RandomSomepony4357 and Nuki Mouse

Chapter 4 edited by This guy

Chapter 5, 6 and 7 edited by Notapony (Yes I know that this story has a lot of different editors)

Chapter 8 and 9 edited by TheGreatEater (The list keeps growing)

Cover art done by choedan-kal and posted with permission.

Chapters (10)

Having been defeated by the Rainbooms, losing their dark powers, and even their ability to sing, the Dazzlings are all but happy with how Adagio's plan went. But, as they did when defeated before, they will brush themselves off and keep moving forward.. Now they have to continue living in this world, without their powers this time. As they go on, however, they will start to notice some changes amongst themselves, and realize just how this tragedy affected each of them.

Chapters (11)

There are some situations where being an Element-Bearer can help a pony in her daily life.

Getting a mailing address officially changed isn't one of them.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)