• Member Since 14th Nov, 2012

Jacket Stripe

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Lyra thinks Discord is an idiot for not thinking to dodge when the Elements of Harmony were about to strike him. Discord thinks this is the perfect opportunity for a game.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio reading by Dreamless Portal. Chinese and Spanish translations also available.

Chapters (1)

After what happened at the Fall Formal, Rarity comes to see that Sunset Shimmer's become little more than a recluse, a mere shell of her former self. It also doesn't help that no one in the school is even willing to give her a chance. Rarity sees this as inexcusable. So, honoring their promise to Twilight, she convinces the girls to try their hardest to get Sunset out of her shell by having the girl take part in their activities.

But will a simple shared interest be enough able to open up Sunset's rapidly closing heart?

Somehow featured! (8/12/14) What an awesome birthday present!
Image by Uotapo
Stolen from and Proofread by Harmony Charmer
Edited By the loyal Ersmiller

Chapters (21)

Once upon a time, there was a pony named Fan Service. She had an amazing life -- money, fame, good looks, but she realized it was missing something: character depth. And so she set out to seek the one thing that would make her life complete.

Written in four hours during a speed writing exercise. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is having a bad night. She turned into a demon, was forcefully turned back, and now has to deal with all the people she's wronged in the past. As luck would have it, it seems her demon self isn't done with her either.

Can the power of friendship overcome this maniacal creature, or is Sunset Shimmer doomed to bring death and destruction to everyone she meets?

Cover art created by the talented alittleofsomething.

Chapters (19)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)

Things haven’t exactly gone well for Trixie. Ever since the Alicorn Amulet incident she has seen her own fortunes shrink while Twilight's continues to soar. Now Twilight is an Alicorn and Trixie feels left behind. But Trixie has a plan; one Discord is all too willing to aid her in. For a price.

Note: (Immortal Twilight)
Takes place shortly after the defeat of Tirek.

Early chapters Primarily Proofread by Auramane and Slrvertigo. Mid to late chapters edited by myself.

Much thanks to Crowscrowcrow for help along the way with some scenes and ideas.

Reviewed by the Mighty Paul!

Chapters (15)

The Dazzlings are a formidable trio, but after a week of staying home together, Adagio is anxious to get away from her two companions for a while, and they split up for the day to catch up on personal needs and simple errands they had to put off all week. Nothing they can't handle, right?

Featured 11/16/14!

Chapters (3)

While lounging around Twilight's castle and airing some friendship-related grievances, Discord stumbles across a magic book containing letters from an inter-dimensional pen pal. As it just so happens, this pen pal also had sinister designs for Equestria, but was quashed by the Elements of Harmony. What's more, she's made amends since that day, and she's now Twilight's friendship student. Eager to bond with someone who can relate to him on a personal level and grow into a better draconequus, Discord packs his bags and heads off to the human world with Twilight's semi-blessing. His mission: Befriend Sunset Shimmer.

However, his plan has a bit of a snag. See, Sunset hasn't been keeping up with Equestrian events, and she never got the memo about Discord turning over a new leaf. As such, she believes that his sudden appearance doesn't bode well for Equestria, Canterlot High, or herself. Not only this, but the Sirens are privy to Discord's return as well, and they see this as a golden opportunity to bounce back from their own recent defeat. Well, Adagio does, anyway. Sonata doesn't want to live in a world that makes no sense, and Aria would rather maintain what little dignity she has left by not getting involved (or so she claims).

So while Discord is trying to earn Sunset's trust and show her what a good friend he is now, Adagio is trying to get in on an evil scheme that doesn't exist. And while that is going on, Sonata is appealing to the Rainbooms behind Adagio's back, hoping that they'll make Discord go away. With so much miscommunication thrown into the mix, you just know that hijinks are inevitable. Good thing Aria made popcorn.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Neighthirst.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to House that Heartbreak Rebuilt

Heartbreak, after a roller-coaster ride of an adventure, is finally in a home of her own, and an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader to boot! Unfortunately, her time with the Crusaders and the Summer Readers Club is more than just social calls - it's also a one-of-a-kind opportunity for Equestrian germs.

It's Fluttershy's turn to teach Heartbreak a lesson in friendship, but it will be a struggle to get a real understanding of kindness through to the sickest, most stubborn tan mare in Equestria.

Chapters (40)

Everypony daydreams.

Some ponies daydream about becoming rich and famous. Other ponies daydream about meeting their one true love. Still others daydream about becoming great heroes.

Celestia's daydreams are nothing like that. Indeed, when her mind wanders, she imagines what her life would be like if she was an ordinary mare. No tiara, no wings, no castle. Just an ordinary mare living an ordinary life in an ordinary town.

What would those daydreams look like?

Note: Special thanks to Justin for proofreading and editing!

Note 2: Electric Boogaloo: FEATURE!!!

Chapters (1)