• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



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The nine mercenaries of Teufort hold several beliefs in common: weapon maintenance is vital, everyone else on the team is crazy, and a good hat is precious. Dell's a little worried about having two strange specimens from that last category just appear, but -- hats are hats, and one of them has already been claimed. Maybe it'll end there.

Maybe the original owners won't show up to take them back.

Maybe said owners aren't small magic-wielding equines.

...well, crap.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Rated C for Concheror Crackfic.

Chapters (1)

The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts had only been friends for a few days, but Equestrian magic decided to stick its' nose into their friendships, causing the Shadowbolts to be turned into five little babies, gifted with the magical ability to talk.

Now, Sunset and her friends must find a way to take care of the five Shadowbolts and keep them out of trouble while they find a way to fix this. But that's easier said than done...

The cover art was created by the legendary artist known as Jongoli245. Feel free to check out his stuff and support all that he does.

Chapters (13)

Wallflower Blush has finally been welcomed back into society following her shenanigans involving the Memory Stone. Now that she has a stable life at Canterlot High and a place in the hearts of many, Sunset Shimmer wants to make sure that it stays that way.

With the little help of a fluffy little friend for Wallflower.

Chapters (15)

(Death, Violence, & Gore Tags are for some D&D Scenes. i.e. fighting monsters and the like)

After the events of Friendship Games, though before Legend of Everfree, news about Canterlot High becoming "superior" to Crystal Prep has reached other schools and new students have transferred. So, when a new student comes to Canterlot, the girls discover that he's started a Dungeons & Dragons Club. In order to help him feel welcome, they join in. However, magic seeps into the game and soon begins reflecting the events across town. How do you try dealing with magic when everything is left to dice and chance?

Every time dice would be rolled in the game; I simulate those rolls in real life. That way, even I don't know what exactly is going to happen next.

(Chapters 1-4 edited by Circuit Breaker)
(4/30/2019) First time being featured! So cool and thank you to everyone who helped get it back there the many times since!

Since I'm rolling and more or less 'playing' a game of D&D along with this story, I need notes and character sheets to play it. And since I have all of these things I figured "why not share them with anyone who wants to check them out?"

The link above is a Google Docs folder with character sheets of all the Mane Seven's characters, plus a few other character sheets for later in the story. It also has some bonus documents I've thrown in as well.

As time goes on I'll be adding to it. Maybe cut chapters I have stashed away or other things. I'm trying to add some music playlists too for each of the Mane Seven's characters. It's something my friends do for their characters in our games and I've always wanted to test that.

Check out the Welcome Document before wandering through it. It tells you how to avoid looking at documents before they become relevant to the story. That is if you want to avoid spoilers. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (47)

Hitch does a favor for Pipp to help her get famous recording the first ever sighting of a Manticore. Things do not go as planned, and Izzy is determined to figure out where it all went wrong.

Part of the Generation 5 Bingo Contest

Pre-reader: Pilot Light

Chapters (1)

Princess Mi Amora Amicitia, or Twilight Sparkle to the few that know her Personal Name, may be the reigning Crystal Princess of the Crystal Empire. But that doesn't mean she can't be a normal pony when she wants too.

She hangs out with her friends, mingles with the crystal ponies, and has hopes and dreams just like any other pony her age.

Granted, she will one day ascend the throne as the next Crystal Empress. But that's never stopped her from trying to be as normal as possible.

But in a world that has just endured the Three Tribes Era and the Windigo Winter brought on by the racial hatred of the Three Tribes, normal is anything but for her and her friends.

These are some of their stories.

Chapters (5)

A thousand years after their deaths, Twilight is spend the night remembering the deaths of her friends, their funerals, and the legacies they left behind. During this night of remembrance, something knocks on the castle door. Twilight finds her royal guards unconscious and sees a strange bat pegasus. When trying to approach the odd visitor, the Princess knocks into an odd basket with an odd green egg inside. What could the bat pony have possibly meant, leaving this egg on Twilight's castle doorstep? And why would the pegasus think that Twilight could be trusted with raising a strange hatchling?

Contains non-indented paragraphs, depressed Twilight, and Fluttercord. Also a changeling newborn OC. If you don't like, don't read!

Chapters (1)

Discord, Discord Dos and special guest Discord Três decide to ruin your brain cells yet again. This time, Chryssi and Chrysalis meet Fluffle Puff.

Fluffiness ensues.

(Part of the Idiocyverse, many references will be had to past stories)
(Crossover between Bug in the Herd and Change)

Chapters (1)

Sometimes a simple stroll is just that. A simple stroll with a destination, be it home or somewhere else. But sometimes a simple stroll can turn into a waking nightmare. For Twilight Sparkle, a stroll home from a fantastic party hosted by Pinkie Pie will turn into an experience that will haunt her nightmares for a long time to come. The shadows begin to grow and expand. Nowhere is safe. Hiding is impossible. She can only run and pray that the light doesn't go out. The deadly dance of shadows begins.

(Sequel: The Deadly Dance of Shadows.)

Chapters (1)

Community service isn't exactly fun. Sunset Shimmer is learning that the hard way—especially when Saffron Masala keeps cooking extra meals that their soup kitchen couldn't pay people to eat. It's not fun, it's not worth it, and it's never ever ever going to change. And... for some reason, it seems Saffron's okay with that.

Now, six Wednesday nights out from the disastrous Fall Formal, Sunset decides that she might as well ask Saffron why.

Written for the May Pairings 2024 contest. Special thanks to my editors Octavia Harmony and Monochromatic, and to all of my wonderful prereaders. Art by me!

Chapters (1)