• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



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An alternate universe story, in which Twilight Sparkle was born a pegasus, not a unicorn. Because of this, she isn't Princess Celestia's personal student at the School for Gifted Unicorns, and she can't wield the Element of Magic. Can she still help save the world from Nightmare Moon? Or will she fall under the dark powers of nightmares?

This was somewhat inspired by Rainbooms and Royalty, a story in which Princess Celestia picks Rainbow Dash to be her personal student.

Chapters (33)

<Set before S3E09, "Spike at Your Service"> Rainbow Dash has a problem. She's done reading the last of the "Daring Do" novels, and the next one isn't set to be published until the summer. She tells her troubles to Tank, and in the process realizes that if other ponies can't write fast enough to keep her reading, then maybe she should try her hoof at writing stories of her own. They say to write what you know, and Rainbow Dash certainly does know adventure. But writing about yourself isn't very cool. Tank, on the other hand, is awesome enough to deserve stories of his own, only nopony knows that. Yet.
— Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (9)

On the Pie family farm, there are only rocks. It's a life Pinkie moved away from. Back home, after a tragic event, her sister Inkie wonders if she should do the same. After all: it's hard to have a life worth living, with only rocks.

Written for the EQD Prereader Battle of June 2013

Edited by Vimbert.

Cover image edited by knighty.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom really screwed up this time. Her newest Twilight Time project, a body switching potion, fell into the hooves of Ponyville's resident DJ.

Now Vinyl and Octavia are stuck in each other's bodies with no way to change back. Looks like they'll have to learn to live like this for a while.

Proofread by bathroomstahl

Chapters (13)

Edit: installments are now multi-chapter. Explanation here.
First main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young stallion soars high into the clouds, searching for the Element of Loyalty.

Her original life lived and gone so long ago, Loyalty, like the rest of her friends, has changed and grown over her many lifetimes to guide the ponies of Equestria.

Because even after so long, the Elements of Harmony will always share their lessons of friendship.

Cover image belongs to Nyarmarr.

Chapters (4)

Chrysalis is dying and she has but one thought on her mind. When she is gone from the world, who will care for the one thing in the world she values above life itself?

What will she sacrifice? How much of her pride will be thrown aside? To what lengths will she go to ensure her daughter's life? Will she beg a mortal enemy for mercy, not for herself but for an innocent foal? She is already willing to die for her child so what else could she give to be certain of the filly's sustained happiness?


This is my entry for the EFNW 2014 Writing Contest. I'm really happy with it so it doesn't matter whether I win or not. Seriously I'm glad I got to tell this story.

Alright big shout out time. As of March 13, 2014 the impeccable Goombasa has posted this... HERE ... Now that a YouTube fanfiction reader has read one of my stories I am one step closer to world domination!

New big shout out time! As of August 28, 2018 the lovely CountessRose has posted this HERE ... Now that a second YouTube fanfiction reader has read the same story as last time, I am yet another step closer to worlds domination!

Now on to the important details, the shout outs to the artists responsible for the vectors and background I used to make the cover art.
The Chrysalis Vector
The Celestia Vector
The Background
Many thanks to them.

Chapters (2)

What makes a good story? Is it delicate prose and captivating description, as Twilight Sparkle claims, or is it non-stop action and entertainment, as Rainbow Dash has been arguing? With a stalemate between them, they decide there's only one way to settle this once and for all—a write-off!

The prompt? "Romance."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

"You can dance if you want to...."

When Glamdancer, a down on her luck dance pony, encounters a little rich pony; her life changes in many ways.

Special thanks to Anzel for the use of Opalescence (& family).

Chapters (10)

Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. She soon finds herself on her most perilous mission yet... with her biggest fan in the world. In the midst of truth and lies, loyalty and treachery, love and hate, one thing is clear ― some family situations are stranger than fiction.

The story extends in Through the Looking-glass and What Pinkie Found There and The Daughter Doo: Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader.

Many thanks to Honey Mead and statoose for their watchful and helpful pre-reading.

Ckat_Myla and statoose (CatNStat) have started an excellent reading of TSD.

Chapters (22)

Eureka has to defend her home, and with no options remaining she turns to a black art. She turns to Pyromancy. What followed is recorded as: The Trial of Eureka, The Last Pyromancer. Her last act is to plead her case and try to avoid exile.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)