• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!

Reading Now 927 stories
  • Reading Now 927 stories - 11356 unread chapters This is the stuff I'm currently neck deep in and waiting for it to update just like my icon would.
    Created by Camlio
    - October, 2014
Found 528 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 42,715,552
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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(Pic from Samaru163)
Part 1:From man to mare
Part 2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part 3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part 4:From man to mare: I love my mommy

Derry has gone through quite alot. He was turned into his doll, turned insane by Discord, manipulated by his Giga Sparkle into bearing a child, and having to deal with the pure essence of going through the birth process...and not getting any sleep for three months after. However, he has always doubted the authenticity of his Giga Sparkle's source of insanity. There's something suspicious about an "astral alignment" that just doesn't click in his mind.
As he thinks of this once more, he stands in front of his mirror. His reflection looks back, and this is where the most dangerous of his opponents will appear; himself.

Extra tags: Sad (because I'm very capable of mixing sad and comedy)

Chapters (9)

Part1:From man to mare
Part2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part5:From man to mare: Time to tell

Derry, now Silver, had a little "issue" during Hearts and Hooves day. Both he...erm...she...and Cyclon now have to deal with the thing that "Silver" feared since becoming a mare: being pregnant. As a man, the thought of pregnancy was reserved for women so he never thought that it would affect him afterwards. Hopefully, with the help of the six, she'll manage to deal with eleven months of swelling up, but will the introduction of a little face actually manage to break the barrier surrounding "The hermit"s heart? And will Cyclon retain all of his motor skills and the majority of his body?

(This one won't be short like the previous. After all, "An aching heart" was meant to be a cliffhanger story)

The pic is from HoovesLikeJagger. Cute and cuddly, isn't it?

Chapters (13)

Set about twenty years in the future. Spike and Rarity have been happily married and all was great in Equestria... until the unicorn's age began to show. While making her way back from Zecora's, a certain spirit of the night approaches the middle aged mare with a proposition to once again turn her into Nightmarity. As for Spike, how does one deal with their spouse coming home with a new body and sharing it with a millennium old evil.
*Haven't seen many fics featuring characters from the MLP:FIM comics.


A collaboration with GiantMako

A/N: This is a gallows dark romantic comedy. The cover art is not indicative of the story, just needed a really good image of Nightmare Rarity and Spike.

Chapters (5)

Shining Armor confesses to Celestia that he might no longer be able to serve as Captain of the Guard, due to his unique marriage situation. Being in love can make one dreamy and distracted, but this is different. The love of your life doesn't usually hunt you.

A light-hearted one-shot.
For serious and deep stuff, try my other story. Teen for sexual topics.

Cover art by the talented Conicer of DeviantArt and Fimfiction
originally made for TheWraithWriter's story here.

Chapters (2)

We are hated, disrespected, hunted, killed, banished.

We aren't respected as living beings.

So what are we gonna do? We're gonna fight for our lives.

We are changelings, and we deserve respect.

Chapters (2)

Newly married Princess Cadance and Shining Armour return home after their honeymoon happy to be home again and ready to help out around the castle however they can. However, when Cadance discovers a small creature hiding in her room, she has a choice to make. Turn the changeling in to the royal guard or keep it a secret.

Warning: This story is made mostly for Dwaaa'a and will likely hit you in a feel or two.

Chapters (11)

After the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, the changelings left behind don't know what to do. They eventually decide to seek the one who defeated their queen and make her theirs. What really goes on in a changeling's head? Can Cadence handle the vile creatures without prejudice? What do the crystal ponies think?

Teen due to cursing, only references to sexual stuff, and cursing

Chapters (5)

After the Changeling invasion, Cadence stumbles upon a young changeling that looks just like Chrysalis. An argument ensues but Shining is finally convinced to adopt the innocent foal.

Trigger word: cuteness
Story prompt/Requested by: Breath of Plagues
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron
Part of my one-shot week.

Chapters (1)

Cadence and Shining Armor visit one of their generals and his wife in the hospital to give their congratulations on the new born foal. However... the visit wasn't as routine as they first thought.

Based off ScopeEva's prompt/idea during a discussion. Told ya I'd put it on my to-do list.

Chapters (1)

Meet Pipsqueak.

Pipsqueak, or "Pip" as he prefers to be called, has quite the imagination. There are times when he is a fearsome pirate, scourge of the seas of Equestria. There have also been times when Pipsqueak has fantasized about being a gallant prince, traveling the land, saving fair maidens, slaying wicked beasts, and being hailed as a hero by his peers. Not once did he ever imagine he'd get exactly what he wished for in the form of Princess Luna adopting him, making him an actual prince! Soon enough, Pip learns that being a prince isn't as glamorous as he thought it to be, and that there are more than a few downsides to being a part of the royal family. One in particular downside coming in the form of a nuisance named Blueblood.

On the other side of the coin, Princess Luna must adjust to her newly-found position of motherhood, balancing the task of providing her adopted foal as normal a life as possible for a young prince, while also making sure the nobility and paparazzi keep their hooves out of their business. Fortunately, this mare not only has the entirety of the Royal Guard, including her own Night Guard at her disposal, but her sister and niece also happen to be fiercely protective of the newest member of their family.

Chapters (6)