• Member Since 20th Nov, 2012


2200 horse stories read!

Read 2258 stories
  • Read 2258 stories Everything that I have read on this site
    Created by Scarier
    - October, 2014
Found 1,333 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 44,800,717
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Apple Bloom was starting to get suspicious. No pictures of her with her parents, no stories about it, no flashbacks where she appeared together with them. So she took matters into her own hooves, and had some tests done in secret, with Twilight's help, to determine her actual relation with her supposed family.

The results were... certainly unexpected. Interesting, to say the least. Absolutely devoid of any logical sense, more appropriately.

Chapters (1)

During a routine visit to Equestria to see Princess Twilight, Sunset decides to bring her pet Ray along with her. Only... she wasn't quite expecting what he would turn into on the other side of the portal...

Chapters (1)

Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career.

She thinks this is normal.

Chapters (1)

Alicorn physiology is a fascinating thing. Their manes and tails, in particular, at least those of the most powerful ones, have a tendency to float and billow on their own, as a result of the intense magic present in their bodies. This same magic has, however, very different effects on other, less visible parts of their bodies. Effects that, unfortunately, Twilight had not been made aware of before she had to use such powers. She was not particularly happy about that.

This story is 100% Wintermist's fault.

1908305 on Derpibooru for the cover art, NSFW in case the fact that I didn't link to it directly didn't give it away.

Chapters (1)

It’s not uncommon for young stallions or mares to come to Cadance to request blessings in their love lives or some other such thing. It’s all part of being the Princess of Love, really. This latest request, however, is altogether new. Granting it could start a political firestorm, but a powerful part of her says she should do it anyway. Filled with indecision, she decides to get advice from the pony she trusts most.

Born from a minor thought experiment based on the theory of Equestria having a female supermajority population and the potential cultural impacts of such a society.

Generously preread by Wanderer D.

Cover art by vintage-kiddo (formerly known as JadedMelody613).

Rated teen for topical discussion of sex (just playing it safe).

Chapters (1)

Do you know who really loves Hearts and Hooves Day? Cadance.
Do you know who really doesn’t? Everypony Cadance meets.
Do you think they have a choice when she’s around? Hell no.

(Cover art by Madacon, which inspired the entire thing)

Chapters (1)

A natural-sensuous beauty the likes of which this pegasus had never seen. Smoldering teal eyes and an inviting smile full of sharp, pearly white teeth and gleaming fangs, a picture quite fetching for any pony drawn to such feminine wiles. Too bad he's not sure if he should trust the accused, changeling or not.

Fortunately, she's more interested in winding him up each and every time he brings her lunch while she awaits trial.

Preread by Rossby Waves.
Written for SPark's Twilight SParkle's Secret Shipfic Folder contest.

Chapters (1)

Beneath the blistering blizzard and the freezing frost that swallowed the world, a group of ponies cling desperately to existence. They are the last of ponykind, and the future of their species, if one even remains, rests solely on their shoulders. Hidden in a crater from the worst of the wind, Rarity and the other ponies who managed to find shelter struggle to eke out an existence in a life governed by one rule, and one rule only:

The City Must Survive.

Cover art by Ruirik.
Editing by Solidfire.
Inspired by the wonderful game of Frostpunk.

Chapters (1)

The worth of a dragon is measured by their hoard, so what happens when a dragon finds something so valuable as to make all other hoards small by comparison, but so precious they cannot keep it for their own?

A young dragon discovers the answer when she finds the priceless treasure kept by the Sisters of Song.

A tiny alicorn, named Cadenza.

Editors: Tek, Skywriter, PaulAsaran, Mitch H.

Cover picture credit: Harwick on Fimfiction or Harwicks-art on Deviantart.com
Wonderful reading by Illya Leonov here on YouTube

A guest author part of the Cadence of Cloudsdale series by Skywriter, set several decades before the second chapter of The First Time You See Her and the blessed Sister Kale.

Chapters (1)