• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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One day as Twilight takes inventory, she finds a strange scroll. Curious, she opens it, and unleashes a dark and ancient evil, the likes of which Equestria has never known. As the being goes throughout the land, it transforms, becoming more picturesque and dark. Lands become plagued by darkness, many ponies turn to stone, and the Elements of Harmony, as well as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, simply vanish.

However, there is hope, for from the scroll also appears a strange pair. One is a pony with strange markings along their body, and a flaming mirror on their back. The other is a small bug-like creature who seems to do all the talking and prefers to not be called a bug. Amaterasu is confused at what is happening, but knows that he/she must stop Orochi from taking over these lands, as he tried to take over Nippon. Harnessing the power of new brush techniques, will Amaterasu be able to bring peace and color back to Equestria, or will Orochi consume the land with his dark magic? Or, will another, darker threat take over?

An Okami crossover.

The Rating has been changed on recommendation to Teen due to the implication and reference to gore during two chapters.

Chapters (11)

This year, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had a terrific, horrific idea for a horror fun house. Things didn't go exactly as planned and hilarity chaos ensued. Now the rest of their friends are putting these two on trial to answer for their (minor) crimes.

Of course, it isn't entirely their fault, nopony really got hurt and there really isn't anything that bad to charge them with. Honestly, though, nopony had anything better to do that morning, so what the hey?

Sex tag for some fairly obtuse references, ponies at all mentioning they have a libido and apples.

Takes place before Season 3

Chapters (1)

Being a changeling is not easy, mainly due to having to feed on love, but the most difficult is having to find it to feed. Fortunately for Chrysalis, this is not a problem that she needs to worry about anymore. With her and Twilight together, Chrysalis found a way to feed on love without having to suck on the pony: which is through physical contact, praise and loving words. But one morning, she wakes up hungry, and Twilight knows how to feed her hungry marefriend.

Chapters (1)

While taking Chrysalis to the fair for a friendship lesson, Starlight accidentally inebriates herself. And Chrysalis has to deal with it for the whole day.

Chapters (1)

My take on the events of the first EQG movie in the continuity of the Hive Series by law abiding pony. Set between the events of Of the Hive and For the Hive.

While representing the hive of Stripped Gear at a Equestrian Princess Symposium in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle finds the Element of Magic, which she had been using as a crown, being stolen by a mysterious unicorn that escapes with it through a magical mirror. Now it is up to Twilight to find her way in the strange world on the far side of this portal and retrieve the stolen Element before it can disrupt the balance of this other world.

Chapters (11)

A crazy, wild ride with Null the changeling, as he delves into the magic that is Twilight and friends. Sent on a mission by the queen, he sneaks into Twilight's castle, in order to learn everything about the Princess of Friendship.

Chapters (6)

Vinyl Scratch, likewise known as DJ PON-3, is recognised throughout Equestria as one of the greatest musicians of her time; but few ponies know about the troubles she faced in the early part of her life. Born to a rich fabric merchant family, she was forced to suppress her interest in music for many years, until one of the textile mill workers suggested that she keep a diary in which to write about her feelings. Here is a selection of entries from her diary that tell the tale of how she first realised her music career, the challenges she faced along the way, and how fate separated her from the one pony who had come to mean more to her than anything else in the world.

Disclaimer: if there are those of you who think that the writing style in this is rather sloppy and rushed compared to my usual quality, that was pretty much intentional. I see Vinyl as the sort of pony who doesn't care too much about grammar, so any continuity errors and other mistakes are to be taken with a pinch of salt. Also, slight bit of AU due to a My Sweet Passion reference that contradicts the events of Slice of Life.

Chapters (7)

A production of the Dreaming of Collabs group, this is a story of a wishing comet that crosses the skies of Equestria. Each chapter is written by a different member around the same story idea. However, these chapters are not connected, but rather just a collection of short story ideas.

Art by Spirit Shift, here be his DA

I wanna rock by Evil Rat
Discord at the Observatory by Weatherbug
Snowdrop is (C) to SillyFillyStudios.

Chapters (3)

Vinyl is invited to play at a new club in Canterlot, and invited Octavia along. An overwhelming bass, tons of rowdy ponies and the reek of sweat; definitely not the atmosphere Octavia typically found herself in. A few bad decisions later, the musical mare finds herself on the ground, head throbbing, all while Vinyl was looking down at her, apologizing profusely.

Edits by Level Dasher

and my favorite mare on the moon.

Chapters (5)

Twilight’s flying lessons have taken to a slow pace, but things quickly heat up when she gets her very first wingboner... right in front of Rainbow Dash.

Could her best friend be responsible for this?

Youtube reading by Doom Pie Network

Chapters (1)