• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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The story of Rochelle, a changeling in Canterlot, and how she ends up with a most unusual job...

Prequel to the story A Meal Fit For A King

Chapters (6)

Packing up your entire life and moving to Ponyville? Not a problem. Starting your business from scratch (again)? Piece of cake. Getting others to accept your lifestyle? Filly, please. Give me a real challenge.
Getting ready for a wedding? ...Come on. This is Ponyville. Fifty bits says you can't even get past the invitations without something going wrong.

Chapters (5)

...but some of you will say I am.

As I sit here with the dagger that will end my life, I find myself filled with a sense of urgency. I am sure you will all be shocked and confused by what is to come, and henceforth I have taken the liberty of writing down my final musings and reflections of the past decade and a half. For posterity's sake, you see.

I am not insane. I am not evil. I am just a lone, simple traveler, and this is how I wiped out the changelings.

Now with it's own reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcRjCV8hEO8

Chapters (1)

Celestia, the ever regal and gentle princess...

Celestia, who along her sister, rules over the land for eons...

Celestia, holder of unlimited knowledge and the power over the sun itself...

Is still a mare. And a very lonely mare.

She always wanted a foal to call her son, but she was a princess. Something desirable by many, approachable by none.
So what happens when Celestia finds a young colt?

Why she will adopt him of course. And she will love him forever.

Despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent delirious mind.
Yes, she will love him, even if appearances can be deceiving...

Adam, the ever lazy and impulsive teen...

Adam, who wants nothing more than some peace and quiet, even if he's doing jack-shit to achieve anything...

Adam, holder of limited knowledge and power over his own laptop...

Is a pony. Or a colt, more precisely.

He was not always like that, though it doesn't change the fact that he is now. So, what will our human do in a foreign world, trapped in a foreign body?

Why he gets adopted of course.

And despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent childish mind.
His adoptive 'Mother' will love him.

And why does her sister looks at him that way?

Chapters (17)

There's no place like Donut Joe's diner to unwind after a long, hard day. Good company, great coffee, and the best dang cucumber omelette in Equestria. After the week Celestia's had, she could really, really use a place to get away from it all.

Here, the regulars all know her as Sunny Skies, the unassuming workaholic mare who hasn't taken a day off in... ever. Well, today's her lucky day. Sunny's about to have one apocalyptically long holiday.

Luna's become delirious with a fever, Discord's fled the castle in terror, there's a living moon locked in Celestia's dining room, and something is very, very wrong with Equestria's sugar.

Put on a pot of coffee, folks. We've got an all-nighter on our hooves.

Holy horseapples, Sugarfree has AMAZING FANART NOW! Cover art by the wonderful StyxLady.
Crazy huge thanks to Luminary, Brawny and Eakin for pre-reading and editing this horrid thing.

Chapters (15)

It's been a few months since Greg left the hive to be with the love of his life, Cotton Candy. For now, all seems to be going well: they've managed to hide themselves away on Cotton's little farm and share something of a life together. Too bad fate has other plans for them, in the form of a few nightmares from Greg's past.

Cover and coupling courtesy of merrypaws: http://merrypaws.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

A few years have passed since Princess Luna was purged of the evil known as Nightmare Moon by the Elements of Harmony. She took back her rightful place on the throne of Equestria at her sisters side.
On a sunny day, a couple of seemingly mundane events trigger memories long forgotten. Memories of a secret Luna hast kept to herself for far too long. Facing Celestia won't be easy. But she has no choice. It is her duty to care for her subjects, and she has to retake the responsibility she could not fulfill while banished to the moon.

In terms of full disclosure, the story got a review by TheifofZ.

What has happened since her disappearance? What will she find? A joyful reunion or devastation? What happened to her Children of the Night?

Inspired by Children of the Night. Cover art is a screenshot from the video. I do not know if there is an "official" story for the Children of the Night and I do not claim mine to be "canon" in the context of the video. These are just my thoughts on what might have happened back in the days.

This story takes place right before the season 4 finale.

Chapters (4)

"Are you happy? You know it’s your duty, right? Do as you’re expected!”

Twilight Sparkle lives with her friends in a technologically advanced utopia, where the happiness of everybody is guaranteed. There are no fights, no heartbreak, and no troubles of the past. Everybody lives in bliss.

Twilight and her friends need to rebel.


A/N If you're worried about that there OC tag, I can assure you that the only OCs are a few supporting characters. Rated Teen for violence and swearing, but used in moderation.
Beautiful cover art by the amazing Conicer

Chapters (28)

Things haven't been going well for little Snow Bolt. She's always in trouble at school, her father is always yelling at her, and the bullies at school pick on her relentlessly. But just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, she's kidnapped by a dragon, who plans to bake her into a pie. Can Snow Bolt escape from the monster's lair before it's too late?

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Audio Book reading by the immutable Illya Leonov!
Cover art generously provided by NovelIdea!

Chapters (10)

Arceus has been imprisoned for many millennia, and in that time he has watched his world fall apart. But once he is finally freed from his prison he decides that to protect his Pokémon, and his family, that he will move the Pokémon, and a few select 'humans' to a world where they might live in peace, Equestria. However, not everyone on this new world shares his view of peace and the very presence of the Pokémon upsests some of the citizens of the world, even some of the ones he brought with aren't too happy with the situation. But a god's will is a strong thing and without his willingness the Pokémon and the citizens of Equestria are going to have to learn to get along, or at least tolerate each other. And there's a slight problem with some of the humans too, well, former humans that is.

Big thanks to tdnpony for proof reading, editing, helping me with ideas, and so much more.

Just a few of the side stories from my growing collection.
Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier
A New World, A New Way-Swarm.
The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side
A Brave New World
A new World, Burning an Old Way

The rest can be found here, in my Fan Group. Group Linky.

Big thanks toxBUBBA1995x for the amazing new cover art!

I also have a Tvtrope page that is kept somewhat up to date by Kingofsouls if you know how to Trope, and want to help set it up, go here Tvtrope Link.

Since a lot of people keep aking this I'm gonna put an explanation here. I'm not following any one canon-verse here, I'm making a hodge podge universe with bits from the Manga, Anime, Games, and Movies, as well as some etcetera concerning issues addressed in none of them to great lengths. (Arceus' power is far beyond what he has in the games or movie and this does contain some Pokephilia, which comes from pretty much no canon material ever.)

Chapters (72)