• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!

Reading Now 927 stories
  • Reading Now 927 stories - 11354 unread chapters This is the stuff I'm currently neck deep in and waiting for it to update just like my icon would.
    Created by Camlio
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 42,715,330
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Season 1: November 28, 2012 through January 1, 2013
Season 2: February 24, 2013- February 23, 2014
Season 3: To be announced sometime in 2014. (well before Half-Life 3)

credits go out to Marik_Azemus for the amazing cover he drew for the first season of the story and SuperBigMac for all the help he's given with writing this intricate idea. I'd also like to thank my friends and you the fans for all the amazing support!

Henry was like any average person, content, happy, and always looking for the brighter side of things... Until a traumatic event tears him apart from the very core, changing every facet of who he was and could have been. Years passed and his condition never truly improved, even when he moved out of his parents home, a place with nothing but dark memories and empty promises. Despite that, he's tried his hardest to stay strong as he works towards his major in Music Arts, regardless of the disadvantage his condition creates for him.

A fellow musician renowned for her many concert performances literally stumbles into his life and begins to show a different side of what it means to live. Can she help pull him from the shell he created around himself and teach him to be true to himself or will the weight of the world be too much for him to bear?

Chapters (14)

(Contains spoilers of MEGAMAN ZERO, MEGAMAN X.)
After nearly being killed by Dr. Wily. Zero learns a few simple truths about himself that put his entire life into perspective. As his rage fades, he finds himself exhausted from the constant war he has had to wage to survive. After surviving the explosion of ragnarock and the landing on is home world. He seeks a different form of releif. With the help of Cyber elves X, Elplizo and the four guardians, Zero finally finds a world with no technology. A land called Equestria

(First few chapters detail Zero's arrival on Equestria. The story will center around him, and will feature random members of the pony society. as a result I'm gonna leave the Cast list fairly blank for the moment.)
TITLE PICTURE badly put together by me. (LOLZ)
Zero artwork taken from google. MLP cast pic thing by Crunch Nugget
http://fav.me/d4m4teq [link to pic] ^_^ its simple but it works. Will have a second title image later on, but that on would be spoilerish if used now.
Oh yes, Megaman, Megaman Zero, and all other Megaman related References are thanks to Capcom for making the utterly awesome game.
[thanks to the 'how to write cross overs post thing that reminded me about that, I apologize for how long it took me to credit those I owe much to.]

Chapters (22)

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often most meaningful. A life of standards and a sense of class has led her to assume that breaking these standards are wrong, and that reining in one's true emotions is a path to success.

However, something has been keeping her up at night and threatening to break the mold she has lived by throughout her life. Which will crack first, her presumed lifestyle or herself?

Chapters (13)

Luna discovers something hidden from Celestia for twenty years, now, with emotions running high, she enlists the help of the Mane 6... but what seemed to be a single mystery, soon reveals a darker and much more complicated plot that will soon decide the fate of Equestria.

Check out the Empty Room TV Tropes Page (Warning: Spoilers!)

Revised chapters edits and proofing (with many thanks) by: lammy, Trevor, Nick Nack, Fifth Alicorn

Chapters (29)

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy thought they were going to help banish Discord for a third time with their friends and the two princesses. That was precisely what was happening until they both found themselves suddenly transported to a strange new world under a flashing pink sky.

A man named Doug "TheSlorg" Collins finds two young women who are naked, confused, and smell of fudge in the Australian Outback. He then reluctantly agrees to help them return home. But when "home" turns out to be Ponyville, things become a bit more complicated than he bargained for.

Part of the PonyFall collaboration series.
Visit the PonyFall TV Tropes Page
Temporary cover art by Speccysy

Chapters (37)

The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

Inspired by the story image, RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse and Trinary's "Rainbooms and Royalty", I give you my take on the alternate universe concept. Namely, a universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.

The thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is approaching. With it will come the return of Nightmare Moon. Celestia has no student to call upon to save Equestria, and is doing all she can to make the last day of peace meaningful for her people.

Meanwhile, Spike "Purple Prose" Flail is a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. He finds himself being shipped down to the boonies with his longtime friend and assistant, Twilight, to cover the biggest festival Equestria has seen in a millennium!

But even with a visit from the princess, there's no way someplace as boring as Ponyville could ever be newsworthy. Right?

A/N: Credit for cover image goes to dzetaWMDunion on Deviantart art.

Story would also include character tags for Thunderlane and Cheerilee if not for the character tag limit.

Now has a TVTropes page!

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Red Version

When Giovanni steals a time capsule and modifies it to take him back to a specific point in time, stealing a small portable storage system device called a Pass(that may or may not be used to travel to the MLP universe), it is up to Blue to find him and stop him from trying to capture the ponies and sell them for profit.

And when there's a chance to capture a legendary, it's win win. Plus, Blue knows if he didn't join Red to travel back in time, he would miss out on the chance to get his own rare pony Pokemon. (That Red managed to get one of but he didn't)

That...And Giovanni has stolen all the badges that belonged to Blue's gym.


Blue is planning on getting a Pokemon-proof safe once this is all over.

Chapters (39)

Two best friends, Anon and Mous land in Equestria after they are swallowed up along with their apartment. The two try to live their lives in relative peace as they learn to make friends and family with the colorful equines, in spite of all the obstacles fate throws their way. Along the way they strive to keep to the universal law they hold so true: Friendship is Magic, but Bro-ness is 5ever.

-Authors note:This fic has lots of Youtube links to songs to set the mood for certain scenes, if any of the links are broken, just drop a comment below and let me know where it is, thanks. -Mandroid.

Chapters (102)

In his search for someone dear to him, the Hero of Time is tricked by a fairy spirit and drawn to Equestria, where he soon finds that both realms share not only long lost connections, but also enemies both thought gone. With the alliance of Hyrule's greatest nemesis with the thousand-year-old menace of Equestria set on permanently ridding themselves of those who foiled their plans, it'll be up to the Elements and a boy to once again take on their roles as heroes and unearth a history few even know of.

Legend in the Making (CMC): http://fav.me/d5u6mgh
Olivia: http://fav.me/d5th7n2
They're after you (Poeny and AB): http://fav.me/d5moavt
Applebloom: http://fav.me/d5em3dv

MLPxLegend of Zelda crossover (if that wasn't obvious ahah)
Though not much prior knowledge of the Legend of Zelda series is required, you may not recognize some names if you're a stranger to the franchise. Takes place after Ocarina of Time, but before Majora's Mask.

(20-12-12) Chapter 1 has finally been rewritten!
Chapter 2 has also been corrected and updated!

Chapters (21)