• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!

Reading Now 927 stories
  • Reading Now 927 stories - 11356 unread chapters This is the stuff I'm currently neck deep in and waiting for it to update just like my icon would.
    Created by Camlio
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 42,715,552
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Humanity, a species long thought exterminated by Celestia during her early reign, and now regarded as a terrifying legend. However, this changes when one reappears near the Everfree forest after a sting of dissapearances, all vastly unpleasant. This human, however, is vastly unlike the creatures of lore, being much larger and uncivilized than humans of legend. Also, unlike known humans, this one turns into a great, reptilian beast when angered, among other abilities. Luna, never having never seen a human before, wants to civilize it, and possibly use it as a secret weapon. Celestia, having supposedly eliminated humanity in the first place, wants it gone. But what say does the poor human get in this? None, as he can't speak Equestrian. That's not going to stop him from having an opinion, though.
(please read the author's notes when you can, they are usually important.)

Chapters (18)

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. This Spike isn't a puppy though and must show the world that he isn't a pet but much more. Watch as Spike grows into his destiny as a protector of not just the wildlife of Equestria but the very balance of nature itself. Spike will have to battle against everything from, manticores, hydras, constellation beast, timberwolves, corrupt forest gods, and everything in between.

Featured 5/18/14

Chapters (16)

When a human arrives in Ponyville, Applejack takes her in. She slowly begins to realize why she wants to protect this girl.
Wow! I want to thank everyone who has given the time to read the story and all the wonderful comments! Thank you all so much! You don't know how much all your comments, likes, and favorites means to me!

Okay I should probably clarify, that even though I wrote girl, that she is an adult. And not adopted.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Of Princesses and Changelings.

A month has passed since the events of the last story and now Cadence has been taken to the Changeling lands in the hopes that getting to know the Changelings better will help her get over the deep seated bigotry she holds. Everything is not peaceful in the Changeling ranks, however, and tensions between the species' hives could spell doom for Cadence.

Meanwhile Shining Armor, not wholly convinced of his wife's actions, sets out to discover what really happened to Cadence during her attempts to take down Chrysalis.

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia has returned from a diplomacy mission with the Changelings, and she has a big surprise. She and Queen Chrysalis have fallen for each other and are now a couple. Cadence, more than a little distraught over what has transpired, plans to separate the two and prove that Chrysalis is still the evil enemy she was at the Royal Wedding.

Sequel: To Cast the Doubt Away

Chapters (37)

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if all who behold you see naught but a monster? Given the chance, can this view change? Sometimes, it just takes one person to reach out...and help.

This story is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual references and situations.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters directly associated with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story.

Cover art used with full permission from mysticalpha

As I'm sure you can tell by the dates of submission, this story was started quite some time ago. Instead of completely ignoring things that have happened since season 3 on, this will be an alternate reality that branched from shortly before Twilight began the path to become an alicorn.

Chapters (9)

It was never supposed to end like this.

Princess Cadance has saved all of Equestria from the changeling threat. What comes next isn't going to be half as easy.

One wedding may be cancelled, but a new engagement has begun.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry and Spanner in the Works for two great fics that are well worth your time.

Warning: This is an attempt to make the Cadance/Chrysalis ship work, without too much darkness (though there will be some), or it leading to an inevitable bad end. If you hate this idea, believe that Cadance ending up with Chrysalis is automatically a bad end regardless of circumstances, or just think it's plain impossible to pull off then please move on as this fic is probably not going to be for you.

Still if you want to see if this pretty cracky ship can somehow be made to work, and have some fun along the way, then this just might be the fic you are looking for.

If you still hate the concept enough that you feel that you have to hit the dislike button, then fair enough, but if you find something else objectionable then please post a comment, or basically I'm going to assume that you're just disliking the ship rather than the story and ignore you.

The Sex tag is there for some of the humour, some implication to off screen activities, and a few bits on screen that while are no where near the mature rating do push things somewhat compared to the rest of the fic. If you're wondering where the Comedy tag went I decided while I do believe there's a lot of fun and amusement to be had, I can see why it might mislead some readers as some of the events are taken more seriously that you'd expect from an all out comedy.

Chapters (12)

Explosions. Sword fighting. Magic. Spaceships. Angels of the Goddess. Mushrooms. A Pink Puffball who eats everything in his path. Cuteness. Plumbers. Invasion. Barrel Rolls. Taking down armies single handed and living to tell the tale.
A day in the life for Mario, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox and Pit, a team of fighters known in their joint universe as The Protagonists, all with their fair share of dealing with A LOT of bad guys. But a raid on a Space Pirate base reveals that their rivals - the Final Bosses- have decided that rather than start by conquering their own universes, protected by the Protagonists, they'd rather crush a different, unsuspecting world via trans-dimensional technology.
Unfortunately for them, The Protagonists foil their scheme, only for an explosion to blast everyone to the Final Bosses target destination: Equestria, a cheerful world of ponies where the need for protection seems to be absent. Unfortunately, it seems that the residents are not as harmless as they look.

For several weeks, weird things have been happening in Equestria. Well, weirder than usual. Odd creatures have been emerging from the Everfree Forest, seemingly watching the town of Ponyville. When the strange creatures attack, Celestia sends Equestria's military to Ponyville to help protect the citizens.
The Element Bearers are assisting the citizens of Equestria in defending their homes from invasion. However, the monsters begin attacking on all fronts, and nothing is looking good for the ponies of Equestria.
Luckily, there are some individuals nearby who are plenty experienced in dealing with bad guys. They call themselves the Protagonists.
Everything is about to go wrong, Mares and Gentle colts.

This story contains spoilers for different games in the Mario, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Star Fox, Kid Icarus and Metroid franchises, as well as for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Events also take place after the Season 5 premiere, so no canon after the opener will be included (although information revealed in those events are fair game).
Edited by the awesome XSomeGuyX
Canon-Checked by BeneathTheShade

Progress Report-
666 views?! The mark of the devil :pinkiecrazy:
5 dislikes!
Rated 7.8/10 on IGN!
1000 Vizzles :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (3)

This is the story of a brony, who inserted into Equestria.
But instead of a pony, he became the enemy of Celestia.

Would he decide to do what’s right, to love and tolerate
Or would his evil changeling nature make it hard to integrate

Then there is the question of the duty that is his natural birthright
Tasked by the changeling Queen, he was to murder Princess Twilight

So, here’s my attempt at a SI with a bit of a twist that others have done before. Go to Equestria, end up on the wrong side of the tracks, and have to deal with it. Enjoy!

Art provided by SoukiTsubasa

Chapters (13)

Twilight is conducting a study on the physical resistance of unicorns. Rarity agrees to help her. She, and her rear end, would soon regret that decision.

Chapters (2)