• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Eureka has to defend her home, and with no options remaining she turns to a black art. She turns to Pyromancy. What followed is recorded as: The Trial of Eureka, The Last Pyromancer. Her last act is to plead her case and try to avoid exile.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, humans were suddenly all over the freakin' place.

Legends said nothing but horrible things about them, and that the only way to deal with a human was to make them no longer be a human. First contact showed otherwise, and cooler heads prevailed. The newly-organized Transmogrification department was gutted, with most of the agents sent to work elsewhere. Many government employees were organized to help the humans settle in; the best and brightest got to work at the extremely challenging job of calculating multiversal exchange rates so that human cash could be traded in for bits.

Now, for the first time ever, you can see what it's like to work at the Conversion Bureau.
(Don't forget to upvote if you fave!)

This is by far my most popular story, so... thanks, everyone!

Chapters (1)

Megan Richards is a normal, everyday wife and published author of 'My Little Horsey'... however the tales she writes about aren't fiction, but stories from her past. She thought she put the world of ponies behind her, but sometimes the past has a habit of catching up with you...

G1 meets G4 in a hopefully epic tale of the past, the present and the future.

I own nothing, also, minor cameos from other Hasbro properties such as Jem and the Holograms, Transformers G1 and GI Joe.

Cover image made by the very talented Egophiliac and from here.

fanfiction.net link!
Equestria Daily link... one of these days.
TV Tropes page
All the Tropes page

Sequel: The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

Side-stories and mini-arcs not able to fit into the main narrative: Side Stories of First Contact

Chapters (37)

Rumble has gotten himself into a very unfortunate situation that involved him kissing another mare in front of his girlfriend. Now he must face the wrath of his girlfriend who just happens to be the one and only Diamond Tiara.

The characters in this story are adults.
Source for picture: Link
Please comment on the story and like the story if you can. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

Chapters (2)

With Twilight away in Canterlot, Spike is left to his own devices. But Ponyville isn't the busiest of towns and before long, boredom begins to creep.

So to cheer himself up he decides to go spend time with his friends. Five stalwart companions whom he has known through thick and thin.

But Spike soon begins to realise that really, those are Twilight's friends. Not his.

In fact he starts to wonder whether, since he moved to Ponyville, he's actually made any friends at all...

(*2nd edition. Based on feedback, the final chapter and epilogue have been added-to to better reflect the contributions of the CMC.)

Chapters (6)

Vinyl Scratch and Lyra Heartstrings are vampires, creatures of the night whose civilization has lived in humanity's shadow for thousands of years. They are self-sufficient and prideful, only venturing out of their hidden cities to replenish their stock of blood. But ties to past lives are not so easily severed.

When Lyra catches wind of supernatural happenings in her hometown of Canterlot, she and Vinyl take it upon themselves to investigate the cause.

Chapters (3)

Octavia and Harmonia Philharmonica were on their way to Manehattan, ready to fulfill their duty as granddaughters and visit Nana. Vinyl Scratch and her brother Long Play were traveling back home from a concert in Canterlot, the first that Vinyl had ever attended. Pure serendipity facilitated these pairs' first meeting.

(Inspired by the pure adorableness that is the cover art)

Chapters (9)

Crossover with The Dresden Files.

Pinkie Pie randomly shows up at the apartment of one Harry Dresden, Wizard-for-hire. And then she does ... whatever it is that Pinkie Pie always does. Madness ensues as Equestria's craziest Party Pony inflicts herself on everyone's favorite cynical smartass of a wizard.

My Little Denarians is the sequel to this story.

This fic now has a dramatic reading courtesy of Comma Kazie and Lisa M.

Part 1
Part 2

Chapters (1)

Six-year-old Amy Knight Yearling spends an afternoon out running errands with her mother. It is a perilous journey fraught with savage cannibals, deadly bamboo traps, and ferocious jungle beasts.

Or, y'know, maybe just fruit snacks and ice cream.

Cover Art by s.guri

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo discovers an empty cardboard box behind the post office.

This is where her day begins.

Chapters (1)