• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

Medium Priority Read Later 5184 stories
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Total Words: 157,595,339
Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Applejack has never missed a meal on purpose before, let alone a Pie Day dinner – that glorious day of the week serving Granny's famed hot, fresh apple pie. So why was Applejack absent at the dining table today, of all days? Little does the rest of the family know, Applejack's a lot closer than they think – she's in her bedroom, nervously pacing around and building up the courage to perform the single hardest thing she's ever done.

What is this herculean task that not even Applejack can overcome?

Being honest…

Editors' credit goes to: ping111, NotMurphy, John Perry, and Distaff Pope

Cover art used with permission by MuffinExplosion

Rated Teen for light sexual references.
Featured on Equestria Daily 9-19-2013

Now With Dramatic Reading!

Chapters (1)

Captain Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
Certainly her dream job.
Well, dreams and reality are two very different things.

Especially when our newly minted captain has to deal with an empty roster, budget cuts, the first non-pegasi cadets, and the pressure of finding out your best friend is now your boss, let alone a princess.

If that weren’t enough to make her quit, her three wing commanders might. Cloud Kicker is a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen; Surprise makes no sense; and Lightning Dust is, well, Lightning Dust.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo arrives at the academy, ready and raring to prove she’s got what it takes to be an elite flyer. Pressure mounts as Scootaloo aims to make her hero proud.

Now on Equestria Daily
Editors: ping111

Thanks for pre-reading go to:
John Perry
Distaff Pope

Cover art used with permission by GSphere

Chapters (4)

When Scootaloo and a new student get into a fight at school, it's up to Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle to teach her the importance of Griffon/Pony relations by reading the story of the first encounter between a Griffon huntress and a Pegasus soldier.

Now on Equestria Daily

Cover Art By

Editing and Pre-reading done by

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy hits her head, and pops a gasket. And blows off some rage on ponies and animals in her wake.

Chapters (1)

A friend of famous mathematician disappears in Cloudsdale. A DJ is arrested during the show in Ponyville. What links those events? Will the consulting detective Twilight Sparkle solve the case, before another pony will become a tool in a hoof of a ruthless killer?
Now with a sequel!
Proofread by The11thWonder
Cover art by Rautakoura

Chapters (9)

Watching old movies is the newest Scootaloo’s hobby. Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, has rather bad experience with the film industry. How will she react when she finds out that her biggest fan decided to explore this, previously unknown, aspect of her show business career?
Inspired partially by “Rainbow Factory” by AuroraDawn, and Bones’ episode “The Suit on the Set”

Cover art by Art-Anon

Chapters (1)

I am a bat pony. I know what you think about me – I'm intimidating, I fly at night, drink blood, scare little fillies... Well, actually I'm nothing like that, though such reputation often comes in handy.

But sometimes it's so hard to maintain it...

Inspired by hawthornbunny.
Cover art by vectorvito.
Reading by Pony&Wolf Productions
Hungarian translation by Silence the Unicorn
🇺🇦Russian translation🇺🇦 by GreenWater

Chapters (1)

On a train at night, anything can happen. Especially, when it happens in Manehattan.

A stream of consciousness, inspired by the song Elektrichka by Kino. May or may not be set in the same universe as Manehattan Blues.
🇺🇦Russian translation🇺🇦 by FoxcubRandy, edited by ColdSky.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a great success. Two best guitarists in Canterlot High and a vocalist who only needed to remind herself how to sing forming a supergroup. What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by a conspiracy theory by Yukito.
Rated Teen for ponderings about sirens' biology.

Chapters (1)

Applejack has brushed her mane, put a ribbon on her hat, and there's a sway in her step. Most ponies just want to know who the special pony is.

Rainbow Dash doesn't buy it. Love is mushy, and AJ isn't mushy. Love means liking somepony more than her friends, and AJ would never like another pony more than Dash. Love means missing a game of horseshoes to go tell a pony that she's in love with them, and if there is one thing Dash is sure of, it's that AJ is not going to miss that game... no matter what Applejack thinks about it.

Chapters (1)