• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Changelings aren't liked. They have no close ties. They can't. No one will risk it.

Chrysalis spends most of her time looking at the lives others lead through their social media posts.

She didn't mean to feel anything as she looked at her, but she did.

Chapters (2)

His name is Dustin, but he tends to go by either Dee or Dustchu. He's a somewhat regular guy, loves to write fanfiction and daydream constantly instead of actually doing anything worthwhile with his life. But there comes a day in everyone's life that changes everything. Maybe it's meeting the love of your life, getting that job promotion you wanted so badly, or actually managing to go to another country and experience what little life has to offer you.

For our hero, Dee, it's being torn from his own world somehow and thrown into a world filled with magic, fantasy, and fuckin' rainbows in every direction. It seems like a world that is too good to be true, a world he had loved for five, almost six years.

But if he's learned anything by now, it's that beneath all of the glamor and sunshine... there's a whole heaping mess of darkness. Our hero's new life in this world isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows. But, before he gets into the nitty gritty of Equestria proper, he decides to go on the adventure of a lifetime! Instead of... ya know, going right there lickity split and shits. Follow Dee on his adventure throughout the vast world of Equus, as he tries to survive the fantasy world where darkness lurks around every corner just waiting to capture him in its icy cold talons.

Note: This story is a self-insert and it is written entirely for fun. And if you call the MC a Mary Sue, well I'll just take that as a compliment and assume you're telling me I'm perfect :heart: Enjoy friends!

Othernote: Coverart may change when something better is obtained.

Hit the Front Page 7/8/2017


Chapters (12)

In the middle of the night of 1986, a twelve-year-old girl wakes up to find an armored pegasus underneath her bed. The pegasus suddenly leaves, but not without the little girl following him back to Equestria. There she finds Princess Celestia when she asks the little girl what her name was, she nearly goes into shock.

"It's Lauren," she said. "My name is Lauren Faust."

Update: Proofread by Fort Impression and Airchi. And a huge thank you to SecrretBrony01 for finally getting this edited fully.

I also want to thank MrAquino, FanficFanPony and Starburst Gleam for helping me keep this story moving with their helpful suggestions. And a tremendous thank you to Lotus Moon for volunteering to read this on YouTube from beginning to end.

Chapters (16)

When anon woke up he didn't expect an adorable yellow pony to stare at him in his bed. Scratch that, he didn't expect a talking yellow pony in his bed.

Now what will they do?

Decided to do write something cute instead of whatever the hell my other story is. I might write some stuff here whenever I feel like I'm too burnt out from my other story.

Romance in this story is a big maybe.

Chapters (2)

She tries to provide a living example. Demonstrating how much better things could be when you're just happy and willing to get close. Of course, there are those who say that Izzy gets a little too close. But when she's in a new place every day, the disorientation is almost constant and she just needs to center on something sort of familiar... then at least there's other ponies. Frequently at a proximity of roughly seven tail strands.

Maretime Bay isn't fully comfortable with that. Which may be why the bulk of it just took out a restraining order. Trying to get Izzy to back off, just a little, until she learns to respect personal space.

Or maybe they're just trying to make an example out of her.

Cover art from a vector capture by Lavender-Bases.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (4)

Only a few days have passed since magic's restoration and when it comes to the little things, Pipp is still trying to adjust. Minor details like 'all of Zephyr Heights still knows I couldn't really fly' and 'I went outside and the dirt got me.' The royal family's reputation still needs a touch of repair, and that's why her mother is considering whether to send the siblings away for a while. Just until the gossip cools down.

Zipp wants to go investigate the new. Pipp would like to have her status quo back, thank you very much. So they can really fly now? Why does that mean things have to change?

...and maybe she can also make... lightning? Electricity? As in 'that stuff which keeps my phone, and therefore me, alive'?

The new might have possibilities. Which includes an increased chance of exile.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight's latest creation was meant to allow them a glimpse of civilizations not of their world. What they hear however, is more saddening, beautiful, and inspiring than they could have imagined.

Ponies picking up human transmission story for fun. Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (2)

Going through difficult life events is hard enough as it is. Add in the cacophony of ponies constantly reminding you of it, and you've got an even tougher situation on your hooves.

Roseluck knows this from experience, but so does someone else...

Featured on Equestria Daily! 5/17/2020

Chapters (1)

I am Cold, swirling snow that turns ponies against each other, searing ice that freezes them solid. I am Survivor, the one the Friendfyre spell didn't catch, an exception that proves an impossible rule. I am Fear, Frustration, Anger, Hatred, every emotion my Creator has ever felt. I am her Future. I am her Past.

I am Demon, and Clover the Clever is my Master.

Winner of Equestria Daily's Outside Insight Summer Fanfic Contest.

Featured in The Royal Canterlot Library on March 6th, 2015.

Chapters (5)

Side story to A little loopy.

In Starswirl's experiments he stumbled across a spell that created a stable time loop. Though initially unintended, he decided to take on some experiments.

Anything that was within the same room as him would not reset along with the loop, including ponies. And once Starswirl spends the end of a loop in a room to which somepony resets, well... poof. That pony's gone, forever, never to be heard from again.

But what if that's not the case? Maybe they're not gone forever, just, somewhere else. Clover the Clever happened to be one of those unfortunate ponies. ... I wonder where he is now.

Just a short little idea I had. I thought I'd just write it up and see where it goes.

Cover art based off of Twilight's Imagination by saturnspace.

Chapters (6)